Facebook Page Privacy How Can I Set My Page To Display Only To Those Who Liked My Page

Why can't I see who posts "likes" on my boyfriend's Facebook page?

If someone left a comment and he decided to delete it, Facebook would still count the comment, but not display it. It's a glitch that also pertains to blogs, pictures, etc, anything that people can comment on. Does that make sense?

Otherwise, I don't think there is a way for him to block a specific person's comment from being seen by only you. And I believe that blocking a specific person does prevent contact and profile viewing, but I have never heard of it also hiding comments. I'm not positive about that, though.

You need to be able to have an open dialog with your boyfriend about this. He should know that you're feeling insecure about it, if it's really an issue for you.

How do I lock my Facebook fan page, and only let people who have 'liked' my page see it?

This is very unusual request.There is an option in the admin panel if the page where you can set only admins to see that page. I don't know if this counts also for editors and other roles. If so you can give to every fan some role and turn that function on.The other suggestion I have for you is to create a facebook open group instead of a page. Everybody can join and when you post something it will notificate every member of the group.Also you can set the group closed so everyone can make a request to join your group and only members can see what it is posted in the group.

How do i hide a facebook page from people that are friends with me on facebook?

Facebook offers several levels of privacy protection, including hiding your profile from certain people and/or offering a limited profile. With just a few tweaks of the settings, you can easily set exactly who sees what on your profile.

Things You'll Need
Facebook account
Computer with Internet access
Suggest Edits
Hide Only Your Profile
Sign on to the Facebook home page with your email address and password (see Resources below).

Click on "My Privacy" to change who can see your profile. The My Privacy page lets you adjust each feature of your Facebook account separately. If you only want to hide certain features, like the mini-feed or photos, then adjust only those preferences.

Click on "Edit Settings" for the limited profile. You will land on a page with a preview of your current limited profile.

Choose all or none of the Facebook features you want people to see on your limited profile. To completely hide your profile, make sure all boxes are unchecked before hitting the "Save" button.

Add people to the limited profile list from the My Privacy page. People you put on the list can only view the features you let them see. They will still be your friends, however.

Hide Yourself Completely on Facebook
Head to the "My Privacy" page while logged in to Facebook.

Search for users to add to the "Block People' list. You can add any user on Facebook. Once added, that user will not be able to view any part of your profile or find you when doing searches. This is the best way to hide completely from someone.

Find the user you want to block and simply click "Block Person" next to his or her name.

Click "Remove" next to the person's name if you later decide you don't want to block the person. If the person was your friend on Facebook, you will have to request to be his or her friend again.

Read more: How to Hide Your Profile On Facebook |

If I set my likes on Facebook to "only me", can people still see on their news feed those posts I like and are set as "public"?

On Facebook, you cannot change the privacy of all your likes, as far as I know. Privacy is set for individual posts. If you like something public, your like is public. If you like something private, your like is private. People included in the audience of the post can see your comment or like in News Feed or ticker as well as other places around Facebook. You can check who something is shared with by going to the post and hovering over the audience icon.Source: Who can see stories about my comments and likes in News Feed and ticker?

How do I make my facebook pictures private?

Simply go to your album, click on Edit Photos, then Edit Info, and then there is a privacy option at the bottom asking "Who can see this?".

You can choose whatever option you like, or make a custom friends list of those you'd like to allow to view the album.

If you set the privacy setting to "Only friends", then their comments on your photos will only appear in your friends' news feeds.

I hope this helps.

Is there a way I can see what my friend has been liking on Facebook?

Yep. You can see what your friends has been liking in Facebook. There are many ways:-#If the activity log of your friend is visible to you, then you can view his activity.#Search photos/posts liked by (Friend's_name) in search bar.#Type . Enter the username of your friend to view likes. #Add him/her in close friends list, then the posts/pics he/she likes will be shown on your wall. ThankYou. :)

How do you BLOCK a page or group on Facebook?

If someone has been spamming you or hassling you out on Facebook, you can block them so that they can't find or see your account. This article shows you how to block people or application invites, so you can continue to enjoy your time on Facebook.

Go to Account >> Privacy Settings in the top right-hand corner. Click on the Privacy tab that opens up

Look for the "Block Lists" tab near the bottom of the page. Click on the highlighted link "Edit Your Lists".

Type in the name and email of the person you'd like to block.
Facebook will warn you that once you have blocked a person they cannot be your friend on Facebook and won't be able to interact with you (except through applications and games you both use).

4. Click on the "Block This User" button.
A list of people with the same name will appear. Click on the person you wish to block.


If you change your mind later, it is easy to unblock someone on facebook.

You can also block application invites. Simply key in the friend's name and you will automatically ignore any future application requests from that friend. To block invites from a specific friend, click the "Ignore All Invites From This Friend" link under your latest request

Can pages that you "like" on facebook view your information, photos, etc?

Pages cannot see the profiles of people who connect with them, only their profile photo and name. In addition, Pages do not receive a News Feed with information about what people who choose to connect with them are doing. Pages can communicate with their audience through updates in your Inbox, but they have no additional access to your personal information. Page admins, however, will be able to see anything you’ve made available to Everyone on your profile.

When you like a Page, a story will be published on your Wall and may be published in your friends’ News Feeds. Any action that you take on a Page will abide by the privacy settings you currently have set for News Feed and Wall. You can adjust these settings at any time by visiting the News Feed and Wall section of your Privacy Settings page.

How do I hide my likes and comments from my friends on Facebook?

You can't set custom audiences for comments and likes ("C/L"); rather C/L are generally visible to anyone who can see the post that was commented on or "liked"; this means that if you C/L on a public page, your friends could (and for that matter, theoretically anyone at all, though it's much less likely that a random non-friend would) see that.  FB maintain a database of actions, including comments and likes.  A handful of these will turn up in your friends' News Feeds.  You can see what actions you've recently done by going into your own profile and clicking "Activity Log" (so far, this functionality is somewhat limited in the mobile app).  You can right-click on the time of the action and bring up a window that looks like this (approximating what your friends might see):This will tell you who can see the post (in this case people who are friends with the person who posted it).  If you have poster's remorse in that you think someone could have seen what you did and you don't like it, you can "delete comment" or "unlike" the post from the little pencil in your activity log as so:I kind of agree with the earlier comment in that I don't worry about this for myself.  That's sort of the whole point of Facebook.  But if you absolutely MUST "comment" on or "like" a post without your friends knowing, you could make a second Facebook account or unfriend the people you don't want to know (technically, though, making a second account is against FB's terms of service).

How do I do this that only followers can see page posts in Facebook?

Pages on Facebook are made to get as much likes(followers) as possible. For this reason, the posts on a Facebook page are public, and cannot be made private. When the posts are public, people can see them and will like the page if they find those relevant.If you want to make your posts available to a restricted audience, I suggest you to make a Facebook Group instead. In a group, the privacy settings can be configured to make your group and its contents restricted to the 'members' of the group only. This will give you control over your content. And whenever someone wants to join your Group, you can approve or reject their request as suitable. Hence you can limit your audience as per your choice.I hope this helps. Thanks for A2A.