Fellow Muslims. I Need Some Advice

What should you do if your fellow Muslim will not listen to your advice about a certain food being haram?

The same thing you expect others to do when you have a difference of interpretation from the often conflicting Qu’ran. You voiced your opinion, now walk away. It is none of your business.Every religious person cherry picks the parts of the religion that apply to them. Food laws were for the times prior to refrigeration and knowing about correct cooking temperatures, the laws in the Qu’ran and the Bible about foods were life instructions for stone aged men who had no access to science.There is no reason to not substitute in actual scientific knowledge for outdated information, that is not the intent or spirit of any religion to hold one back and continue rules that were not based on the best knowledge available.

I'm a Muslim. I love music. Will I rot in hell?

Just to note a couple of things I knew and assumed from the question:You are a Muslim, who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, and in Paradise and Hell. If this is accurate, then most of the answers to this question from non-Muslims is obsolete/irrelevant.You believe that music is haraam or impermissible.You either want to stop listening to Music or cannot stop and are afraid of the consequences.I (also) believe—after analyzing the evidences of Qur’aan and the Sunnah—that music is haraam. There is a great amount of evidence for those who say that it is haraam.I can certainly understand your situation. I also have a great number of sins that I very often or occasionally fall into, finding it most of the time to be a difficult thing to stop or get rid of, and am afraid of the consequences. May Allah forgive me and you.As a friend, and as a fellow Muslim, I would give the following advice to anyone in the same boat as you and me:Try your best to stop doing it.Try harder (than you did before) to find other means of feeling better when you are down. Study the Qur’aan. Learn its meanings. Listen to heart-warming lectures and stuff.Allah says in the Qur’aan [translation of the meaning]: Verily, in remembering Allah do hearts find rest.Continuously ask Allah for forgiveness, even if you are persisting in doing the sin. Don’t stop at any rate, even if the Shaithaan try to make you ashamed of yourself.If you can, do it in secret. Letting others know of your sins is another sin.Do a lot of worship to compensate for your sins, for good deeds erase bad deeds.Keep asking Allah to help you to stop and show you the way to alternatives.As for rotting in Hell, it is the belief of Ahl-uh-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah that a muwahhid (one who believes in the Oneness of Allah) will not remain in the Hell forever. Rather, any such person who has sins will be under the Will of Allah on the Day of Judgment. If He wishes, He will forgive them their sins and enter them in to the Paradise. And if He wishes, He will punish them in accordance with their sins (and not even a bit more than they deserve) in Hell, then remove them from it, and enter them in to the Paradise.May Allah grant us and you the Paradise.

Muslim teen in america needs help?

As salaam u alaykum

i remember the day i became muslim, i remember how when i saw a koran for the first time that i was drawn to Allah like a magnet to metal. when i said my shahada how i felt like a new person. it is my deepest desire to serve Allah and become a better person, but givin my surroundings and situation it is not always easy to do so.

I am a muslim teen, the only one in my entire family, when i first became muslim it was not easy for everyone to understand but i got past all the comments and weird looks and insensitive questions. those are the things that most people have problems with but not me. for me the problem was with the culture i grew up in the lifestyle i had led up untill this point, the problem is that i am finding it hard to leave that lifestyle.

in particular i am having problems with not listening to the rap music that i am accustomed to, giving salat on the five daily times, i had troubles fasting, and i struggle day to day with masturbation and sex as well as contact with women. i curse.

I thank Allah every day for giving me the knowledge to recognize what is right and what is wrong, and most of all i thank God for bringing me to islam and as it is my deepest desire to serve my Creator i have a question to ask of my fellow muslim brothers and sisters.

Can you help me by giving me advice as to how to beat my habits and how to become a better muslim. can you offer me any help? i would appreciate any advice you can give.

Thank you,

Ps: any muslims that were american non muslims that reverted could really be of help id appreciate it, feel free to contact me at

What advice would you give to a Muslim struggling with their faith?

Learn from the mistakes of those who have been there and committed those mistakes of challenging the divinity of Islam/Quran only to come back later repenting. Being born as a Muslim is indeed a great privilege, do not miss out on such an honour which was bestowed upon you by the creator without having asked for it. Clear any doubts you might be having from the most authentic sources and knowledgeable scholars rather than asking questions on sites like Quora which will only help to muddle your doubts further…never give up in any situation.

What would be your advice to a Muslim who prays 5 times per day, follows the principles of Islam because it improves their life, and they feel better when they do but they have serious doubts about the existence of God and the unseen?

I love this question. I’ve gone back and forth with this same issue for about 18 years (half my life) since I seriously started doubting. At times completely atheist and then at times reverting back to Islam, just believing in God, the whole spectrum. I think you need to change your definition of God, and understand that for centuries it was okay and common practice to ponder and meditate on the reality of God. You are not alone. Nowadays Islam has gotten so poloarized and politicized but it wasn’t always this way. All Islam means is submission to God. I think you need to spend some time really meditating on the words “submission” and “God”. Your understanding of those words are completely yours. To me, submission means letting go. To let the body just lay flat on the ground like a rag and stop trying to control what is ultimately uncontrollable - life, loss, death, etc. That is the feeling I have when I prayed and I miss it. Especially in the sujda position. You aren’t worshipping God, you are submitting to God. Next term is God. Simple Islamic definition - “God is Greater”. Meaning God is greater than anything you or I could comprehend. Interestingly that definition of God is the only one that’s lasted the test of time. The uncaused cause. Now - do I think God is actually going to count each of your good deeds and bad deeds, ask you why you didn’t pray five times day, punish you in Hell etc. Ofcourse not. You need to move past the childish literal interpretations and get deeper in your faith. Read Al Fatiha in a language you understand and read it slow and feel it. Read the Quran and try to embrace its themes. So many people focus on praying five times a day but did you know in the Quran what’s the biggest sin is - being a miser, not sharing your wealth, spreading lies, not treating the poor with respect, not squandering the inheritance of orphans. Sorry for the long winded answer. I just think praying five times a day doesn’t cut it. You need to open the good book and start to really embrace and live by its wisdom.

Should Muslims believe in the illuminati?

Brother/sister....My advice to you is that do not indulge yourself into such things for time being...

There is a huge amount of reality going behind the world events today...which we don't see...

The believe or disbelieve on illuminati, kabbala, free mason etc etc is will not benefit you.....

These are minor portions of a bigger picture....

This bigger picture is described in Quran and Ahadith....go for that bigger picture...

(For christians brother and bible also put some light on that bigger picture..but not fully...together with Quran and Ahadith you can understand better..what is going on and what is about to come soon)

Instead of directly watching videos....I would suggest that first read about this subject in Quran and Ahadith....

Then if you want to study more...then read some description from bible..specially book of revelation...which goes in accordance with Quran and Ahadith....Don't consider any thing reliable if it contradicts Quran and Ahadith....

Then watch videos of eminent scholar on youtube....about the system of lies..(muslims knows it as dajjaliat)..and christian knows it as (system of anti-christ)...

This will complete many of the portions of picture puzzle of bigger picture...

and then you can see these small videos of illuminati, kabbalas and freemason....which consitute may be only less than 1% of that bigger picture..

I know...people usually find these videos interesting....thought that they might get some knowledge of secret things going on....and feels better after seeing this..

But these are only small toys which attracts focus of people towards that they don't go for looking bigger picture...

Regarding Music.....yes there are certain types which are forbidden...but not all....For example Daff...
So do not place all music in one is better to keep quite rather than saying which one is halal and which one is there are chances that you unintentionally make halal as haram and haram as halal.....which is again a sin..

Allah knows best...

Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyum

Helpp! (for muslims) i pray salat most of the time well..sometimes i miss 1 or 2 ?

i dont miss it on purpsose i want to pray but i cant wake up...i started praying when i was little but now i am slacking off and i want to start praying permanetly? is there some way thet i dont get that lazy feeling inside of me and when the azan comes on i start to pray instead of me not praing siting in front of the computer knowing it namaz time i need HELPP! any suggestions?
im 13 and im in the 7 grade i also have a major problem in me waking up early in the mourning for fajr i rearly read fajr AND I NEED HELP i have a huge problem in waking up in the mouring i even use an alarm clock and sometimes ask my gradmother to wake me up and though i still can't wake there some way that i can wake up in the mouring how do you guyswake up in te mouring? i also want to know in ramadan in the mournuing, is it mandatory we eat to keep a fast? and if we dont wake on time and wake up at 7:00 or something can we still fast without eating and if we miss 1 prayer does our fasting count?