Fixing A Cracked Disc

Fix a crack in xbox 360 game disk?

CDRoms are made of plastic layers with top layer being a protective somewhat hard case to protect the bottom layer. This bottom layer is what has the pits that are represented as zeros and the high areas are considered the ones So basically your CD is a just pits and high areas that represent on and off that the computer reads really fast and is able to change them into directions which become colors, motion, etc.
The way CDs are burned are from the inside of the cirlce going out. So damage on the outside ring is not bad. Any time the there is seperation or physical break in the center of the CD will cause not to read. It has been said that the laser reader for Xbox has been stronger and can read some really damaged CDs.
You said it starts at the center and extends out is not good. If the break is just straight from the center to the edge you have a slender chance of making it work. If the break curves or is over 1/4 inch it doesn't look good because the damage is breaking the line of information that curves around the CD.

Xbox 360 disc cracked...?

Xbox 360s, are usually really bad with reading Discs with even the slightest scratch on them,
Actually my 360 recently destroyed my GTA 4 Liberty City Stories Game.
Just by it Tipping over. But, if you just got it youd think that youd be able to return it.
As for Glue or tape, neither of those are the best ideas, actually in all honesty that could make things a hell of a lot worse.
You could try getting one of those special disc fixers.
but if that doesnt work, your game might not work at a certain part.
It might just turn off eventually, thats what happend to me with Resident Evil 5.
So you can try whatever.
The best bet is to try to return it and get a new one.

To fix crashed windows 8 do I have to buy it again even when I got it preloaded in my laptop?

Call Lenovo to get a repair disc. There's no need to use a cracked copy.

– Dominic

Broken portable DVD player - cracked screen? Fix - or throw away?

After only 3 months, our durabrand portable is broken. Repair says it is a cracked screen and it would cost as much to repair as buy a new one. I hate throwing it away, as it cost $175. Should I just toss it and forget it?

Windows 8 Crack Does it work?

Ok i somehow had to format my computer, had to reinstall my windows 8 but i cant find my original copy.
So i was searhing for some solution online and came accross a website which promised to activate my windows 8 to a legitimate copy, with some "windows 8 crack" tool,

Please is this true?, i dont want to install a malware on my computer and have to format it again, but i really need my windows 8 to be activated.

Can i get some suggestion on what to do.

What is disc dehydration?

OK, the PT above had some good things to say. However, he is incorrect about a few things.

Disc dehydration occurs when your disc are not getting the nutrition that they need and become dehydrated. It does not have anything to do with you being dehydrated. The reason for this is that your discs receive nutrition through a process called imbibition. This is the process of stretching and relaxing the spine that acts like a pump to get nutrition into the spine. As the disc gets compressed, it pushes the older waste material out and then as it expands, it brings in the new good nutrition. They do NOT receive their nutrition or blood from the vertebral artery( PT was incorrect about this one).
Also the reason that you are taller in the morning is because when you sleep, the joints no longer are being compressed. As a result they try to expand . So, this expansion will bring fluid and nutrients into the discs. It has nothing to do with an artery. The fetal position will help take pressure off the discs. However, if the joint surrounding the disc is not moving, the position will not make any difference at all.

So, if you have disc dehydration, it means that your joints are not moving at that spot. As a result, the disc is not getting the proper nutrition it needs. In order to correct that problem, you need to get that joint moving. The best way to get it to start moving is through chiropractic care. They will get the joint moving and help restore the normal imbibition process to that disc.

My wife had the same diagnosis almost 10 years ago. However, with chiropractic care, the disc is no longer dehydrated. It has made such a difference in my wife that I have now become a chiropractor.

I hope this information helps. If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail me at

I wish you the best

Is there a reliable way to repair scratched Blu-Ray discs?

There are some tips for fixing a scratched Blu-ray disc for you:Fix Blu ray disc with a wet clothWet a soft microfiber cloth with warm water, plop on a drop of dish soap, and wash the Blu ray disc in a circular motion. Finally, rinse and dry it with a dry, nonabrasive cloth.Do Blu ray disc repair with waxApply turtle car wax in liquid form onto a soft and clean cloth gently and slowly. Clean the surface of discs by using the soft cloth and wash it under cold water. Remove extra wax dust. Keep it dry for a few hours.Hope this can help.

Does cracking one's neck and spine cause any damage?

There's two answers to your question, it all depends on how you are cracking the joint. In my field the use joint calvitation instead of cracking but Ill use cracking to keep it simple. The noise heard happens because you break the joint seal, sometimes gas pockets form within the joint and by popping this joint seal the gas escapes. The effect is similar to putting a finger in your mouth on the inside of your cheek, covering it with your lips and then flicking it out of your mouth as the seal created by your finger is broken. Now what do I mean by 2 answers? 1) If you're cracking it within its normal range, you're probably ok. An example for the neck would be nodding your head or turning it from side to side as if sayinga non-verbal no. This is because this is what your bones were made to do. All the surfaces are lined up so that they'll back into place with no issue. 2) Any combination where you're going to extremes of a mix of these motions and you may be setting yourself up for trouble. Not because of the cracking noise itself but because you may carry those joints to a point in which the bony surfaces get to a point where they don't align and when you try to come back the bones get stuck out of place. This is especially true if the ligaments have been loosened by doing something which repetitively challenges them. This situation is similar to how a drawer can get stuck after you pull it out at an angle. An example of what not to do would be looking up at the ceiling and then cracking it by turning your neck to the side. I probably would not recommend this.I used to crack my fingers a lot in high school but eventual worked my way out of the habit even though it's not inherently bad for you. The neck and spine also do contain a spinal cord, and in the case of the neck, the vertebrae have 2 of the 4 arteries supplying your brain that basically run through them so I would be a bit more careful cracking things in this area if I were to give you any advice.