Fantail Tying To Get Inside Myth

What are the myths or superstitions associated with a bird flying into a house?

It means that it was searching for a place to rest, however found out that your house was not the safest place hence headed out…

How to take care of a Calico Fantail?

Get the fish out of a bowl. no fish can live in a bowl, especially goldfish, contrary to popular belief. You need to get a much bigger aquarium and get it some goldfish flake food. Goldfish need a proper filtration system, since they are among the dirtiest fish. Plus, goldfish can get to enormus size and have great lifespans, and the oldest one is 40 years old. so, get rid of the bowl and make your fantail live as long as possible! You feed the fish 2 or 3 times a day. Tap water is fine as long as you use a water conditioner on it. Glass bowls need to be cleaned every day, so an aquarium is your best bet for easy cleanup. Temperatures should be from 65-72degrees F.

Provide one fact and one myth about comets.?

Fact: Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), the great English scientist, discovered that comets move in elliptical (egg-shaped) orbits around the Sun. He also thought that comets were members of the Solar System, just like planets, and that they could return over and over again. He was right!

Myth: Most astronomers in the 1500's and early 1600's thought that a comet came once and was never seen again. They believed that a comet approached the Sun in a straight line, spun around it, and then disappeared into space in a straight path.

How long do Fantail goldfish live?

When kept in proper environments, fantail goldfish can easily live to be over 10 years. Unfortunately, the average lifespan of a fantail goldfish is about 6 months. Fantails are one of the most common goldfish sold and most keep them in bowls or very small tanks. Fantail goldfish should be kept in nothing smaller than a 10 gallon tank with a filter rated for at least 20 gallons. Each fantail should have at least 10 gallons of water per fish. What you may not know is that fantails will reach lengths of 8-9 inches not including the tail.

My new goldfish is pacing tank?

Black moor goldfish, and any other fish for that matter, cannot live in a bowl, no matter what people tell you. A goldfish such as the moor needs at least a twenty gallon tank to live its full lifespan of 25 years. Most goldfish kept in bowls live about 1-3 years, notice the difference?

This moor needs a twenty gallon tank with a filter before you even think of buying more goldfish.

How much do black moor fish and fantail goldfish cost?

Each are around $5-$10, depending on their size. Of course a smaller one is definitely in the $5 range. A ten gallon aquarium costs around $30 at Wal-Mart. Don't know if you're from the states but that would be the place to go for a low price aquarium. It comes with a filter, light, and the tank. Good luck starting your tank!!


I have a very active fantail goldfish, is this normal? Also, a few questions about feeding and airation!?

All goldfish are different. I have had very active goldfish living in cold water before. Some are just more active than others. If the goldfish is moving around a lot, that is actually a sign of health, not sickness.

Contrary to popular belief, bubbles do not oxygenate the water. While they do enhance gas exchange by agitating the surface of the water (and that does help oxygenate the water), the bubbles themselves are not dissolving into the water or anything.

Cold water does hold more oxygen than warmer water. And Salted water holds less oxygen than non-salted water. But the symptoms you describe are definitely not oxygen deprivation. If the tank was low on oxygen, your goldfish should be lethargic, not active. 15 Gallons of water is more than enough for a two inch fish.

It is a myth that goldfish prefer lower temperatures. The fact that they can survive in freezing water doesn't mean they prefer it. Warmer water is better for them because it is hostile to many parasites that make them sick. I would recommend a temperature range of 72F to 85F, so your current temperature is fine.

The amount you are feeding him is fine. Lots of activity is definitely not a symptom of starvation. Most people overfeed goldfish, and overfeeding is dangerous. The amount you are feeding it sounds perfect.

How can I clean a fish tank without a siphon?

I realize that having a pet means spending money. I am anything but new to the pet world. I was raised on a dairy farm, have raised registered Persians, had exotic chickens, guinea pigs, dogs and had cats in general for about 30 years. I'm just not extremely well versed with fish. But I do know that sometimes there are ways to cut corners with pets. I'm more willing to spend $ on food, tank, filter, etc, than cleaning supplies. For example, I don't spend much on cat toys anymore, since their favorites are brown packing paper and cardboard boxes (more $ for vet care). These comments are not directed to everyone -most of you have been very kind - I appreciate that.