Feeling Cold And Shivering

I have a fever and am feeling cold/shivering. Should i sleep naked or wear a lot of layers?

I have a fever and im shivering/feeling cold. Should i sleep naked and take warm showers or opposite?
I woke up with a very warm forehead, congested nose, and was shivering alot because i felt cold. I took advil ,drank lots of cold water and took a hot shower and slept a lot wearing layers of clothing. Am i doing some thing wrong? The fever went away for a couple hrs and i wasnt shivering anymore but now it all came back again! Tonight should i sleep naked or wear layers of clothing? And should i continue showering with hot water or should i do cold water?

What drugs make you feel cold to the point of shivering and give you a warm tingly sensation in the chest with a raised heart rate?

I'm sure it depends. But that sounds like any stimulant. The stimulant constricts your blood vessels which will cause your extremities to get cold due to a lack of blood flow. Your heart will race as they increase blood pressure and heart rate. Some Stimulants are, caffeine, cocaine, methanphetamines, amphetamines(adderall).

Why do I feel cold and shiver in the morning?

During the night, everything cools down. So what may seem like enough blankets in the evening may not be so in the morning, causing your body to cool down and shiver. Try putting on an extra one or wearing warmer pyamas and see if that helps.

Why am I feeling cold and shivering all the time?

1. Slow thyroid (hypothyroid).2. Low blood sugars3. Low iron4. Low B1 or B12However, thyroid issues can be from excessive estrogen or a gallbladder issues. Blood sugar issues can also be a problem which is really insulin resistance. Low iron, anemia from a lack of stomach acids or having a heavy periods (loss of blood). Being a vegetarian can also lead to low iron.Source :

Why did I wake up with shivers and feeling cold after a nightmare?

I think it might be hard to find an answer to this. I have woke up literally freezing after having nightmares. Since I didn’t know the answer I googled the question using a few different ways to word it, and got a lot of information about raising body temperatures but not lower body temperatures. However then I considered the amount of stress that a person can experience during nightmares and looked up if body temperatures could drop from stress and it can. That stress is the reason is just a guess though and not fact. so unfortunately I didn’t help. I also like another answer you got from Tammy Greggs guess. Your body temperature does indeed drop when you are sleeping.So unfortunately I didn’t help. Still at least you know you are not alone with this kind of experience.

Why Do I feel So Cold and Shiver So Much When I Argue With Certain People?

Admittedly, I'm an argumentative person. I really love to argue. But, when I'm arguing with certain people, like my crazy stalker ex-girlfriend, I start to feel extremely cold and I shiver violently. We just had an argument and I can barely type this I'm shaking so badly. (Don't say this is love or something dumb like that. I really hate her guts.)

Freezing Cold and Shivering but Burning Up?

I woke up this morning feeling terrible, but its just got worse. Im currently sitting here unable to sleep and i am physically boiling my temperature is through the roof but i feel freezing. I'm shivering because i feel so cold yet i know im hot. Regardless of what i do i don't seem to feel warmer. I've spent the last 4hours in bed next to a radiator on max. If i touch myself i can feel me burning up and im covered in sweat yet i feel so cold.

I dont know what to do to make it stop? Do i stay warm despite feeling cold or do i do thoppositeite and put up with the pain of being this cold because i know my body needs to cool down.

I also feel really hungry yet thinking or looking at food turns my stomach. Should i eat or now?

I'm shivering even though I'm not cold?

Sometimes, when I am really tired, I can not regulate my body temperature as well as when I am rested, you are probably tired, possibly stressed and also could be coming down with the flu, I would take some kind of cold and flu medicine for nausea and also see if you can get some rest. Park a trash bin next or something so if you need to puke, you wont vomit all over your bed or yourself.
Also, try a heating pad tucked into a pillow case for added heat :)
Good luck!!
P.S. If all else fails, listen to soothing music or read a book to help you relax