Exponential Function Graph

How can I graph an exponential function on excel?

To plot an exponential function, what you can do is type in your function. Let’s say for example your function is [math]y = 5^x[/math]. What you can do is create your range for the x-values. Type in a header for your range (just call it x). Let’s say we will have these values from 0 to 30 (you can give them any minimum or maximum you like).After that, what we can do is create one more header, called 5^x. This will be the range for our y-values. What I like to do is use an Excel table for this kind of thing. The reason why is when you use Excel tables for mathematical formulas, Excel does the heavy-lifting for you and copies the formula all the way down the table.To create the Excel table, highlight the x-values column with its header, and then highlight the next header over along with the empty range underneath it. Press Ctrl+T. You will see a window that looks just like this:Click OK. Now in your 5^x formula, in the first empty under your header, type in the formula like this:=power(5,b3)
The =power() function tells Excel to raise 5 to each successive value in the preceding column (the x-values column). Press Enter. Excel does the rest.Highlight the entire table and then go to INSERT. Click on SCATTERPLOT and then choose the smooth curved line option. It will give you a curve that is for the most part very flat (this is because the nature of the growth of 5^x.If you want its curvature more pronounced, while both ranges are highlighted, you can click on the bottom right hand corner of the selection and drag it up. This will readjust the graph to make its curvature a little more pronounced.For example, in this screenshot, I adjusted the selection range to just account for the first 10 values of the function.One more thing before I end this entry. I suggest that SCATTERPLOT be used for two reasons: (1) if you use the LINE GRAPH instead, you will get this instead:If you look closely, you can see that there is a horizontal line at the bottom of the graph. Technically it is not a horizontal line because the x-values are still increasing, but its hard to demonstrate that at the rate the y-values are growing.(2) We instead have two graphs. The x-value range and y-value range are being treated as two different data sources. Not only this, the graph looks very rigid. SCATTERPLOT treats both ranges as inputs and outputs of a function.Hope this helps. :)

What is the shape of the graph of an exponential function?

The exponential function shape has a single key property:At any point the slope of the function is proportional to its value.[math]f'(x)/f(x)=r[/math]r a constant.If the constant of proportionality is positive, the curve is exponentially growing. If it is negative, it is exponentially declining.

How do you do an exponential function in Excel?

If by exponential, you mean raising to a power (squared, cubed, etc) then simple use the operator ^, such as 5^2 which returns 25. the cell could also refer to a value elsewhere, such as A1^2, or A1^3, etc.There is also the EXP function, in which the number 2.71828183  is raised to the power you choose. The function is =EXP(X), in which x is a number or a cell reference.Hope that helps.

Find the exponential function f(x)=ax whose graph goes through the point (3,125). a= .?

In an exponential function, the variable "x" is your exponent. What you are actually asking, then, is this:

f(x) = a^x

You can substitute your given values now. f(x) is the same thing as your y-value and the x is your x-value.

Now you have this:

125 = a^3

Ok.... What number, raised to the third power, equals 125? Your answer is 5.

125 = 5^3.

So your a = 5.

Find the exponential function f(x)=C a^x whose graph goes through the points 0,2 and 3,16.

f(x) = C * a^x

If x = 0, then,
f(0) = C * a^(0)

We know that anything to the power of 0 is one, so we can rewrite as
f(0) = C * 1 = 2
C = 2

f(x) = 2 * a^x
f(3) = 2 * a^3 = 16
a^3 = 8
a = 2

[Answer: see above]

Find the exponential function f(x)=Ca^x whose graph goes through the points (0,5) and (2,20).?

5 = C * a^0 = C * 1 = C
5 = C

20 = 5 * a^2
4 = a^2
+/- 2 = a

f(x) = 5 * 2^x
f(x) = 5 * (-2)^x

Find the exponential function f(x) = Ca^x whose graph goes through the points (0,5) & (3,40)?

No matter what a is, a^0 will be 1. Therefore, in order to go through the point (0,5),
C has to equal 5.

If the graph goes through (3,40), that means
5 (a^3) = 40
a^3 = 8
so that
a = 2.

Therefore the answer is f(x) = 5 (2^x)

Write an exponential function y=ab(x) for a graph that includes (1,15) and (0,6)?

Substitute in your values of x and y creating two equations:

Equation 1: 15=ab(1)
Equation 2: 6=ab(0)

Since Equation 2 is impossible (it says that 6=0), none of your answers is correct - for y to equal 6 when x is 0, your equation must be y=abx+6.