Feeling Very Lost And Confused Help

Feeling confused and lost in this world?

You sound pretty 'normal' to me! Perhaps you're separating from your parents and their ideas and finding your own. Perhaps not, but I went through the same thing. So did billions of others (choose a number!).
Yes, we've been brainwashed and hypnotized by our pasts; some learn to be apart and individual through some of the growing pains you're feeling.
My advice is grow closer to Nature. Relax and know you are on your path, that you are working things out your own way. Please know you are not paranoid or going crazy. Please allow yourself to feel the growing pains (and I mean that in a wise way) are 'normal'. Keep confident about yourself and know that every wise man felt just like you.
You are on your path. Walk it strongly.


I am feeling confused about my love life. Help?

Tell me, do they usually post this kind of information all over the place? If they don't do such a thing normally, there is really no reason why they should suddenly do it to you. (Obviously, if they do behave this way normally then they will)

There is always going to be some risks in asking people out although usually the worst is that they will turn you down. In that case you are no worse off than you were before you asked.

It can be a bit of a problem asking out friends in that it can unbalance the friendship. Some people are embarrassed or uncomfortable to know that a friend thinks of them in a different way from the way they do, and some people don't like hurting people if they turn them down. You might want to consider that.

Your real problem seems to be that you don't actually like one more than the other. To me, that would suggest that neither of them is a good choice with whom to go out, and that you might be better just remaining friends and waiting for someone who does stand out as being the one person you want to go out with.

I feel lost and confused...?

You know, something similar happened to me. There was one point in my life when i was strangely heavily depressed for some reason, and i kept thinking of the thought of how my family members are going to die one by one each day and every second is closer to death. But it will only occur to me at night. Around exactly the 5- 11 pm parts. NEVER in the morning, which i never knew why. My mom is a psychiatrist but i never confronted her..because.. i don't know, it was weird. "everybody hates me" I don't hate you. But i hate my school. Yeah, i know school is full of a bunch ***** isn't it? lol

you see about the ankle breaking..Self-injury seems incomprehensible to people who don’t engage in self-injurious behavior. Why would someone choose to cut or otherwise hurt themselves? It’s important to remember that self-mutilation provides individuals with some degree of comfort or relief. The relief itself rapidly gives way to feelings of shame over self-injuring, which encourages more self-mutilation.

you are thinking that it is your fault and trying to calm yourself down through pain. But its an act that grows if it is not stopped. I know it is overwhelming which is part of the disorder. Im telling this to you now before its too late, It can lead to you to suicide. Understand this while youre still capable of processing it before it completely takes over and youve lost common sense lol But im not trying to scare you, youll be alright. You want to be happy, yes? No one is controlling your brain, ahahaha. Its you if youve noticed... Only you. See, your brain is a private area where youre thoughts are meant to thrive and grow. A thought turns into an emotion. The emotion is affecting you. Change the thoughts. Its easy. Trust me, i know...

you can train yourself to be happy.
happiness and depression are just habits that you indulge in. take control of yourself and be happy.

Why do I feel so confused and lost about life?

These past two years I have this feeling, where I feel I'm lost and confused about everything in my life. I feel like I'm not living a happy life, everyday is always the same and I never have fun or just be myself.
I am twenty years old, I am going to school right now to become a public schoolteacher. There is a part of me that wants to drop out of the school, but then I don't know what to do. I basically don't have any hobbies or anything I'm interested in. So I don't think dropping out of school is going to make me happy, actually just more lost. I am still young and all I want to do is to have fun and enjoy life. But I don't know how?????
I have a great family, but we are really poor, so we don't take any vacations and that sucks because that would make life so much better. But I love my family they are everything I have in this life.
I don't have a boyfriend, never did.
I don't have so many close friends, actually I just have one friend which I meet once every second month. And there is nothing wrong with me, I am just very shy and quiet. I need to be more open.

BUT I don't know where to start to make my life more exciting and happy. PLEASE HELP

I'm very lost on my feelings and need some help?

I have a friend who just broke up with his girlfriend and he's now interested in someone a state away. He really likes her, and I've really liked him since I met him. So much that I want him to be happy over my selfish need to have him myself. I was helping him with her, and he hasn't asked her out yet, but he asked me the other day "Hypotepical question... I am just asking this out of... wonder about myself... I am looking for an unbiased answer. I do not plan to go anywhere with this or anything like that ... Not trying to scare you away basically... Would YOU date me?" now I realize this is most likely ACTUALLY a hypotehetical since the way he said it, but when he asked, it made me so happy, and of course I said yes. I asked him the same, and he said yes. We have quite a close friendship, and I'm liking him more and more everyday. I mean I know now that there is at least a small chance one day, but right now..after the events, and my own loneliness after breaking up with someone if I should even say anything right now, or just wait.. I don't want to be selfish, or confuse him more. It's tearing me up though. :c

I'm so lost and confused about life?

I suspect you're a cut above most of the users on this site, as you seem intelligent. It is great to be ambitious, but don't you think you are getting ahead of yourself a bit? You're only 18, meaning you have so much time to accomplish things. You're confused and have been set off track because you're expecting too much from yourself. Take it from a 20 year old guy who's deathly afraid of looking back on his life when he is on his deathbed and thinking "what have I done to leave my mark on this world?" You have dreams of grandeur. I can see that. While that's excellent, it can also be self-destructive. You become so focused on the big picture that you lose track of the small steps you need to take to get there. Set some minor goals for yourself that will eventually lead you to the prestige that you desire.

I don't know if going with the flow is the best idea. It's easy to miss opportunities and make mistakes if you just go with the flow. You must determine exactly what it is you want to achieve, and then take the necessary steps to get there. You must stop thinking as though you can reach your final destination directly from where you are. It takes time and effort and intermediate steps. I tend to put more on my plate than I can eat (figuratively), just like you. You know, in general, what you want (pestige and success). Now you must think clearly and realistically to find out what you need to do to get there.

One can walk over the highest mountain one step at a time. - John Wanamaker

How do I overcome feeling lost, aimless, confused and alone?

Hey, hi.You feel lost, aimless, confused and alone. Let's deal with this. Many of us have been in this stage and some of us are even now. It’s okay. It can be undone.You need to know that the phase you're going through right now is just a psychological illusion. And be thankful that you have came across such phase in your life. It makes you learn what life is all about. You'll be stronger than ever before.We often expect a lot to happen from life, people. When those expectations doesn't come true, we tend to feel hopeless and disappointed. Life is in no one’s hand. We need to accept whatever life throws on us. Also, when we believe that life is only meant for achievements and start comparing our life with others, we create chaos in our mind. We need to know that no one here is very well carrying out their destined purposes. Everyone is randomly striving out for what they believe is life.Life is uncertain. People's relations here are mostly based on their needs. So, don’t be serious about anything. Aims are our artifacts. They really don’t exist. Our only reason for existence should be the joy of living every moment. No one is going to carry their aims and achievements to their graves.So, be happy for you have got a life to live. Many are still longing for someone's love. Be compassionate and love people and animals. You won't be alone then. Confusion arises only when one is so involved in sorting out things not knowing things are already sorted down.Cheers.