Explain This Sentence For Me

Can someone explain this sentence to me?

Well, break down the sentence,
oxymoron:NOUN: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist

Idiom: NOUN: 1. A speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements
Example: In the English expression to kick the bucket, for example, a listener knowing only the meaning of kick and bucket would be unable to deduce the expression's actual meaning, which is to die.

The only thing I can really think of about this, is that Bull Head City is a fake city lol. And I don't know the context that this is coming from, so I would definitely break down your sentence,and use the surrounding context to come up with a meaning.

Please explain this sentence to me?

This was fun to think about!

This sentence needs a little bit of background. Recently there has been a new wave of political correctness that insists on replacing every instance of "man" with "person" to avoid being sexist. For example, "mailman" becomes "mailperson" or "layman" becomes "layperson".

This must have been an extreme case of that political correctness-- replacing even the "man" in "manipulate" with "person" to make "personipulate".
This is ridiculous, because the "man" in "manipulate" does not have anything to do with a man vs. a woman. In fact, it comes from the latin word for hand.

It seems someone had found this in a book on political correctness, maybe as an example of taking political correctness too far. They might not have gotten it right when taking it from the book, however, or the citation of this example in the book might not have been confirmed.

Cool question! Thanks.

Explain the sentence for me?

who can explain the following sentence for me

Mercantilism is as much a set of observed policies as it is a truly unified economic doctrine set forth by major scholars

i am not a native speaker,and i don't get it.

Can you explain to me the errors of this English sentence?

This feels like a run on sentence to me. I remember being taught in elementary school that if you use “and then” to try to connect two thoughts, you create a run on sentence. So, I think the sentence is missing the correct punctuation and conjunctions to make it flow grammatically.The simplest way I can think of to correct the sentence is: I spent hours writing that report and checking all the information was correct; and then without thinking, I pressed the delete button.All I think you have to do is add a semicolon and a comma. The semicolon acts like a comma and conjunction or a simple period would in the position I have put it in. The comma is a way to separate the dependant clause from the independent clause (or main idea) for the second half of the sentence. So, you now have a single sentence that is no longer a run on.Stylistically however, I would change the sentence to: After spending all that time writing and making sure every detail of my report was correct, I accidentally pushed the delete button.Depending on my mood and whom the sentence is directed to, I would add emojis like these to the end: \U0001f62d\U0001f631\U0001f635.

I will let him to explain. Is this sentence correct?

No it’s not correct.LET + someone + infinitive (no ‘to) is a grammatical structure.I will let him explain. (NOT I will let him to explain.)I let my son eat chocolate. (NOT I let my son to eat chocolate.)Do you let your dog sleep with you? (NOT Do you let your dog to sleep with you?)ALLOW + someone + TO + infinitive is an alternative.I will allow him TO explain. (NOT I will allow him explain.)I allow my son TO eat chocolate. (NOT I allow my son eat chocolate.)Do you allow your dog TO sleep with you? (NOT Do you allow your dog sleep with you?)

Can someone explain this sentence for me?

If the cattle gods get into a fight with one who blames you for his lost cattle and wishes you dead, then you would be better off drowned in the sea than to spend the rest of your life suffering alone on an island. (Of course, heifers could also allude to women, in which case I'd say to leave his heifers alone!)

Can you explain the meaning of "pull off" in this sentence for me?

Here is the sentence I don't understand the when I reading a page on Wikipedia today:
"Their sophomore release was pulled off for over ten times and it is still uncertain if it will ever be released."

I guess the meaning of the phrase "pulled off" in this sentence is similar to "delay" or "put off". Is my guess correct?
If I am wrong, please tell me the right answer.