Fell On My Hand And Now I Can

Fell on my hand now my elbow hurts?

I fell backwards and caught myself with my hand. When it happened, my hand went numb. It happened last night. It still hurts when I go to straighten it or bend it more.
It hurts like it kinda needs to pop, but I'm scared to just straighten it and see what happens because it hurts.
I haven't seen a doctor, and I don't think I can. My parents say that I may have sprained it, but that's not what it feels like.
I have been taking aleve and keeping ice on it. I have also been moving it about five times every hour so my muscles don't weaken.

Can someone possibly tell me what this is, what I can do and what'll happen when I straighten it?
Going to the dr really isn't an option.

My mom fell asleep sitting on her hand. Her hand fell asleep and never "woke up". It's been limp, weak, and partially numb. What might be wrong?

If this long (I am assuming it has been present at least for a few days), it is not a circulation problem or (without trying to be trite) her hand would have turned black and fallen off. The answer after that depends on which nerve(s) were compressed, which your doctor should be able to assess by seeing which muscles are weak and where the numbness is.There are three major nerves that supply most muscles acting in the hand - radial, ulnar and median. The radial nerve (usually injured after someone falls asleep -often under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other sedating substances with compression in the upper arm - between shoulder and elbow, e.g. falling asleep with the arm over the back of a chair) would produce weakness of extension of the wrist and fingers (ability to raise them up to the ceiling with the arm outstretched and the palm facing down) and numbness in the first web space on the back of the hand (between the thumb and index finger). Injuries of the ulnar nerve (usually with compression behind the elbow - the ‘funny bone’ area) would produce weakness of many hand muscles but specifically difficulties in elevating the index finger to the ceiling with the arm stretched out in the hand shake position) or abducting (moving the baby finger away from the other fingers with the arm outstretched and the palm facing down) the baby finger and numbness mostly in the baby finger. The median nerve is much less likely to be affected after compression like this but if it were, the numbness would be more noticeable than weakness and affects the palmar (palm side, not back of the hand) aspect of the thumb, index, middle and part of the ring finger).Many things get better after this sort of injury (compression while asleep) but this depends on many factors including the mechanism and location of the nerve injury. If just the insulating material of the nerve (myelin sheath) is damaged, the recovery is often complete and occurs within 2–3 months). If the nerve ‘cable’ (axon) is affected, recovery takes longer (up to a year and sometimes longer) and less likely to be complete recovery.So, best thing is to have her see her doctor and then get a referral to a neurologist, especially one who can do or refer her for electrical studies of the nerves and muscles (“EMG/NCS”).Caveat - this advice is of a general nature only. Don’t rely on Quora to get accurate medical advice - see your doctor!!

Should I take the medicine that fell from my hand onto the ground?

I, in my official capacity, advise family, friends and patients, strongly against it.However, I happily collect my pills from the floor!If you remember Murphy’s laws: “Every objects which falls, falls in such a manner to cause maximum damage!”My sandwiches, bread with butter on top (from those olden times when I still ate bread!) will without any mistake always fall on the butter and ham side!So, I would always merrily collect them from the kitchen floor and eat them.PS. Please allow me a huge diversion: In a small shtetl, deep in Russia, lived small Moshe.One day he was putting some butter on a piece of bread and it fell from his hand but on the UNBUTTERED side!He shouted a shriek of horror and while crying: “Oy, oy, oy!” run to his mamma who grabbed her head in desperation, repeated the “Oy, oy!” routine and run to the pappa.The pappa did the same and they were in utter and complete desperation.How come such a fortunate thing can happen to a small Jewish child in a shtetl in the middle or Russia!So, they went to the local rabbi who repeated the head-clutching and wailing and said that he doesn’t know the answer to that existential question but will convene a meeting of other most senior rabbis and they will come with an answer.This he did, and after several days the rabbis came with an answer: “Moshe did a terrible mistake!He buttered the wrong side of the bread!!!”

Fell and hurt my arm and hand now half of its blue?

Ouch!! I've been there, no fun!!

When a hard blow occurs, blood vessels rupture under your skin and blood spills in the surrounding area. The spilled blood shows through the skin as a darkened [bluish] bruise.

How to treat a bad bruise.

Apply icy pressure as soon as possible. This keeps the swelling down and minimizes the black-and-blue marks of a bruise.

Raise your injured arm above heart level. This will keep the blood from pooling in the injured area.

Apply a warm compress [wash cloth, moist heating pad] a day or two after the injury for about 20-30 minutes.This helps to send more red blood cells into the arm tissues.

Zinc supplement taken orally is a great healing agent. Also apply a first-aid cream [zinc oxide] but don't bandage it even when you go to bed.

Vitamin C, 500- 1,000 milligrams a day builds up the collagen in skin and speeds up healing on bruises.

Vitamin C cream builds up the support structure of collagen in the skin.And reduces your vulnerability to future bruising.

I hope you get to feeling better soon! : )

God Bless,

' J '

I fell off my bike and landed on my hand and now it hUrts when I put pressure on it, please help?! ?

The Purple and bump is called a Contusion.( A raised bruise forming.)
If your able to move your hand or wrist, you didn't fracture anything.
Usually with rest, ice, a compression bandage (ACE bandage) and Elevation you should
be fine soon and back riding your bike.
It will feel sore, for awhile...but you could take an anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen.
and keep it wrapped in the elastic Ace bandage for support and protection....Good Luck!

Arm and hand fell asleep and now my fingers and wrist don't work.?

Thanks for the great answers. Here is an updated description of my main issue:

When I lay my forearm on my thigh with my elbow at my hip and my wrist at my knee, palm UP, I can bend my wrist up and I can curl my fingers in, though not tightly. If I flip my arm palm DOWN, I cannot bend my wrist up at all. There is no wrist movement at all.

Douglas B - I don't have pain when I press the areas you indicated. I really don't have pain anyplace - I just don't work. About 2 hours ago I tried the advice you gave anyway but have had no success yet.

Doc KD - I took the shower you suggested, and have been stretching as best I can. My numbness is a little tingly, like what you feel right when your arm is waking up, just before pins & needles.

Elliot M - Your pinched nerve healed? How long did it take? I don't have baby aspirin, just regular strength 325mg. Can I take this even though I took 1 Advil ?

Anything further from any of you is welcome, thanks for all your advice so far!

I fell and now my wrist hurts ?

Okay, I can barely type cause it hurts when i put pressure on my hand but it hurts right under the thumb on my right of the wrist. it hurts when i move it certain ways. I cant stand it if i move it too fast than OMG THE PAIN COMES BACK OF ME FALLING THE HORRIBLE PAIN PLEASE HELP

What would happen if CRISPR-Cas9 fell in the wrong hands?

Angry Mutated Sea Bass with lasers in their heads.Crispr-Cas9 is basically out there for anyone with the know how to use—it’s not a secret weapon in a lab.Thing is, it takes a LOT of know how to use right now. We are safe from mutated sea bass, for now.

My hamster fell. Will she be okay?

I was holding my russian dwarf hamster when she decided to take a leap out of my hands onto the floor. She fell about 4 1/2 feet onto her back, on my tile floors.

Then she freaked out and did something that sort of looked like she was attacking her own feet. Like she was rolling around and flipping and freaking out.

I picked her up and held her flat on my palm. She completely flattened out and stopped moving. I tried not to move her in case she injured her spine. She was like this for about 5 minutes. She appeared to be in shock.

I gently pet her face with my finger and she slowly came to, moving her front half and dragging her back legs behind her. Then she started moving her back legs and walking very slowly. She picked up her pace until she was up and running around as usual.

I put her back in her cage and she immediately climbed up her vertical tube thingy into the lookout area and groomed herself, then went back downstairs and ran on her wheel for a while. She's now eating, drinking and acting perfectly normal.

I had a bunny before and I know it is a rodents nature to do its best NOT to act injured when they're hurt, but I'm wondering if she's really okay or if she's trying to act like she isn't hurt and as a result, more vulnerable to become someones lunch.

I tripped on my shoelaces and fell quite hard on my hand (with which I tried to brace my fall with). Now my palm is aching and whenever I move my wrist I feel a somewhat sharp pain. What do I have and how do I treat it?

This type of injury may specifically be associated with damage to a bone in your wrist known as the scaphoid. The reason you should see a physician sooner than later is that this particular fracture may be complicated by osteonecrosis (meaning death of the bone). This happens due to the way the artery enters this bone. When a fracture occurs, the piece not connected to the artery dies. A qualified hand surgeon can fix this before this happens. Once the bone dies, it crumbles and you wind up with a cascade of problems, eventually leading to arthritis and long term disability.Hopefully none of this is relevant in your case and you simply sprained the wrist. That said, I would recommend that you not take the chance. There are other types of injuries that can be associated with this type of fall but I've mentioned this one since time is of the essence. Here is a much more in-depth discussion (with images so you can understand better) .