Facebook - Why Do Some People Refuse To Use The

Why do many people refuse to use Facebook but agree to use Google+?

The people that are adamant enough to actually refuse to use Facebook are usually the ones that are vocal enough to feel the need to justify their move to Google+. However, because they're also refusing to use Facebook (rather than using both), the reasons typically boil down to why they think one company is better than the other, rather than feature-based reasons.I use Google+ (and Facebook) a lot and these are the reasonings I typically get from these kinds of people:Some people feel safer giving their information to Google than they do Facebook, for one reason or another. Perhaps because they are already giving their information via Gmail or some other service, or maybe they just see Google as "that benevolent search engine".Some people don't like thinking they're just a means to a profit. Facebook's revenue is based on ads on Facebook, while Google's is based on ads around the web. While you continuously see ads on Facebook (or pay to promote your posts, or purchase gifts for others), these attempts at monetization don't exist and don't need to exist on Google+, and these people seem to forget that they're still seeing Google's ads elsewhere.Some people feel Facebook treats them unfairly, in that their posts are set to only reach a specific amount of people following them or their privacy settings are occasionally changed (by bug, intention, or a misconception that they were actually changed).Some people are just fanboys. Not only did they jump on Google+, but--as people--they feel the need to justify their decisions. The best way to do this is to promote their choice as better than the alternative, and refusing to use Facebook typically makes a pretty strong statement to friends.(Note: While I see the reasoning behind each of these, I don't vehemently agree or disagree with any of them, just passing on what I've seen from posts on Facebook and Google+.)

Why do some people refuse to use google?

On facebook this happens all the time. Someone will post an abbreviation, and then a friend will comment: "What?" or "???"

Person A posts: I loved my week at OBX!
Person B comments: What's OBX?

Why do so many people still use Facebook even though they know what their data is being used-- or rather, misused, for?

Over the years we have been slowly but steadily acclimated to sharing more of our personal information online. As we share more of our information, we get more 'features' on Facebook (like location tracking) which we enjoy using, while Facebook uses our data to gain advertising revenue. Since people enjoy getting new features most of us tend to overlook how much data we are actually disclosing. However this trend is coming to an end. The signs are everywhere when you consider the current outcry over Facebook's changed privacy policy and the steadily declining value of Facebook shares.I believe this is going to give rise to a new generation of social networking services which prioritize user privacy. A good example of this is which prides itself in not tracking or collecting user data.

People who refuse to create a FACEBOOK account due to fear of Privacy, I wonder what is their take on CCTV Camera's across many streets?

You leave an identifiable trail when you use Facebook. So don't use Facebook. But then you can't use your bank card either. And in fact if the local mega-store detects a cash purchase that looks like one you made, they can identify you from that as well. Many modern cars contain tracking devices (often more than one, especially if you have bad credit) but many modern cities and police forces have cameras that read and store license plate numbers too. Some places have cameras that can identify you by recognizing your face. There is even technology for identifying you by recognizing the way you walk.You might as well keep posting on Facebook. Google knows everything anyway.

Why do people use Path if they reshare all their posts on Facebook?

This baffles me a bit too, but one plausible explanation I can think of is that they have some number of friends who refuse to use Facebook for whatever reason but are willing to use Path. So sharing on Path then resharing to Facebook is the only way they can publish to all their friends.

What reasons do people have to not join Facebook?

Non scientific observations:The person has privacy concerns on how Facebook intentionally or unintentionally spreads the users information. (This applies to a lot of my tech friends)Privacy concerns on how friends spread their information. (This seem to apply to tech friends that have a deeper understanding of Facebook, but also know how apps authorization works.)Don't see a need as to why it would be worthwhile. (This usually happens to people that have an unclear view of Facebook and the social interactions)The person is doesn't find online interactions to be valuable, possibly even anti-social or dysfunctional. (This seem to be the main point of technophobes or nerdophobes)The person has tried and was turned of by the lack of personal interractions with a similar service. (This has only been told to me once by a friend whose online banter didn't attract attention from even his friends, so he got bored.)The person feel they are too old. (Most people seem think Facebook is for 20-somethings, but I believe the average age is 30+. They usually convert when told there's photos of family on Facebook.)The person feel they don't have time. (Seems to mostly happen to people who work a lot.)The person feels they don't have the technical competency. (The average internet user is A LOT less tech savvy than tech people think. This is a prime example of what happens when a non-Facebook site gets google ranking for "facebook login": person preferes a different service. (Google Plus, Twitter, whatever else.)It's blocked in their country (China)Another service has market dominance. (Russia)

Has it become socially unacceptable to refuse to get a Facebook account?

I don't have a Facebook account. I realize it's a very important part of many people's lives, but it's also a detriment to many in terms of countless hours  wasted in superficial interactions.  Do people really have 500+ friends? I don't have a large family and when I want to reach out to them I call them or I visit them. I am not a luddite, I just like to use technology on my terms. Not having a Facebook account reflects my values and my priorities. Some people will understand that and others won't --that's their problem. You can say the same thing for people who make religious choices that dictate their lifestyles, or people who choose to live differently, or for people who don't have a television, etc. Facebook is a cultural fad and its popularity is already decreasing among the young. Eventually it will probably become the equivalent of America Online. Is there any stigma associated with not having been on AOL?