First Major Allied Victory On Land In North Africa Was At .

Why was North africa important to the Allies?

The area was not really important in itself. Many senior commanders, Hitler included saw it as a side theater of the war. The real value of the Anglo American victory over the Afrika corps was that they could now take the fight to the Axis via Italy of as Churchill puts it the 'soft underbelly, this tied up many German divisions which could have been throwing the allies back into the sea on D Day. The allied invasion also saw the end of fascist Italy, none of this would have been possible without the hold over North Africa that the allies had as it gave them the ability to assemble the troops and logistics needed for a full scale invasion of Europe.

Brief Summary of WW2?

I will give you a summary, but bear in mind that it necessarily omits almost everything of real interest - the war lasted 6 years (more for the Japanese and Chinese, for whom it started earlier) and was a complicated business. To keep things simple I shall be forced to omit whole campaigns, nd you must do your own reading to flesh out this skeleton.

In Europe the war started, eventually, as European wars have sometimes done in the past: in an attempt to rectify the balance of power. When one European nation looks as though it will become too powerful, gaining a prepotent Continental position, other powers act to check it. In the 1930s Germany got away with reoccupying the Rhineland, seizing bits of Czechoslovakia and uniting with Austria, but her alliance with Russia to invade and share Poland was a step too far. Accordingly, Britain and France declared war.

At first Germany did well, occupying most of France and chasing the British army out of the Continent. They followed up this success by an intensive bombing campaign aimed at British industry and cities and by a campaign of submarine warfare aimed at cutting off supplies. Ultimately, after much fighting, both failed.

Japan was also involved. Britain declared war on Japan after she invaded British eastern possessions. The USA was unwillingly dragged into the conflict when the Japanese air force attacked the US Navy at Pearl Harbour in 1941. At this point Germany also declared war on the USA.

Also in 1941 Hitler betrayed his Russian allies by invading the USSR. At first the German army had much success, helped by the fact that Stalin had shot most of his competent generals in political purges a few years earlier. However, the Russian winter and the plentiful supply of Russian soldiers to replace casualties meant that in the long run the Germans would be forced back and the USSR was able to occupy much German territory.

In 1944 British, Canadian and US troops again landed in France (the D-day landings) and a year later - again after much hard fighting - the war was won.

The internal story of Hitler's Germany - the persecution of the Jews and of political opponents, the shape of the National Socialist state and the social policies of the era - are also interesting but do not properly belong in a quick sketch of the war.

Hope this helps.

Can someone help me with my history please?

1. Use the information in the box and your knowledge to answer the question that follows.

The events listed in the box are examples of __________.

acts of aggression by the Axis Powers

2. Which best characterizes the League of Nation’s response to the invasion of Ethiopia, Manchuria, and the Rhineland?

slow, but very effective


He was the brilliant statesman who served as prime minister of Britain through most of World War II.

winston churchill


In his quest for lebensraum, he marched into the Rhineland, annexed Austria, and went on to claim Czechoslovakia for Germany. Britain and France finally declared war on Germany when he attacked Poland.

adolf hitler


The day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he addressed Congress. He asserted December 7, 1941 was “ a date which will live in infamy” and asked Congress to declare war on Japan.

franklin roosavelt

6. .

He was the Fascist dictator of Italy who formed an alliance with Hitler during World War II. His major military campaigns were in North Africa and Greece.

benito mussolini


He was the communist leader of the Soviet Union. Before the war, he formed a Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact with Hitler. He was forced to join the Allies after Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union.

joseph stalin

8. Which generals led the Allies to victory in North Africa?

Eisenhower and Montgomery

9. All of the following helped bring about World War II except __________.

Hitler’s appeasement policy toward France and Britain

10. What was the Holocaust?

the systematic Nazi slaughter of Jews and others

11. Which city was the site of the battle that was considered the major turning point in the war on the Eastern Front?