Explain The Emergence Of Science Of Psychology

Explain the emergence of Science of Psychology?

Explain the emergence of Science of Psychology. How was it started, developed, how has it changed?

I can't find a website that will help me completely, can you please help me!!!! PLEASE! If you could send me a good link that explains it that would be great! Thanks!

What is the difference between psychology and social science?

Sciences in general are fields in which empirical (experimental, observation based) evidence is sought to further our understanding of the world. Social sciences are fields which apply this empirical method to social phenomena (human behaviour, social interaction etc…) Psychology then, on these definitions, is a form of social science. It is a field in which empirical methods are used to understand the underlying causes of human behaviour.

What are the FOUR scientific goals of psychology?

What are the Goals of Psychology?
To describe, explain, predict, and control behaviour and mental processes
Describe: tell what occurred Explain: tells the why
Predict: under what conditions is the behaviour/event likely to occur
Control: how is the principle applied or what change in condition is necessary to prevent unwanted occurrence or to bring about a desired outcome

What is the relationship between psychology and political science?

They are closely related fields that have roots in other social sciences, such as economics, education, sociology, communication, business. Psychologists attempt to explain roots and consequences of political behavior by applying basic theories originated from social and cognitive psychology. They also develop new theories that would provide or predict psychological explanations of political phenomena. In fact, psychology and political science were combined in one powerful field called political psychology. This field brings together achievements in psychology and political science and illuminates their connections from the point of view of cognitive psychology, social psychology, and political science. This relationship provides a great explanation of social relations and helps people to see why political events evolve in a particular way.

What are the differences between psychology and sociology?

SociologyAt best, sociology is considered a soft science due to how holistic it is. This means it takes in the bigger picture.It doesn't see you as just a collection of cells, but rather a member of several social groups that are affected by the overall state of your society.So, for example, there could be a white MC male that goes to college, but also someone could be a black WC female that dropped out of education.What sociology does is try and explain why there's a difference and this is predominantly expressed through the different sociological perspectives:Marxism (critical of the capitalist hegemony).Feminism (critical of the patriarchal hegemony).Functionalism (all of society’s institutions work together to create a collective conscience, thus strengthening society).Fundamentalism (belief in tradition).Postmodernism (society is now determined by choice).Subcultural theories (we’re a product of association).Alongside these, it looks at the impacts that social policies have.PsychologyThis is definitely considered a science as it has a scientific emphasis in that psychologists will infer cause-and-effect.It's generally more, but not wholly, reductionist than sociology as it tries to give simple explanations for complex behaviours; of course, though, this level of reductionism varies between psychological fields: social psychology is more holistic than neural psychology, yet they are both more reductionist than sociology.For example, then, sociology might explain depression as a result of the recession, yet social psychology might argue it's because of a loss of a love one, and then neural psychology argues it's due to a lack of serotonin.There are more than just those two fields, too.In psychology, the general approaches taken are as followed:Psychodynamic (unresolved childhood issues).Behaviourist (the result of learning within our environment - consequences and interactions).Cognitive (internal mental processes).Humanistic (advocating we have free will and how positive our environment is impacts our life).Biological (our genetic make-up: neural, genetic, and evolutionary).Hope this helps! :)

What is the emergence theory in the field of cognitive neuroscience/philosophy of mind?

Emergence is a phenomenon whereby complex properties occur in systems built of units without those properties, that is, where a property exists only of the whole, and not of the parts that make it up.This phenomenon exists in many fields - one common example is life - all life is made up of a few basic chemical elements - but none of these elements are alive, therefore life is an emergent property.In the field of cognitive science, this approach is often used by those with a physicalist approach to the mind. The basic idea is that the mind, consciousness and cognition are emergent properties of the complex system that is our brain - or to phrase it differently, all that our mind is, is the result only of the physical object that is our brain, nervous system and body. There is no additional "thing", physical or metaphysical, that gives us consciousness.This has important repercussions for discussions of what it means to be alive, think, feel and so forth. It ties in to questions relating to the Turing test and the Chinese Room (as first phrased by Searle), as to whether we want to call a computer that acts as a human would "alive" or "conscious", and whether we want to say that it is " thinking".

Consider the statement “psychology has a long past but a short history.” What do you think this means?.....

Psychology deals with the Mind-- Man has been around for thousands of years, mental problems still as much as real back then as they are now! A short history meaning the study of and cures for these psychological problem have pretty much just arrived on the scene. That is my opinion!