Explanation Of Light Energy And How Can Be Transformed

How does electrical energy being transformed into light energy?

Light bulbs are considered resistors, something that resists the flow of electricity, with this being said the filament of the bulb (the actual resistor) heats up as much of the electrical energy gets transferred into the surrounding material as heat. This heat within the filament excites electrons into higher orbitals and as they go back to their original shells the energy released comes out in the form of light and heat.

Hope this helps

How can energy be transformed?

Biological energy transformations:

Converts light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of sugars

Converts chemical energy from inorganic molecules (CO2, methane) into chemical energy in the form of sugars

Converts chemical energy in the form of sugars to chemical energy in the form of ATP which is used to do work (converted into heat energy, kinetic energy, etc).

What are the energy transformations that occur in a light bulb?

Tungsten has a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) that nets a 10:1 rise in R.Energy consumed is a pure non-linear resistance with temperature.= I^2Rt.The gas inside is an inert insulator and so the temperature rise for the volume and surface area is predictable.  The energy is radiated in the form of a broad span of wavelengths determined by the temperature. Most, 85% is infrared light or heat and 15% is visible spanning but declining from the deep red to purple spectrum. Energy is always conserved if you use the waste as a heat source, otherwise it is wasted.There are chemical wear factors defined by Arrhenius Rules of Chemistry loosely says that for every 10'C rise, results in 50% loss of life expectancy ( if no other defects or stress exists).  In this case, chemical erosion of the tungsten material, and when jarred or from the force of a power-on surge is more likely to break.  Here the energy is converted to chemical reactions to cause failure.

What are energy transformations?

Energy comes in many forms: mass is one form, and can be transformed to another form, such as thermal energy, commonly called heat. Burn a piece of paper in air, and a little of its mass and a little of the oxygen of the air is transformed to thermal energy of the products. An ordinary uranium fission reactor transforms some of the mass of the fuel to heat and boil water and generate electrical energy. An ordinary star “burns” hydrogen, producing heavier elements and transforming some of the nuclear mass to heat and light. Large stars late in life can fuse nuclei so rapidly as to be a supernova explosion, scattering elements which eventually can make life possible in some planet in the future. Energy loosed in stars is the basis of almost everything of interest.

How is energy transformed into usable energy?

Wind energy is transferred to the blades of the windmill and cause them to rotate...

A shaft attached to the blades rotates and is connected to an electrical generator whose shaft also rotates...

The electrical generator has strong magnets and coils of wire...

The rotation of the generator shaft causes the coils of wire to pass through the field of the magnets...

That relative motion causes electricity to flow...

If you want a light bulb to light right now you can use the instantly generated electricity...

If you also want the light bulb to light when the wind is not blowing you can use the electricity generated to charge a battery which you can use at quiet times...

How can sound energy be transformed to other form?

"Relying on the speaker's volume and clarity sounds like a weakness, but it is also one of the key advantages. Sound powered phone technology has found a place of special importance for emergency communications networks in industry as well as for everyday use in shipboard applications. Being voice powered means that when regular telephones go down or the ship loses power, there is still a way to get those vital messages to the stations that need them."

The U.S. Navy uses these phones very well. It has no batteries. It uses magnets in the headset and in the mouth piece to power the headsets.

How can electromagnetic energy be transformed into heat and light energy?

Electromagnetic energy and light energy is the same thing as the phenomenon light is actually an electromagnetic wave. Heat on the other hand is energy transfer. Once it was thought that heat was a substance that could be transferred from one body to another. Now we understand that heat is not a substance. This means that light could be though of as heat as light can transfer energy from one body to another body.In summary: Nothing is transformed. It’s all the same thing, circa.

It energy has no mass, how can it be transformed into a mass?

Energy has mass that is defined as follow:In special relativity, the speed of light is the upper limit for the speeds of objects with positive rest mass, and individual photons cannot travel faster than the speed of light. “Einstein once called the speed of light The Universe’s speed limit, he claimed that traveling faster than the speed of light would violate the causality principle.”Momentum and energy of photonIn 1906, Einstein assumed the light quanta (that later called photon) is massless. Relativistic energy E and momentum P given by;It is just possible that we could allow m = 0, provided the particle always travels at the speed of light c. In this case above equation will not serve to define E and P; what does determine the momentum and energy of a massless particle? Not the mass (that's zero by assumption); not the speed (that's always c). Relativity offers no answer to this question, but curiously enough quantum mechanics does, in the form of Plank's formula;As it follows from the Einstein relativistic mass formula:So, a photon has mass that has defined as m=E/c^2 and it does not need to be transformed into a mass.Read more:Hossein Javadi's answer to If the speed of light can never be exceeded, why did the universe expand faster than the speed of light microseconds following the Big Bang?

How is electrical energy transferred and transformed into other formes of energy?

The photon is the force carrier for the electron. When an electron changes energy state a photon is created according to the law of conservation of energy.

Various devices are created to do this. The simple version is the incandescent light bulb. Here the wire gets hot by the passage of electrons descending from a high potential to a low potential.

With more art, electrons can drop by precise levels an issue different frequencies of light at different colors. LEDs are examples of this.

Many people only associate light with photons, but photons describe a wide range of energy, radio waves, microwaves, heat, light, X-rays and gamma rays too.

What is a simple example to prove light is a form of energy?

light which we see is basically a electromagnetic radiation , any electric charge which accelerates, or any changing magnetic field, produces electromagnetic radiation.and The photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic interaction and the basic "unit" of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation and is also the force carrier for the electromagnetic force.Light, which is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons, exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave–particle dualityExplanation and we know energy is ability to do work on other physical system ,also one form of energy can be converted to other. so light photon can cause electricity (which is a form of energy) see here Photoelectric effect - Wikipedia the photon possess some energy which used in exciting electron of an conductorandthis you must have experienced when you go out in blazing sun you feel your body getting warmed up which shows light possess energy (heat a form of energy)