Extreme Toothache Help

Extreme toothache help? Please?

-take painkiller
-apply cold compress on your cheek
-rub the area with gum numbing gel
-apply clove oil to the area
-Try an acupressure technique to stop tooth pain fast. With your thumb, press the point on the back of your other hand where the base of your thumb and your index finger meet. Apply pressure for about two minutes. This helps trigger the release of endorphins, the brain’s feel-good hormones.

There are plenty of home remedies online check some out to see whether they have any results

Suffering from EXTREME toothache pain. Feel very faint what should I do? Please help!?

Ive taken extra strength Tylenol and applied clove oils but nothing works...Does anyone know what I can do? I don't have dental insurance nor a job. I cant wait on assistance. Can the emergency room do anything about this? I am in so much pain I feel faint and weak. Please Please please help.

OMG Extreme toothache && 33 weeks?!?!?

so im 33w1d... and i have this REALLY bad toothache.. my wisdom teeth are cutting in and it has left me in extreme pain. I've tried taking Aleve and Orajel... do you guys have any suggestions to help relieve this pain? My doctors said to try and hold off until after i have my son because there isnt much the dentist can give me for pain.

Extreme toothache with fever-like symptom and feeling of fainting?

I am having severe toothache and headache due to wisdom teeth coming out, I started taking ketorolaco for pain relief and it worked the first few times, however I noticed the pain got stronger, I never took a dosage bigger of one pill (10mg) per day. however I did take it a total of 8 times in about 20 days. I am aware I shouldn't have taken it for longer than 5 days. but my pain is extremely intense, last night I decided to not take anymore pills, but since I couldn't fall asleep due to the pain I took one pill of melatonin to fall asleep, however I was only able to sleep for about 2 and a half hours, the rest of the night I couldn't sleep and by the morning I experienced many more symptoms, stomach discomfort, dizziness, fever-like symptoms, temperature, heartburn, and heart skipping bits or more like my heart jumps very frequently. need to note that yesterday while I was walking I felt my legs get very weak and I felt like I was going to faint. the problem is I cannot go to a clinic or hospital in two more days, I'm worried about all these symptoms, the extreme pain remains but I feel that even of I take an aspirin it might be worse and not completely reduce the pain. I am a 21 year old male.

REALLY severe toothache.?

Alright so i'm having a really really bad toothache i've had for....3 days now. its to the point where i wake up crying in the middle of the night. i can't concentrate on anything and i can't sleep at all. i'm taking orajel or whatever, we also have that red cross stuff i've read helps. but when i take orajel i always need to spit because my mouth becomes VERY watery and it doesn't seem to help at all. my dentist told me he'd try filling it and if it hurt take ib profin and such. but my moms scared if i take ib profin more and more i'll get sick like my dad. im taking advil 200 mg about 3 of them every...5 hours. i think thats too much already. its just not helping. so im suffering. its my farthest tooth back on the top right side and the pain is so excruciating its effecting my ears and hearing. the red cross stuff works a little, but it seems to come back in 10 minutes. i can't chew garlic or anything because when i pressure my top and bottom teeth together it hurts.

Toothaches causing extreme pain? whole head is killing me.... please help?

been to dentist day before yesterday, he x-rayed, put something and said its bit complex, i got appointment for tuesday, but my condidtion is getting worse, i couldn't sleep last night, at all. Please tell me what shall i do to stop this pain. Thank you all

Why is a toothache relieved with cold water?

Structure & function of teethThe tooth has two anatomical parts. The crown of a tooth is that part of the tooth which is covered with enamel and this is the part usually visible in the mouth.The root is the part embedded in the jaw. It anchors the tooth in its bony socket and is normally not visible.Enamel The hard outer layer of the crown. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body.Dentine Not as hard as enamel, forms the bulk of the tooth and can be sensitive if the protection of the enamel is lost.Pulp Soft tissue containing the blood and nerve supply to the tooth. The pulp extends from the crown to the tip of the root.Cementum The layer of bone-like tissue covering the root. It is not as hard as enamel.Decay inside the tooth continues and extend slowly and gradually infects the deeper layer of tooth, fact do you know it takes almost 4 years to form cavity inside the mouth.The balance disrupts between remineralization of tooth and demineralization and finally a cavity.. oouch..Once the infection reaches the soft tissue called pulp and infection remains untreated because you neglected your oral health. The condition causes irreversible damage to the tissue. Now you have entered a chronic stage. Treatment is more extensive and tooth cannot be treated by simple restoration.0ccasionally a patient is seen with symptoms of severe pain of a boring, gnawing, or throbbing type. The pain may be increased by heat and relieved by cold, although in some cases continued application of cold may intensify the painIn 1960 Mitchell and Tarplee’ rebutted the axioms that “cold hurts and heat relieves pulpitis” and that “heat hurts and cold relieves a necrotic pulp.”Beveridge and Brown demonstrated that cold stimuli could decrease intrapulpal pressure by 28 mm Hg. This was considered to be a direct result cold stimulus could, in turn, result in contraction of the dentinal fluid and decrease the pressure within the pulp, yielding a rapid transient reduction of pain.Conclusion:Visit your dentist .You still have time to save your tooth.Remember Dentistry is not expensive. Neglect is…

Toothache and mountain dew?

I was just curious when I have a bad toothache I will drink mountain dew this is the only time I drink it because for some reason it gets rid of the pain why is this I have extremely bad teeth becauseb I am so scared of the dentist so I just don't fo to many bad exsperiences so how does mountain dew stop a tooth ache?