Fact Or Fiction Questions About Blood Donation

This is a heart question about blood donating?

if you have a VSD can u donate blood

ive had a VSD and a heart murmmur all my life

but ive never donated blood
i didn't know if i could, i never really asked either

so do u think i can???
here's some facts about it aVSD

Normally, the left side of the heart only pumps blood to the body, and the heart’s right side only pumps blood to the lungs. In a child with VSD, blood can travel across the hole from the left pumping chamber (left ventricle) to the right pumping chamber (right ventricle) and out into the lung arteries. If the VSD is large, the extra blood being pumped into the lung arteries makes the heart and lungs work harder and the lungs can become congested.
If the opening is large, the child may breathe faster and harder than normal. Infants may have trouble feeding and growing at a normal rate. Symptoms may not occur until several weeks after birth. High pressure may occur in the blood vessels in the lungs because more blood than normal is being pumped there. Over time this may cause permanent damage to the lung blood vessels.

when i was born my hole was the size of a quarter
thats extremly large for a baby
i got surgery, but the hole is still there

when i was little the dr described it to me as
the good blood mixes witht the dirty blood

so basically i cant donate right?

Blood donations + mind control =???

They take out the blood then squeeze in some miniature FBI produced DNA altering tools. These then conspire to change thoughts to like chickens and George Bush. The egg producers pushed for this but Ford denys it.

Which blood donation is better?

Congrats on being a donor! As a medical tech... I see patients that need blood components on a daily basis. Plus donations, I help by crossmatching these products so they can use them.

As far as what is is really up to the local donor site. There may be a bigger need for platelets than blood....or it may be the opposite. The thing that is so demanding about platelets is the fact that they have such a decreased shelf life...alot less than RBC's. So...if local hospitals do alot of surgeries or open hearts..they might be in demand for more platelet pheresis donors. If I were you...I would contact your donor site and ask them.

Thanks for saving lives!

Blood Donation~Type O Negative, Negative?

Type O-negative blood does not have any antigens. It is called the "universal donor" type because it is compatible with any blood type. Type AB-positive blood is called the "universal recipient" type because a person who has it can receive blood of any type. Although "universal donor" and "universal recipient" types are occasionally used to classify blood in an emergency, blood type tests are always done to prevent transfusion reactions.

Almost 40% of the population has O+ blood

Patients with Type O blood must receive Type O blood

About half of all blood ordered by hospitals in our area is Type O

Type O blood is the universal blood type and is the only blood type that can be transfused to patients with other blood types

Only about 7% of all people have Type O negative blood

Type O negative blood is the preferred type for accident victims and babies needing exchange transfusions

There is always a need for Type O donors because their blood may be transfused to a person of any blood type in an emergency
If your blood type is . . .

Type You Can Give Blood To You Can Receive Blood From
A+ A+ AB+ A+ A- O+ O-
O+ O+ A+ B+ AB+ O+ O-
B+ B+ AB+ B+ B- O+ O-
AB+ AB+ Everyone
A- A+ A- AB+ AB- A- O-
O- Everyone O-
B- B+ B- AB+ AB- B- O-
AB- AB+ AB- AB- A- B- O-

Out of 100 donors . . . . .

84 donors are RH+
16 donors are RH-

38 are O+
7 are O-

34 are A+
6 are A-

9 are B+
2 are B-

3 are AB+
1 is AB-

Question about cord blood banking?

Contrary to what some people believe, donated cord blood is not used within a few weeks. In fact, my daughter's donor's cord blood sat in the cord blood bank for nearly 7 years before it was used to save her life.
See the 'source' for our Thank You letter to our donor.

Finding a match is so difficult, that it could be a long time before it is used, so procedures for collecting them are much the same. It is just that different companies do different things with them.

It takes a lot of pre-planning to have your cord blood saved (many places require you start filling out paperwork at no more than 34w along). If you don't have it already worked out with your doctor, the cord blood is thrown away with the placenta and the umbilical cord.

What are the benefits after donating blood?

A nice and noble question to answer.One unit of blood has approximately 350 ml.And If you are above 18 and more than 45 kg of weight, then you can donate one unit every three months.If we pour blood in a test tube and keep it still for half an hour. Blood separates into three layers-1) RBCs being the most densed settle at the bottom constituting about 40%,2) In Second layer we have WBCs and platelets.3) Third layer is plasma about 60%.Life of RBC is about 120 days, for WBC, it is 4 days to a few days, life span of platelets is about 7 days.After you donate blood, it return to its normal volume in 24 hrs and Haemoglobin  returns to initial condition within 2 weeks. You don't need any extra rest after donation.Now advantages of Blood donation-1) To control Iron level in your blood- Lower iron level might cause you fatigue in your body which is more commonly seen in children and woman, but far more common than deficiency is excess of ferritin (iron) in your blood. Menstruating women have less chances of heart attack due less iron and also pre-menopausal women were found to be 88% less suffereing from heart attacks. Every time you donate blood, you lose 0.25 gm of ferritin.2) Improves blood flow- As we are habitual to smoking, drinking, excess stress load etc and etc., our blood gets more viscous or hyper-coagulable.Which means literally our blood gets as thick as tomato sauce.Thick tomato sauce may be favorable, but thick blood finds it hard to flow through arteries. Thick blood absorbs less oxygen from lungs and also blood clotting leads to cardiac arrest and heart attacks. 3) You get 'mini physical'- By mini physical, I mean, you are checked for your body temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate etc and also 13 tests including hepatitis, HIV, TB etc. So you get a report for your body. So good, right?4)People who donate blood with altruistic reasons tend to live longer than those who do it for not altruistic reasons.References:1)Blood and the cells it contains2)4 Unexpected Benefits of Donating Blood3)56 Facts About Blood and Blood Donation4)RBC vs WBC - Difference and Comparison5)GoogleHappy blood donation. Your mere 350 ml donation can save upto three lives.:)

Why is there a policy that gay males can't give blood donations?

That is a very good question. One that should be aimed at the FDA. My understanding, at least in the questionnaires I have filled out, just being LGBTQ doesn’t disqualify you. You must be male, and you must have had sexual contact in the last year, IIRC, to be ineligible.The reasons are ostensibly to keep the blood supply extremely safe from possible unknown pathogens, but it does seem to go a bit too far IMO, but it’s the FDA who makes that determination. Maybe a letter to your Congress person would get you a more complete answer.

Is there a reason that women don’t or can’t donate menstrual blood to a blood donor clinic?

Given that medicine has included females for over 100 years, I cannot simply assume that this question is due to of male distaste for all things related to menstruation. There must be an an educational gap regarding the importance of preserving the sterile “curtain” that protects our internal organs from infection.If someone were bleeding from his/her anus, should the blood be donated to a blood donor clinic and infused into the veins of a critically ill person?Blood donation is a sterile procedure — drawn from the donor’s vein through sterile needles, tubes, etc, into a sterile collection bag which is immediately stored at the proper temperature.Menstrual blood and blood from bleeding hemorrhoids cannot be collected in a sanitary, let alone a sterile procedure. The vagina and anus are both openings from the external environment into the body that, when intact and not ruptured due to rough penetrations, have an intrinsic ability to prevent contagious organisms from establishing themselves. I won’t go through the risks of syphilis, gonorrhea, and other STD’s being transfused into a sick person’s blood supply.Openings in the bodies of clean living men and women have beneficial bacteria to fight off invading organisms, but I would not want those bacteria infused into my vein. They belong in my vagina, not my blood.Would the Original Poster want someone’s hemorrhoid blood injected into his circulatory system? What if it came from someone who had been taking antibiotics and whose immune system was fighting off a yeast infection? Suddenly, in addition to all the other health issues, the OP would be fighting septicemia. Septicemia is a common cause of death. People only survive intact if they receive urgent and attentive medical care. Often, they end up with permanent organ damage, such as kidney failure.