Fill In The Parentheses

Should I put a period after 'etc' if it is within a parentheses, and the parenthetical phrase ends the sentence?

It should be "etc.)." - one for the abbreviation and another for the end of sentence.For more information about proper usage of period after 'etc' you can refer to[1][2].Links:1. How to deal with abbreviations like 'etc.' at the end of parentheses which are closing a sentence?2. How to Use "Etc." Correctly

Exponent Help - Fill in the parentheses?

I assume you was asking what the ? should be. If so.....

You are attempting to factor out an AB from the other terms. It would be

(AB)[B^(-1) + 1 + AB^2 + A^4B]


1. fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses in the present imperative(commander-nouns): une pizzza
a. commandon
b. nous commandon
c. nous commandons
d. commandons

2. fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses in the present imperative(dire-vous)!
a. Disez
b. Dites
c. Dite
d. Dise

3. fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses in the present imperative(rendre-tu): son assiette.
a. Rend
b. Tu rend
c. Rends
d. Tu rends

4. fill in the blank with the correct preposition: Vous avez mal____yeux.
a. a l'
b. aux
c. au
d. a la

5. fill in the blank with the correct preposition: Nous avons mal____cou.
a. a la
b. a l'
c. au
d. aux

Did Gaurav Agarwal really solve the question where we are supposed to add three odd numbers to get 30? If yes, what was his solution?

use 15 in first boxuse 9 in second boxnow rotate page 180 degreesuse 9 in the third boxnow rotate page back 180 degreesthats 15+9+6 is 30another answer is use 15 in first than 15 in second and than , in third as it is written in question as "fill the boxes using" so generally we think only as numbers to fill but you can use , ( and ) along with numbers to fill


1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of il y a in parentheses. " ______ de la neige."
a) Y a-t-il
b) Il y a
c) Y a-il
d) Il y ont
2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of il y a in parentheses. "Non, _____ de pluie
a) n'il y a pas
b) il n'y a pas
c) il n'y pas a
d) il y n'a pas
3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of il y a in parentheses. "Non, je n'aime pas quand _____ du vent
a) il y at
b) il y as
c) il y a
d) il y ai
4. Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct
a) Est-ce qu'y a-t-il du vent cette semaine
b) Y-at-il du vent cette semaine
c) Y-at-il du vent ce semaine
d) Y-at-il de le vent cette semaine

my answers: 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c
i guessed so i know i got them all wrong. please help! NO translators please!