Feet And Sometimes Leg Pain From Cold

My Feet sometimes go Blue,Should i be concerned?

Hey i have been wondering if anyone could advise me on this matter.

I have always had cold feet and sometimes when i sit in certain positions (e.g. if i'm sitting on top on leg) my feet would turn blue but as soon as i would get up or change position they would turn back to their normal colour.

For some strange reason, I have recently become very concerned about this. My feet still sometimes goes blue but as soon as i move or massage them , the normal colour returns. There's no pain or anything but regardless i'm a little worried.

I was wondering how seriously this issue is and whether i need immediate medical attention or would i be able to wait awhile and see my doctor in a few days.

I would really appreciate any advice on my situation.

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Why do our hands or legs freeze sometimes?

Like explained in Niharika Tyagi's answer to Why do our hands or legs freeze sometimes? it is numbing usually because the nerves that conduct the feeling from that part of your body have suffered pressure  for a longer time e.g. by lying in such a way without moving while the nerve is exposed to pressure from a table, arm rest, somebody's head even, we usually see that in people blacking out after an overdose of sleeping pills, alcohol, or under anesthesia, since most of us would have moved that limb spontaenously during our sleep.  Sometimes sitting/working in one position for hours also predisposes to such numbing.When after a change in position removing pressure from the nerve the nerve conduction is coming back, it tingles, afterwards it normalizes.

Why are our feet sometimes cold and sometimes warm?

I hesitate to offer a medical opinion here because I am not a doctor, but I do think changing temperatures in feet are normal - up to a point. We all get this from time to time and it probably has to do with how much we move around, or don't, and with how active our circulation is.If the changes are worryingly extreme, however, then this would tell me to go to the doctor as there may be a more serious underlying cause. Circulatory conditions or diseases which cause them, should, I feel, be taken seriously because they can affect your heart as well as other organs, and you clearly these things are worth cherishing.On another note - something to ponder about feet: they connect us with Mother Earth and yet they are a forgotten part of our anatomy. Dancing, like running, is a form of drumming and it connects you through your feet to Mother Earth. If you want to become more grounded, and healthier, try one of the above - or simply walk barefoot on grass for 20 mins each morning, preferably in the dew. Be well.

Random sharp pain in legs?

So I have been getting these somewhat random pain in my legs.
It always happens at night. When my feet are cold OR not cold.
I can't explain the pain. It's like a sharp, cold, numb kinda feeling? And sometimes it only happens to one leg.
It hurts for awhile & then goes away & my leg is perfectly fine. It does not affect me when I walk tho'

Does anyone know WHY this happens?

What causes cold feet after surgery?

Some people have cool extremities simply because the OR is cool and they may be a bit hypothermic if the procedure is long and no warming blankets were used. Being in one position without moving at all can slow the blood flow,But if feet or a foot is cold, blue, or pulseless, then it is an emergency because there may have been an embolic event and unless circulation is returned to that extremity it may die.

Can sciatica cause one leg to be cold?

The term sciatica is commonly used to describe pain traveling in the distribution of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is a symptom caused by a disorder occurring in the lumbar spine. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, about the diameter of a finger

Sciatica Symptoms
Usually sciatica affects one side of the body. The pain may be dull, sharp, burning, or accompanied by intermittent shocks of shooting pain beginning in the buttock traveling downward into the back or side of the thigh and/or leg. Sciatica then extends below the knee and may be felt in the feet. Sometimes symptoms include tingling and numbness. Sitting and trying to stand up may be painful and difficult. Coughing and sneezing can intensify the pain.

The Cause: Nerve Compression
Compression of the sciatic nerve can cause any of the above-cited symptoms. Rarely is nerve damage permanent and paralysis is seldom a danger as the spinal cord ends before the first lumbar vertebra. However, increasing trunk or leg weakness, or bladder and/or bowel incontinence is an indication of Cauda Equina Syndrome, a serious disorder requiring emergency treatment.

What is to be done when my legs pain?

Foot pain is a common problem that is common to people of any age. Due to foot pain, there are pain in the toes, ankles, and feet of the feet. The reasons for foot pain are: old age, wearing comfortable shoes, walking too much, standing on two feet, standing for long periods, different types of fractures, lack of body digestion, diabetes etc. Pain is very painful if you have pain, you can get the solution in the house immediately to cure this pain. So know some ways.Hot and cold waterHot and cold water therapy is very beneficial to prevent foot pain. Hot water therapy increases blood pressure and removes pain due to cold water. Take a warm water in a vessel and take cold water in another container. Sitting in a chair, then drown 3 minutes in the hot water container. Then after 10 seconds, soak the feet in cold water. Make this work 2 to 3 times the same way. You can also treat foot pain in the same way with the IIS pack and hot pack.VinegarVinegar is used in various types of domestic solutions. It is also very beneficial to respond to foot pain. Mix two spoons of vinegar in a vessel with a hot water. You can also mix a little salt. Then take 20 minutes to deepen.IceIce therapy is very good to reduce foot pain. Massage the circular motions in a plastic bag with a piece of ice in the affected area. If you want, you can massage any vegetable packet left in the freeze towel and massage it in the affected area. The cold feeling of ice helps to reduce the pain gradually. But do not send more than 10 minutes of ice because it causes skin and nerve damage.Read Morehealthy food to lose weighthealthy breakfast recipes for weight lossbodybuilding workout routines for massfast weight loss diet plan lose 5kg in 5 daysdiets for quick weight loss