Feedback On My Of Mice And Men Eulogy

Help with eulogy for Of Mice and Men?

Say how he was your best friend and responsibility. Lennie will be tending the rabbits in his afterlife. Talk about how you only want the best for such a gentle soul/gentle giant. It was bettter to take his life than to let the angry mob take him and torture him.

Need eulogy for my gerbil - died x-mas morning?

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
She left in fully loved trust
Miley will be deeply missed
Left in a snowy mist,
Miley will never be forgotten
running on a wheel of cotton
in the sky, up above
her heart is filled with love

Late winter mess - you don't have to use the last two
God bless - you don't have to use the last two

Of Mice and Men - Lennie Smalls?

My Friend Breelyn is reading this! We just had the conversation today!

Homework: Revising for eulogy for 'of mouse and men'?

The idea is to make a eulogy for Lennie and I'm supposed to be George. Can anyone help me revise some words so that it sounds like the character using some werid wording from the book and ect...thank you

Dreams are revolved around the future which two people create. Lennie and I had a promising future where Lennie constantly reminded me how he always would tend to the rabbits. He had a good heart, thinking about others before himself. While his size intimidated others, his feeling revolved around that of his favorite animal. Always there right by your side when you need him and with that his kindness reflects his heart. I trembled by the thought of him because I know his challenged mind got him into many problems but that was why we traveled together. There are times when his troubles wore me down and I wanted to get away but I knew I needed his company and his damn antics no matter how chaotic or funny it might have been the time I knew without those jokes I wouldn’t be so sane as I am now. He changed my life, “I got you and you got me” that’s what we lived by and that dragged along to our dreams. He wanted to hear about the future every second of the day and I didn’t mind to repeat myself because I knew Lennie was building toward a future just like me. Like I said before, he was mentally challenged but damn that man never gave up. No matta what obstacles laid ahead he used his brute strength and my intelligence to move mountains. So you can says he was my yin to my yang. Our journey was fueled by our determination to get a farm. While Lennie’s determination was for them rabbits but they correlate in a way. Because while I’m here on this cruel world alone, I can think of Lennie as my only family. And with that I’m happy he’s up there somewhere tending them rabbits.


I have to write a eulogy for Johnny Cade in the book The Outsiders?

Well, first you gotta start by making a list of Johnny's best traits, as a reference for where to go and what to write. Like this:

1. Respectful
2. Caring
3. Brave
4. Strong (mentally and emotionally, not physically)
5. A Good Friend

And so on. Then, write about how he was 1. Respectful (or whatever you have for number one on your list) but write it as though you knew him, and use examples (not quoted ones!!). Move on to number two, three, etc... 'til you're finished!!

Have fun!! I hope this helped!!!

Need help on poem written by Robt Burns *To A Mouse*, ends w/ the best laid plans of mice & men gang aft aglae

"To a Mouse"

WEE, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi' bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
Wi' murd'ring pattle!

I'm truly sorry man's dominion,
Has broken nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion,
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
An' fellow-mortal!

I doubt na, whiles, but thou may thieve;
What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen icker in a thrave
'S a sma' request;
I'll get a blessin wi' the lave,
An' never miss't!

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big a new ane,
O' foggage green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith snell an' keen!

Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro' thy cell.

That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble,
Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or hald,
To thole the winter's sleety dribble,
An' cranreuch cauld!

But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
An'lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

Still thou art blest, compar'd wi' me
The present only toucheth thee:
But, Och! I backward cast my e'e.
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!

Will insects get to a body that has been buried six feet underground without a casket?

As Christopher answered, soil creatures will easily get to a buried body. This includes worms and ants, and certainly bacteria. That said, if the body has been embalmed well and if the casket is vaulted and made of metal or cement, it and the body inside may last quite longer than expected.However, of the different insects that feed on cadavers, different ones prefer different depths. A forensic entomologist can use this information to determine if a body was buried or not. Some reports say blow flies (Calliphoridae) won’t visit a corpse even if it’s just under a few centimeters of soil, although others put the limit at around 30 cm (1 foot). House flies (Muscidae) might be more common, and they push through the cracks in the soil to try to reach the cadaver and lay eggs. Sometimes flies lay their eggs on the soil above the body, and the hatched larvae then crawl down to the body, again pushing through cracks in the soil.Some flies and a few beetles seem to have no trouble with buried bodies, based on the results of disinternments (un-burying a casket). One fly species in particular, Conicera tibialis, seems to be found exclusively in buried bodies and rarely surface bodies, such that its common name is “coffin fly.” It’s limit is 2 meters, which is 6.33 feet. So if you are “six-feet under,” the coffin fly will still get you. Other flies seem to like coffins that are not buried, like those in mausoleums. Some flies like outdoor bodies and others indoor bodies, and this is all information a forensic entomologist must know.Source: Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, Second EditionThis all being said, the “Six Feet Under” depth for graves was more about keeping out animals and graverobbers than insects… we think. Six feet might also be a limit rather than a minimum in places where the soil is too wet, to keep the coffins from literally floating up. In practice, people bury bodies at different depths in different parts of the world. The Other Side Of Funerals: 6 Feet Deep

What does this dream of seeing me dead mean?

It's OK. Your dream is very normal. Lots of people have experienced similar dreams.Dreams are one of the main ways in which our unconscious mind talks to our conscious mind. A deeper part of you is sending you a message. It's asking you to look at something, to think about something that may be important.In our daily lives, we often choose to ignore or repress certain emotions - fear, sadness, anger. These 'hidden' emotions can then manifest themselves in dreams. Perhaps you're feeling scared or sad about something? Your dream is like a calendar reminder, going: "Hey! You feel these emotions too! Don't forget about them!" It's also a safety valve - a way of feeling and expressing emotions that you may be less comfortable with when you're awake.Your feelings may be about death, but not necessarily. The unconscious mind is very complex. Its images can have many meanings. Death is an ending, a change. If you're about to graduate, perhaps your relationships with all the people in your dream are about to change? Perhaps you're worried about moving away from them, leaving them, losing them in some way, even if they won't actually die? Maybe you fear that a part of you will 'die' when these big changes happen?This may be what your dream is saying.  Or it could be something completely different! Either way, it's a very normal dream.