Feeling Unreal When Peeing

Dog peeing all over the house after having puppies... What to do?

my dog had 8 puppies a month ago and pees in the house constantly now! It is to the point that my husband wants to get rid of her... Is this normal? (I don't think it is) How do I make her stop! She is let out more than enough in a day... She is pooping everywhere too. She has peed in the house 3 times today alone and pooped on our couch, just in the last 8 hours or so! Please help me! I don't want to get rid of her, but if this does not stop I don't see any other option.

PS: She is perfectly healthy. We have already ruled out a doggy UTI.

At wits end- cat won't stop peeing all over the house!?

Thank you for the kind responses. I have a feeling she may need to be re-homed into a household where she gets more attention and is the only animal. I try to bring her into the guest room and snuggle her everyday which she used to enjoy but now seems to just want to get away from me and can't seem to be able to enjoy any kind touching. It's tough. I love her to death and its tearing me up.

I am on an DXM BINGE and I cant stop. I feel like I am losing my mind, but I want to experience more. Any dxm ?

day 1 - 450 mg (fell asleep through
the trip) oh well. So I decided I'd
do it again the next night. Anyway, tonight I plan on taking
900mg, 3rd plateau with 5g
Klonopin to control the Panic. The problem is, i am sober right
now and everything "seems"fake
or unreal. I feel detached from my
body and keep hiccuping which is
annoying. I am taking "safe" doses
of dxm, not life threatening, but I feel so "out of reality right now".
Its very bizarre. What is going on
with me? Day 2 - 450 mg, low 2nd plateau
trip, Nothing special. Kind of
spacey and everything was slow
motion. Day 3 600 mg and 10 mg klonopin.
I was in and out of a black out but
had and awesome trip. I felt like I
was flying or floating or
something. No hallucinations
though. Day 4 400 mg, then 200 more mg
about an hr later, then 6g
klonopin. Watched some movies. I
stared in the mirror and I started
thinking, "Am I an entity alien of
this world? Am I really here?" for like 30 minutes. I couldn't think
for myself. It was like I was a new
human being or a creature. Day 5 - 600 mg, then 300 mg 2
hours later then 5mg klonopin. I
blacked out(I think, woke up an hr
later and didn't know what I was
doing. Im not sure I was even
blacked out) for an hour after I took the 300 mg. I think I was
third plateau. When I closed my
eyes, I was in a jungle and forrest,
when I went to pee and closed my
eyes I saw beautiful curtains
blowing in the wind. I saw furniture bouncing around the
room the the beat of the music. So
much more cevs. I was still able to
walk and talk though. I want to
see alien species and gods. What
should I do?

Why does peeing feel so good when you need to go?

What if you were in a relationship with someone who only complained about problems and never expressed gratitude when they were fixed?The body needs integrity with respect to the mind. If the body wants the mind to do something, it has to signal that need, but just as importantly, it has to reward the subsequent satisfaction of the need. If all it did was signal the need, without a reward, the mind would learn that there is no value in paying attention to the body's needs.There is an important balance in that the pleasure from the reward can't outweigh the discomfort. Otherwise you'd hold in your pee just to make it feel good when you finally went.

Is herpes supposed to be EXTREMELY painful?

I almost certainly have genital herpes (I went to the doc and we're not going to know for sure for a few days, but I have all the symptoms). The only problem is, when I read up on herpes it kind of sounds like its not that big of a deal. However, this outbreak I'm having right now is unreal. It's actually interfering with my life. It hurts SO badly to pee that I don't drink many liquids anymore, and every time I use the bathroom I have to go in the bathtub. Even then, its so painful it makes me cry! I feel like I can't even function like a normal human being anymore. Does this sound typical to you? Or is it a bad case? Or possibly something else?

If it is herpes then I am on my first outbreak.

Why do people in India pee on the roadside?

Perhaps because they have a full bladder and need to empty it sooner or later. I’ve heard that only men are socially allowed to do it, which is sexist, but that is still more progressive than what we have in the US.I think that anyone who needs to empty their bladder should be able to do so, especially when there is no free toilet nearby. Making public urination illegal disproportionately targets women, and here’s why:Men can use dirty toilets, as they don’t need to touch it, whereas women doResisting the urge is more likely to cause a UTI in femalesWomen have smaller bladders, so we need to pee more oftenIf it is illegal, men can easily get away with it, by just putting their thing in their pants and walking away. Women need to put their clothes back on and the squatting position is much more obvious.

How did it feel to see a "positive" result on your pregnancy test?

So my first positive was with my oldest daughter, who is now 3.5. I was TERRIFIED and angry. I was mad because I knew my boyfriend at the time had done it intentionally to “keep me straight”. I was 18, a senior in high school, and had plans to get far away from my boyfriend for college. That threw me for a loop, but after about 4 weeks of going to the clinics, the OBGYN, an adoption counselor and therapy, I came to the decision I wanted to keep the baby and become a mom. From there on out, it was nothing but happiness.My second positive, was my miscarriage where I lost the baby at 8weeks, 3 days. I was scared and nervous because Cam and I weren’t totally speaking at that time, and he was in a new relationship and I didn’t want to mess that up. I knew he’d be there for the baby, and for me even as just a co-parent, so I wasn’t scared for that part.I had a chemical pregnancy in which, I was drugged up at the hospital with a super severe infection when the doctor came in, and looked at Cam, asked me if he was okay to be in the room to go over my blood results. I said sure, and he goes, “Well it seems you’re pregnant.” At the time, Cam and I had only been back together about 2 weeks, so I was super early and genuinely had no idea. That time, I just sort of stared at Cameron for two hours and was like, “what did he say? He’s lying. It’s a joke, right?”My most recent positive was with our now 7.5 month old daughter. We weren’t trying, but we knew it may happen and so getting the positive was a happy moment. Sort of an “oh shit now this is real” but also happy. We both knew we could manage a second baby. We both knew the risks.