Fear Of Balls. Help.

Fear of Catching Balls?

This is a normal fear. Many people often become scared when something happens to them and they are faced against it when something bad happened to them over it.

You can overcome this fear by getting someone to pass you a ball slowly to start off with, and you keep catching it and the thrower progressively gets more powerful with throwing the ball and before you know it, you will be catching 100 mph balls.

Also, if you can't work up the courage to do this, you can visit a psychiatrist if you are very concerned and committed to overcoming your fear of catching balls.

But, try the first tip I listed first before visiting a psychiatrist if you really want help.

Good luck overcoming your fear.

Fear of tennis ball? 10 points. PLZ HELP?

This isn't really a fear of the ball or getting hit by it. Well, that may be part of it. But the root of it would be a lack of confidence in your net play. If you work on your net game and get very confident in yourself at the net, you'll have nothing to worry about.

This is one of those things that's probably best tackled by the 'throw it in the water and it'll learn how to swim' theory. Start playing some doubles. You have to be at the net in doubles. But you have this little extra bit of security that you have a partner to back you up if you are unable to get to the ball when you're at the net. You'll quickly get used to being at the net.

A lot of singles players actually use doubles to help hone their net game. It's great for it. When I started playing doubles in high school, I was pretty timid up at the net. Lacked a lot of confidence in my ability at the net. But I kept with it, and quickly realized that it wasn't so bad. My net skills improved a lot, and I got to where I don't think twice about moving in anymore.

I have a fear of balls?

Now, it's not like genital balls im talking about haha. But ever since I can remember I have this sort of phobia...whenever i see a group of small balls (not the genital kind, again) it grosses me out. I dont know why, it can be a group of any type of balls, haha like for example those cases that come with balls for a bee bee gun or however it's spelt...ew! I dunno, I'm also scared of lumps and bumps, like if someone had a disease that caused lumps to grow on them in any way.....ahhh just thinking about it brings chills down my spine. Like on pirates of the Carribean when everyone starts getting those bumps on theyre face I almost had a panic attack, it grossed me out so much! I don't know why I have this does anyone know if it's a disease or something??

How to stop fear of catching fly-balls?

Make a game out of it at first. Most kids learn to catch messing around playing games like 3 flies up (or any other name applied to it). Use a tennis ball if you need to. Line them up and toss the ball in the air. Competion for the ball will soon outweigh the fear of getting hit on the head. Once a player catches 3 tosses, let him be the one to toss the ball in the air. And keep rotating. Once they get the hang of catching the ball, work on tracking the ball by making them go side to side, or front to back. At that age it will take a lot of time, and they will drop more than they will catch. Eventually you will be able to switch to a baseball. Keep up the good work with those kids.

I have a phobia of sports' balls can anyone help?

Fear of balls, huhh? Actually I can sympathize...I was the same way in PE class. I just went retarded any time there were sports BALLS around! So embarrassing. I was always the last person picked...I started to get anxiety about gym glass. I would try to avoid the ball when it came at me...and the jocks on my team would scream at me. Like kickball was life or death, ya know?

The good new is I'm a physical trainer now. Still no sports with balls...but I didn't let it be a reflection on my fitness level.

Help! I am scared of fielding ground balls! Should I just give it time?

I've been a baseball coach for 6 years and I've seen fears like this all the time. I still have a little fear of ground balls.

It stinks that you have to play on fields when uneven turf. My city used to have crappy fields, but all of them are astroturf, so weird bounces aren't normal anymore. It seems that you were accustomed to fielding groundballs until you got hit smack in the middle of your face. That stuff happens unfortunately, but you have to keep a game face on and stay positive. Since that happened and you now have a fear, bring your level of play back down. In other words, work with the basics again like taking soft ground balls from a coach or have a player throw short distance slow speed ground balls to you, so you can build up trust in your skill and overall motivation. I do this all the time with my players especially when something like that happens. I as a coach have to make sure my players are comfortable with fielding baseballs in weird and tough bounces. When you build up yourself back to your form, you can start working on agility and speed with your hands and body. In other words, when a stupid bounce happens again, you can adjust your body to that bounce and make the quick play. MLB players work everyday on hand-eye coordination, agility, and quickness. So don't worry kiddo. Stuff like that happens all the time to people, and you are not the only one that has that fear after getting hit. Take a day off from baseball or if you can't (because you love it so much), take a few hours, sit on a bench and watch others play. It's also good to watch MLB players play too just to enjoy what they do. You might be there one day.

Good luck!

put the ball in the corner away from u n just get a sense of it or let it sit in an open field if you can handle it … as time passes and u feel more comfortable bring it closer to you until u can handle it.. then try throwing it around… just roll it on the floor or toss it in in the air until u can really feel ok and just happy with it again.. you know that balls are a lot of fun to play with.. football, soccer, tennis, lacrosse, beach balls. oh hey watch a beach ball movie you know with Annette Funicello ( my spelling might be wrong) that would be good. Those were good movies back in the day.did someone beat u with balls when u were a kid or were u raped ?? i was raped a lot u know and recovery is possible and complete tho i don’t think it may be good to have those memories. I believe they will fade with time as you deal with the pain.. it is ok to cry.. believe me i cry like a ruddy baby sometimes just bawl my fool head off.. if you want to talk I live in Vancouver, BC CANADA and I don’t have a phone right now.. i spend time at the public library VPL Downtown.shit :) I don’t even have a home but don’t worry jsut keep sane and that won’t happen to you.. i was in Islam for 20 years and had to say fuckshit in my head to get out of it.. i was alone for almost the whole time.. take care and good luck u can reach me on twitter as Monica Lamar Monk or Monniac Daviesoh and i am injected with Invega Sustenna that might help u too tho i am not sure about the drugs> I think acid LSD is ok in small amounts and Slide which is chrystal meth maybe.. oh an dhave a toke on a cigarette that makes me happier than stink if it comes form the right person..oh and eat lots of protein n if ur fat or overweight try food combining and meditation… just go with the flowthere is a cure in sex too so if u are hard up go ahead n touch urself or find a good partner thumbs up :)

I Have A Phobia Of Balls?

That's what she said :D... nah, jk

You probably had a bad incident when you were young or something with balls (lol), for example i got hit in the head with a baseball once when i was a kid, and i did the same thing you did for a while...but one thing that helped was to just straight up, confront it (for example i got into basketball, even tho i sucked at it for a while)... like do things that involve balls (lol), like play volleyball or softball, but start off slow so you can get used to your phobia, have the ball softly passed to you or something, and if your not into sports...uhhh, good luck? lol, hope this helps :D

I have a phobia of balls?

well its not normal... but its not crazy

every one has their fears... i have phobia of needles, just the thought of them sends me into a near panic attack and being in the proximity of them sends me into a panic attack, its so embaressing when i have to get a shot!

but what you can do is go to a professional, they can help you get over your fear of balls and help you find the reason behind the phobia.

i personally have not gone, but i havnt asked my parents because i have managed to avoid being sick so no need for shots...

but you will have to be around balls all your life, whether its just passing by a kid playing basket ball, or gym...

so i suggest professional help

im sorry you have to go through this :/