Find The Proportion Of Observations Above Z = 6.00

Find the proportion of observations above z = 6.00?

Proportion of observations above z = 3.70 is 0.0001
z may assume any value exceeding 3.70 based on the mean and sigma
Therefore, the proportion of observations above z = 6.00 is supposed to be less than 0.0001
For precise value use graphic calculator

What is the reaction between Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid?

When hydrochloric acid reacts with any carbonates/hydrogen carbonates the products formed are metal chloride , water and carbon dioxide.Since HCl decomposes salts of weaker acids.So the equation of the reaction between calcium carbonate  and HCl is:CaCO3+2HCl =CaCl2+2H2O+CO2This reaction is also known as double decomposition reaction.

For the reaction copper (2) oxide+hydrogen--->copper+water. Which of the following acts as the oxidizing agent?

Although ,the best way to identify the oxidizing agent in a reduction–oxidation reaction is to assign oxidation numbers to the elements in the chemical equation.But in this case - the classical picture would also be helpful.The reaction here is:CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O(l)Remember this: An oxidizing agent is the substance that itself gets reduced.Here’s a simple explanation:In the chemical equation , CuO gets converted to Cu i.e. loses O .This means that CuO gets reduced .Hence, CuO is the oxidizing agent.

What volume of concentrated H2SO4 (density = 1.84g/mL and 96% purity) would be required to prepare 500mL of a 0.2000M H2SO4 solution?

Dear anonymous,Apparently, you want us to do your homework for you. Below is the solution to your question. Do know that this solution is useless to you unless you understand each step and why it is taken. So while I give you the solution to the question, it will be up to you to study this answer carefully and make sure you understand it.To start of with, we will need to fix the question itself as it contains a rather big error. The density of any substance is given in g/cm^3. Not in g/mol as that would be the molecular weight. So the density is 1.84 g/cm^3 (=1.84 g/mL).The answer:0.2M = 0.2 mole/LTherefore, 0.5L * 0.2M = 0.1 mole of H2SO4 required.The molar mass of H2SO4 is 98.079 g/mole (see periodic table or google).Therefore, 98.079 g/mole * 0.1 mole = 9.8079 g9.8079 g/ 1.84 g/cm^3 = 5.33038 cm^3 (=5.33038 mL)The purity of your substance is 96%, therefore you will actually need:5.33038*(1/0.96) = 5.55248 mL.The required precision in your answer is 3 digits (due to the precision of 500 mL).Therefore, the answer is 5.55 mL of acid and (500–5.55 =) 494 mL of water.Note that when preparing such a dilution, always add acid to water. Never the other way around. Pure H2SO4 is an extremely dangerous substance. Handle only under the supervision of a professional.

How many grams of Zinc would you need to react with Hydrochloric acid to produce 1 L of H2 gas?

Let’s assume you mean 1 litre of hydrogen gas at STP (Standard Temperature & Pressure).Since 1 mole of gas at STP occupies 22.414 litres, 1 litre of hydrogen represents 1/22.414 = 0.0446 moles of H2.The reaction of zinc metal with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen can be represented by the equation;-Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2This equation tells us that one mole of zinc will produce one mole of hydrogen gas. Therefore 0.0446 moles of zinc will produce 0.0446 moles of hydrogen. To convert this molar quantity of zinc into grams we simply multiply by the atomic mass of zinc, which is 65.38 g/mol;-Mass of Zn required = 0.0446 * 65.38 = 2.9159 grams.