Feeling Really Rejected In General By Friends Read The Details

Got rejected by my best friend, the girl of my dreams. How can I overcome the pain?

I have a friend from work, she's beautiful. We've been really good friends for about a year, but I just left it at that because I felt she was way out of my league. After she broke up with her boyfriend, she became very physical with me. First, I'm 18 and have never dated a girl before (been rejected three times). So anyways she would hug me or hold onto my arm, even tease me by moving in to kiss me and then pulling back, grinning. I just enjoyed it, but then thought that she felt about me like I did about her. We were hanging out yesterday, and she sat on my lap. A little later I asked her out and she said, "I'm about to hang out with George", this guy that she thinks is hot. Now I feel like my hearts been ripped out, knowing that she doesnt like me but also in fear of our friendship. I want it to go back to how it was before, but I'm afraid she might pull away. And I don't have anyone to talk to - she's the one I would talk to. It feels so painful.

Should I feel bad for getting rejected from UCLA?

You shouldn't feel bad AT ALL!

UCLA's acceptance rate dropped dramatically this year due to budget cuts, the recession, etc. Last year, the acceptance rate was 21% but it's 8.3% this year! (That's almost as low as an IVY LEAGUE'S admission rate!) So for you to be rejected from UCLA doesn't mean you're stupid or anything like that. It just means that they couldn't afford to accept as many qualified applicants as they normally would. Be proud of what you've accomplished, such as getting into UCSD! I'm in the exact same circumstance as you (rejected from UCLA, accepted to UCSD) so we're in the same boat. You have a chance at Berkeley, too!

And remember, in the end, the NAME of the college won't matter. It's all about what you do to succeed at your chosen college. Success doesn't have a designated location! Take advantage of the opportunities you've been given and don't allow one rejection to take that away from you!

I am often get rejected for my height?(read the given details)

Hey friend, get ready for some harsh truth…You not being able to advance as well as your peers in your career and you getting rejected by every girl has got to do with something other than just your height, dear.Its foolish of anybody to associate these things only to their physical attributes.Listen, if that girl rejected you at 19, she probably didn’t like you much . Or if she had feelings for you but still rejected you due to your height , then she probably would never have been a good life partner for you. So , move on. Get over it. Don’t harbor that hurt forever.If you think you are lagging behind your peers in your career, then work harder, try to understand what you are doing wrong or what others are doing better (believe me, it’s got nothing, absolutely nothing to do with your height !) . Talk to your boss, learn ways to improve your work and I assure you, at least some small result will show.Lastly my dear, do things to up your self-esteem. Learn to love yourself. No matter how short,tall,stout,thin you think you are. Read. Learn. Go talk to more people. Flirt with a few ladies. Just get out there with confidence ! You’ll definitely see some change in people’s perception of you. But first, change your perception of you.Best of luck.

I fell for a girl, I got rejected. I became friends with her, but she’s in a relationship. What do I do now?

“I became friends with her, but she’s in a relationship”. You can’t be friends with someone in a relationship? That’s going to be pretty rough. What if you’re friends with a bunch of single people and then they start dating? Are you gonna have to bail on those friendships? Ok, I’m teasing you. But here, this is what you do:If you ACTUALLY want to be friends with her, AKA hang out, talk, do things together, all platonically, with no romantic designs on her, then do that.If you want to weasel your way into her life in order for her to suddenly realize what a standup, massively attractive guy you are, and have her dump her boyfriend for you, then you need to hop on the train at the FantasyLand Station and head back to reality. She rejected you for a reason. If you aren’t going to be able to focus on being interested in other girls while you are hanging out with her then you need to stop hanging out with her.

I feel scared reading messages from a guy I like, and delay my response. What the hell is wrong with me?

I don't play games, but I am terrified to read responses from a guy I like. I had to have a friend read it for me to let me know if he rejected me or not. I just think the worst when it comes to love. I am 29, this isn't normal. I messaged him on facebook, and I get so scared to write the message, but what scares me the most is reading the reply. Like, I am just expecting him to reject me.

I haven't seen him for awhile, messaged him on facebook to tell him I missed seeing him. He responded being surprised I wrote, since he thought I didn't like him by how I act. When in fact, I just adore him.

I am so scared to read his responses, I honestly am waiting for him to push me away, or reject me. Why do I have this constant fear?

Reconnect with a friend after she rejected me.. help pls?

I've known this girl since I was 10 and I told her my feeling for her but she said she was not ready for a relationship cause she recently broke up with her boyfriend. I helped her true her breakup and when I saw her for christmas break, i suddenly just fell in love.... The 10 year old girl who used to sit on my table for Math class really blossomed.... i'm really a bad looking guy, some say i'm quite handsome but i knew she was not ready. We flirted a bit, touched hand but i could see that she still had feeling for her ex. during easter i met with her told her my feelings because i felt i had to get it out. i got turned down but we still remained friends. We used to be very close, chatted a lot and we used to send messages to each other almost everyday but lately things are awkward. it's been 3 weeks since I message to her and she did reply but after the 2nd message she just stopped. I might be over thinking this because she had exams. She's a med student, works alot and she is very focus on her career. Maybe i still have feeling for her but still think of her as a good friend. i don't plan on forcing anything on her or wait for her but i just want to reconnect with her. I just miss talking to her cause she's a good friend. She's really cool, down to earth and not a shallow person. I felt like i messed it up.... i know it's silly and it's easy to pick up the phone to call her but i feel embarrassed. what should I do?

After proposing my feelings and getting rejected, why does he get jealous of my guy friends and try to end my friendships with them?

After proposing my feelings and getting rejected, why does he get jealous of my guy friends and try to end my friendships with them?I am sorry it didn’t work out for you. Being rejected is never easy, especially not if you are still seeing him from time to time.Getting jealous of your guy friends and trying to end your friendship with them unfortunately is not a sign, that he likes you, now, or wants to be with you. It’s not a sign that he is having second thoughts now. Why and how I know that? If he wanted to be with you, he could. He knows you like him and you are still around. All he has to do is say the word. But he doesn’t.Trying to end your friendships and messing with your life is all he wants. Some people just love being controlling. It gives them a power kick, makes them feel better about themselves and gives them a sense of purpose. This isn’t about you or how he feels about you. It’s not punishment or a secret message to you. He does it for his benefit and fun only. To him it’s a challange to find out, how far he can go with you, how much you are wiling to accept from him. A game if you will.Only because we love a person doesn’t make them good or worthy of our affections. People are flawed and so is he.Grief the rejection. Let him continue on his path, while you try to find your own. Avoid him as much as you can. Keep busy with other people and have dates and one day you will have moved on from him to someone who loves you as you love him.Thanks for the request.

Love: She rejected me and wants me to be her closest friend, I cannot, please read the description, what do I do?

Honestly, its mind boggling just reading it. It sounds like a ball of confusion; that "ball of confusion" - is the inner you.State of mindYour state of mind needs to change. Change "how" you "think" and change will follow.First of all, don't allow someone else to have control over your emotions; get control of your emotions. She is literally, pulling your emotional strings; back and forth, back and forth, and at the same time - doing what she wants to do. It sounds like you realize that, but you can't quite come around to pulling away "emotionally."Mentally, you're there, now you need to detach from her - emotionally.One way to detach emotionally, is to have no contact with her. No matter how much she begs, kicks and screams, free yourself of all "attachments" to her. It might be difficult at first, but you have to separate yourself from her - even phone calls, in order to give yourself time to - recover. You need space.People come into our lives for various reasons, In your case, this person, was there to make you stronger emotionally. Look at her as a test; a test that is meant to strengthen you emotionally, and to become a stronger "you."  You're an emotional mess.  You need to become a stronger person.It's selfish of her, to know how you feel about her,  throw her affairs in your face, and at the same time keep you hanging on emotionally, and expect you to be her friend.Do what you need to do for yourself! So you can be restored "emotionally." The longer you wait the harder it will be; you will remain trapped "emotionally", the longer you are around her.Break the "attachment" detach!

I have always been ignored and socially rejected. I’m in college now. My only friend now ignores and socially rejects me. How can I cope with my depression, anger, and suicidal thoughts from being socially rejected my whole life?

I also such experience since elementary school. But, luckily, I "dropped" it there, and became extroverted since then.However, we are not kids anymore. I suppose that people around you do not actively ignore you. You are all adults, it is childish to ignore someone or exclude some. I wonder if the situation is like this: They were thinking of something else, absorbed in their own world while you were talking to them. They didn't give you any feed back because they didn't hear you. Then you thought, oh, I was being ignored again!  Thinking about things in a positive way can avoid 50% bad feelings in your life.                                                         -----------------Zagros Han Here's some advice the may helpImprove yourself. People always like someone with good quality as well as great ability( e.g. academically capable people) . Most important of all, you have to "ARM YOURSELF"!                                                       Academically: work hard ,work hard and word really hard! Being ignored is such a great opportunity to study without any social problems. You can 100% focus on studying, you don't have to worry about go to the library or Mary's birthday party thing.                              Others: How about learn something new, like ukelele (it is easy to learn and you can play it well in a short period of time ).  OR  you could do something challenging and popular or amazing, like bungee or parachute jump.     Having done all these things, you have a lot of interesting experience to share. Interesting and humorous people are always welcome.    No one would ignore the confident and beautiful girl playing ukelele in the spotlight.                         Being thick-skinned. You may think that I am so nice. I am always ready to help but they don't talk to me let alone give me the chance to help. People always suffer and need help, you could be spontaneous to offer help, no one would reject that. Then, they know how nice you are and make friends with you.Take an initiative part in some social organizations. (especially those you are familiar with, so you have mutual topics to communicate and original ideas to share). Please remember that no one was born ignored! You just have not find the right and effective way to communicate with the world.