Favour About A Harry Styles Picture

Do you ship Larry Stylinson?

Not really.... I mean Louis and Eleanor look so cute together! If it were to happen, I would just have to live with it. I would still support them and all, but honestly I wouldn't love it. They probably would be the best gay couple ever, but I like Louis more with Eleanor than with Harry. I see them as two best friends. Because that is what they are. They are like two brothers. I ship more Elounor, not as much Larry Stylinson. Again, if it were to happen- I would still support them. There isn't anything wrong with being gay, it's just that it would mess things up with Elounor. I personally don't want Larry, because for one- when we joked about that, and made all of those fanfics (we as in us Directioners) it really hurt them. They aren't as close anymore in public, I mean- don't you remember that? They were torn. They cried a lot, and were really disappointed in their fanbase. They just wanted to be friends and look what good it did them. If they wanted to be together, they would've done it by now. They know that all of us would be okay with it, and that half of us wanted Larry Stylinson to be real. The only other reason they aren't together yet- would be if they haven't realized it. But, unless that happens, they won't be together. Louis has a girlfriend, and Harry had a girlfriend, I doubt Louis would be cheating on Eleanor like that. I mean, being gay could also look bad on them, jsut because that is what other people think, and it just does. I don't even know why, it's not that big of a deal, but they could lose a lot of money by saying that. So, that is my opinion and why.

Art nouveau information?

im doing a project on art nouveau i need Library books and reference materials such as magazines, newspapers and journals. i have some books but im having a hard time understanding the stuff inside. this is what i have to anwser Name of the movement: Art nouveau

Timeline that movement was significant:

Description of the movement – styles, recognizable/identifiable characteristics, colours, techniques, philosophy, (the thinking:

What was the movement influenced by? (Why did it come into existence?):

List of people integral to the movement:

if any one has any good online magazines with articles or somthing that helps because 70% of my info has to come from books and stuff
well hope some one can help!

What is the purpose of pre-wedding photoshoots? Do you think it's really worth it?

Social media has taken over our lives above and beyond many levels of rationality.Attending a wedding means a new profile picture for your facebook. Traveling to a new place? Oh well, you have a new album to update now. Some random rains, a coffee in hand, a rock music playing in the background? Ok, let’s make an Instagram story.Public is the new personal.Wedding photo shoots are just another way of satisfying your ‘ wannabe celebrity’ appetite.Giving some lame ‘I am truly deeply madly in love with you ’ looks to the person who you probably met some months ago through ‘’ while the onlookers stare and scoff at you, a put on location and super put on expressions with awful music and mighty awful poses.Thing is, wedding industry is a serious thing now which does some serious business as it caters to the need of ‘self-admiring’ and ‘self-regarding’ couples.I have failed to understand the purpose of these photo shoots. But I know for sure that they are going to continue as they are cool or rather kewl.I am an Instagram freak too.I love making random uploads too but I am sorry to state that these photoshoots are another level of being pompous and pretentious. They are so cringing that every time I have to detox myself with some Taher Shah.( if you know where does this come from?)