Find The Zeros Of The Fuction Of F X

How do I find all zeros of the function [math]f(x) =(x+3)^2?[/math]

Zero(es) of a function f(x) means the value(s) of x at which f(x)=0.So put (x+3)^2=0Thus we'll have x+3=0 (as square root of 0 is 0 only)Thus x=-3(-3+3)^2=(0)^2=0.So here f(x) has only one zero i.e -3

Find the zeros of the function.f(x) = 9x2 - 27x + 20?

(3x - 5)(3x - 4) = 0

So either 3x - 5 = 0; 3x = 5; x = 5/3
or (do the same for 3x - 4)

F(x)=x^2-9x+14/4x find the zeros of the function?

(x-7)(x-2)/4x = 0

(x-7)/4x = 0
x-7 = 0
x = 7

(x-2)/4x = 0
x-2 = 0
x = 2

Find all the zeros of a function: f(x)= 8x^3-64x^2+160x-128?

let's fin the factors between the leading coefficient which is 8 and the constant term -128

+/-1 , +/-2 , +/-4 , +/-8 , +/- 16 , +/- 32 , +/- 64 , +/- 128 , +/- 1/2 , +/- 1/8 , ...

Now, we are going to try each number plugging in the original equation and the one makes it zero as the following

f(2) = 8 * (2)^3 - 64 * (2)^2 + 160 * 2 - 128 = 0 (good)

x = 2 ===> x - 2 = 0
let's do long division:

. . . . . 8x^2 - 48x + 64
. . . . . ___________________
x - 2 I 8x^3 - 64x^2 + 160x - 128
. . . . .-
. . . . .8x^3 - 16x^2
. . . . . ____________________
. . . . . 0 - 48x^2 + 160x - 128
. . . . . -
. . . . . . . -48x^2 + 96x
. . . . . ____________________
. . . . . .. . .0 + 64x - 128
. . . . . -
. . . . . . . .. . . .64x - 128
. . . . . ____________________
. . . . . .. 0 + 0

f(x) = 8x^3 - 64x^2 + 160x - 128 = (x - 2) * (8x^2 - 48x + 64)

f(x) = 8x^3 - 64x^2 + 160x - 128 = (x - 2) * 8 * (x^2 - 6x + 8)

f(x) = 8x^3 - 64x^2 + 160x - 128 = (x - 2) * 8 * (x - 4)(x - 2)

f(x) = 8x^3 - 64x^2 + 160x - 128 = (x - 2)^2 * 8 * (x - 4)

x = 2 & 4 <=== roots

How do you find all rational zeros for f(x) =x^3-2x^2-5x+6?

As the coefficient of x^3 is 1, rational zeros are integers. The numerical term has only eight divisors, 1, -1, 6, -6, 2, -2, 3 and -3. So, if there are any rational roots, one of them must be one. Try them. 1^3 - 2(1^2) - 5(-1) + 6 = 0.Yes, you have found a zero straightaway.Now factorise: (x-1)(x^2 - Ax - 6) = x^3 - (A+1)x^2 + (A-6)x + 6 so A must be 1.Therefore x = 1 or x^2 - x - 6 = 0. The latter is a quadratic with discriminant 1+24 = 25. As this is a perfect square there must be two integer solutions, so factorise it. You should find (x - 3)(x + 2) = 0 so solutions are 1, 3 and -2.They are all rational.

F(x)=5x-3 find the zeros?

5x - 3 = 0
5x = 3
x = 3/5 answer//

How do you find the zeros of f(x) = x^5-2x^4+8x^2-13x+6?

Find first the factorization indicated by Eric D. Then use the general result for cubic equations of the form A x^3 + B x^2 + C x + D = 0. You can also use only one of the first roots in the factorization, then use the general result for quartic equations of the form A x^4 + B x^2 + C x^2 + D x + E = 0. You can find both formulas in any good standard algebra book.

Find the zeros of f(x) = 9x4 - 37x2 + 4?

f(x) = 9x4 - 37x2 + 4
0 = 9x4 - 37x2 + 4
0= (9x^2-1)(x^2-4)
x= 1/3
x= -1/3