Foods That Help To Gain Muscle Tone

What foods should I eat to gain muscle?

You need protein to build muscle. Protein is kinda complicated. Protein is made up of amino acids. Your body contains some of those amino acids, the rest you must get from the food you eat. Eggs, meat, and dairy products contain all the amino acids needed for complete protein. Most veggies only contain some (or weak versions) of those amino acids. You should eat a wide variety of veggies every day (not necessarily every meal) so your body can combine the amino acids each one contains into the complete protein it needs.

Soy is the best veggie source of protein. But soy has been tied to early puberty in girls, low testerostone and sperm count in men and thyroid disease. So don't eat too much soy.

Protein requirements vary with your age and gender. The recommended amount for the average adult male in the US is 50 grams of protein a day. That's hard to do with just eating veggies.

And remember that protein alone won't build muscles. You'll need to exercise, too.

What is a good way to build muscle and tone up?

Im 22 yrs old, 5 ft tall and only weigh 90 lbs.How can I build muscle mass or tone to look bigger.Im sure muscle will make me gain a little weight. Also is it good to drink protein shakes or those other shakes at gnc to get muscle?

Will swimming help me to gain weight and muscle?

Swimming is a lot like running, except with your upper body.Your body has different muscle fibers:Type I: These muscles exist for stability and for endurance. They brace your body, maintain posture and are used during repetitive activities. These are also called slow-twitch muscles.Type II:  These muscles are called fast-twitch muscles and exist for short bursts of high intensity activity. They're broken down into two groups, as well:Type IIa: These muscles have similarities to type IIb and type I. They can use both anaerobic metabolism and aerobic metabolism for energy sources. They are capable of power and endurance to a degree.Type IIb: These muscles are only capable of anaerobic metabolism. They're the slowest to activate, can generate the most power, but only last for short periods of time.Type I muscles are highly adaptable with hypertrophy through both resistance training and, to a degree, aerobic training.  When trained, Type IIb muscles are converted to Type IIa in order to be of better use. Additionally, type IIa muscles increase in power output and size.[1] Initially, you'll almost definitely see some minor weight gain (unless you lose fat at a greater rate than you gain muscle) from muscle hypertrophy. If you're untrained, you'll see more of type II at first. Someone who's stronger will see more type I. In the end, both people will grow their type I muscle fibers. However, after a couple of weeks, chances are your growth will slow and possibly stop. Swimming, even a sprint, is a cardiovascular activity. You take a ton of light weight actions well below 20% of your 1 rep maximum meaning that in order to keep gaining muscle you will have to constantly swim harder and/or longer.  With regards to weight gain, if you're a swimmer capable of keeping up lap swimming for at least an hour it's remarkably difficult to keep your weight up. Swimming at a high level burns a tremendous amount of calories and it's tough for some people to eat enough to keep up with the demand.Generally speaking, swimming is not the best activity if you're looking to gain weight...In any case, the key to weight loss and gain is diet. Eat more to gain weight.Lifting weights and eating more protein specifically are great ways to prevent the extra weight from becoming fat, but it's not exactly required.Footnotes[1] Skeletal muscle hypertrophy

Do I need to eat a lot to gain muscle mass?

well what u need to do is change your diet. u can still eat alot but the healthier the food is the more weight u will drop and more muscle u will gain. u could even try to set a limit on th number of calories u intake per day. try to work 3-4 times a week as well with both cardio (running, swimming, etc.) and weight lifting

I want to gain some muscles. Will consuming a lot of rice help in the process? If it does, can it replace protein?

The short answer is no. Mind you, some people will tell you that rice has some protein and that it could help. However, this is an incomplete protein (lacking in certain amino acids) with a poor BV rating. The slightly longer answer will help you understand why rice cannot replace protein for muscle building. Our muscles grow from acute breakdown (when we lift heavy weights) followed by a period of repair and recovery. The repair process is when you add more size to your muscle cells, this is called hypertrophy. Amino acids are the most important things when it comes to the repair process. Protein is made of amino acids, so the best bet is to eat adequate protein to get optimal repair. Another important nutrient is fat. Our cell membranes are constructed out of fat and consuming adequate amounts of fat is helpful in muscle repair as well. Not nearly as important as protein is, but important nonetheless. With that said, you want to use heart healthy fats since you'd want to stay healthy while gaining muscle. Essential fatty acids, mono and poly unsaturated fats should make the bulk of your fat intake. And you will get some saturated fats with your protein (beef, chicken, eggs, etc) which is necessary to a small degree.Carbohydrates do not, I'll emphasize, do NOT aid in muscle building. They do however greatly aid in the recovery process. Carbs are broken down in your body to glycogen, which is stored in your muscles and liver for anaerobic energy (lifting heavy-ass weights). So eating adequate amounts of carbs is great for optimal performance IN the gym. But they will not directly aid in muscle building. One thing to keep in mind is, more carbs doesn't necessarily equate to more energy. There is a threshold. Thing of your muscle glycogen-storage capacity as a cup. You want to consume enough to fill the cup full but if you overeat, you will simply spill over outside of the "cup", and in the case of carbs, the spill over will happen in your fat cells. So if you eat too much rice for example, you'll gain fat, not muscle.So to recap, amino acids (protein) and fatty acids (fat) are essential in building muscle (repair), and carbs are helpful in recovery so you can perform at your optimal capacity in the gym.

Yaz? ...Weight gain and inability to gain muscle tone?

Hi. Weight gain is a common side effect when being on birth control pills. It can happen on any brand you take, although your body can react differently from one pill to another. You can try a different brand to see if another one might be better for you. I was on the pill for years, and never gained a pound ( not sure why ). But friends of mine that took it gained at least 10 lbs. that they couldn't get rid of. All you can do if you want to keep taking it is watch your diet, and exercise, but often weight gain on the pill is water retention, so it's hard to get rid of it.

Should i eat more to gain muscle?? or will it make me gain fat?

i lost about 50lbs in the past 7months, but now i got so into working out n eating right i want to gain muscle no look ripped. i dont have a strict diet but i never eat junk food, pop, ect. eat only vegetables n a half chicken breast or salmon a day, n protien shakes in the morning n after working out

Well i hit the gym hard 6days a week n feel like i should b gaining more muscle, if i continue eating right bout increase my intake will it help me without gaining much fat i plan to be at 10% bf by summer

right now im 173lbs 14% bodyfat im 5'10"

Can I develop muscle mass just by eating healthy food?

No, but below I compiled a list of 10 foods that I eat to increase the effectiveness of my strength training exercises..In addition to carrying out a routine that helps you, you need to lean on foods that help you gain muscle, as recommended by a study of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.Nutrition is the fundamental basis that can determine the success or resounding failure of your training routine.1. SpinachPopeye ate them for something, right? This vegetable contains an important source of glutamine, an important amino acid for the development of lean muscle mass. It also helps you increase endurance and muscle tone.2. Low-fat dairyBeing low in fat content does not contribute much fat to the body and in general provide other essential nutrients to be able to build muscles easily.3. EggsHe is king of the diets to enlarge the muscles. The largest amount of protein is in your clear, so you can consume two a day.4. Lean meatIf you do not know how to increase muscle mass, this food is rich in protein and creatine which will help you to form the desired muscle faster.5. ChickenFor every 100 grams of chicken breast, you get 30 grams of protein. It is a good source of protein and it becomes an economical and healthy alternative.6. TunaIt is one of the foods constituted almost exclusively by proteins, it is metabolized with ease and is a perfect ally for all those who do not know how to increase muscle mass.7. LegumesIf you do not know how to increase muscle mass with these foods, consume lentils, chickpeas, beans, and soy.8. Nuts or seedsThey are rich in proteins, fibers and healthy fats (especially nuts and almonds). Try to eat small portions a day.9. AntioxidantsThey help us in the deterioration of muscle cells, specifically vitamins C and E that favor the anabolic process of recovery, regeneration and cell growth in muscles.10. CarbohydratesWhole wheat pasta, wheat bread, oatmeal. This type of food will shape legs, arms, and buttocks.

Building muscle mass and toning muscle?

You are correct, for mass and strength building you need to do low reps with high weight. The most important aspect will be your diet though. You need to take in 1-2 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight. So if you weigh 200lbs you need to take in between 200-400 grams of protein every day. This is only if you are serious and training serious. If you are not, then it will be a waste of your time and money. If you are serious about your training, and you are doing heavy weight with 6-8 reps per set, then you will notice the difference immedately. The most common mistake I see is people that train very hard, but their diet sucks and they are not giving their muscles enough protein to grow. I promise if you train hard and get 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day, you will explode in muscle mass and strength. Also, remember that you want to constantly progress. So as soon as you can do a weight for 8 reps, add 2.5 lbs. Then when you can do that weight for 8 reps, add another 2.5 lbs. Just a little at a time, the key is to keep moving forward.

Remember, your muscles grow while you rest. So when I say serious training, I dont mean training the same muscle groups 5 times a week. I mean that you train hard when you are at the gym and you make it to the gym at least 5 times a week. Unless someone is doing steroids, they can not train the same body part more then 2 times a week, 3 at the very, very most depending on the person and their age. I personally like to train chest, tricepts, and shoulders on mon and thurs. Then do back and bicepts on tues and fri. Then do legs on wed and sat and take sunday off completely. Last thing, I know that most people dont like to do legs but there has been study after study after study that shows people that train their legs gain anywhere from 10%-21% more UPPERbody strength then people that just train their upperbody. I know it sounds crazy, but its the truth. It is your body trying to remain in a state called homeostasis. Your body likes everything to be equal and balanced and does much better when everything grows equally.