Foods To Eat To Get A Super Fast Metabolism Help

How to Gain Weight With a Super Fast Metabolism?

Provided that it is not a thyroid or endocrine issue ...

Yes, it is possible - The key is that he has to take in more calories than he burns (duh, right?)

Before he starts to lift weights , you need to make sure he is getting enough total calories and enough protein (1.4 - 1.6 g/kg) or else his supersizes metabolism will start to feed on what muscle he does have :)

No "tricks" necessary, just focus on caloricly dense foods.

Oatmeal, peanut butter, (whole) milk, (whole)eggs , Lean ground beef, higher calorie veggies (we still want him to be healthy so make sure he gets at least 3 of these in) carrots, corn (which is ac tally a bread but for these purposes it works) , cauliflower and higher calorie fruits (he should have at least 3 of these too for good health) bananas, apples, dried fruit
You can also grab some cereal bars and things like that for him to munch on during the day to squeeze in extra calories and you can always throw a tbs of safflower oil on his veggies to add an extra 100 calories per tbs.

There is a caloric needs calculator here if you want to get a rough idea of how many calories a day he needs to gain weight

I HAVE A SUPER fast metabolism !?

Dont worry about cals-that doesnt prove success! What you need to really focus on is how much of what you are eating and co-ordinate it with your workouts/exercise/normal daily life. If you walk a lot then you need to make up for it some way with food. Dont eat unhealthy/snack food. It wont always make someone like you gain like you expect it to. Go for a piece of bread at the beginning of every meal. Eat brown rice at dinner and if you are indeed working out go for red meat twice a week. Have protein at lunch dinner. Eat a breakfast that can sustain you until ur next meal. Like three toast--few hard boiled egg--grits--meat of some sort-try to avoid too much fried even tho u r going for weight gain, its unhealthy later in life. I think by weight gain u mean muscle and not fat so be sure to eat lots during the day and at each meal/snack. If you can carry around food go for it! Stuff like a sandwich between lunch/breakfast. A hearty sandwich too..with real meat-not deli meat but stuff maybe from leftover the night before. Like chicken with spinach/red onion/ a fruit and maybe beans :) Also beans/lugmes/and such(google for good recipe ideas) are great healthy whole starches and may help with ur weight gain. If u r lean muscle that is something to be proud of :D Its not only sexy, but not bulky--many people hate the bulky look(girls not guys). Eat veggies/meat daily and even have lots of fruit if possible. Sugar wont help with weight gain b/c u will use it as energy and probably wont stick on ya. Go for a good scone as a snack with jam/pb/honey or something similar. Hmm im tired but i have much more lol i hope i didnt bore you but i hope these help a little. Also go for those power bars, they have lots of carbs and protien. If your looking to bulk up a bit slow ur reps and use heavier weights with less reps also. Like instead a simple situp do the ones with ur legs in the air and have a bar at ur chest and reach for ur toes. same with biceps-use heavier weights. Good Luck!!

One last thing, i use Im not sure if you have heard of it but its a woman doing the routines and they kick ur A$$ like no other. Seriously try it even tho ur a guy. Im a lady and love her workouts! i have lost weight with them and toned nicely. Read some of her articles, they may help. Even ask her urself. Just cuz she a girl take her seriously, other guys do and they incorporate her into their workouts.

If I have a really fast metabolism are fatty foods still bad for me?

I just want to point out from experience, you should be tested for hyperthyroidism. It's usually not a big deal (though there are other potentially bad effects), but what you just listed sounds like me & I accidentally found out I had hyperthyroidism from an unrelated blood test. For me, no big deal, my doctor told me a lot of times it corrects itself as you age and I had no issues other than my weight. I'm 40 now and have finally started to gain a little bit of weight. Complications -  Anyway, high fat foods can still be bad for you even if you aren't gaining weight. There are different types of fat, good and bad, and bad fats have other effects than just weight gain.  High calorie can be bad for you as well depending on what makes it high calorie. Lots of sugar, especially processed corn syrup, is harmful in other ways.

How to get big boobs with a fast metabolism?

I'm 14 , 5'3 and, 119 lbs and i heard that if you eat fatty food you gain weight in your boobs, but how do you do that with a fast metabolism. i have strecth marks on my thighs though which gives me a big butt :) but everyone in my 9th grade class is a B or above i'm the only Acup :(

What can i eat to gain weight (fast metabolism) ?

i'm not a nutritionist, but i do have a nutritionist that i go to once every two weeks who's working to get me to gain weight, so i think i might be able to help you.
wow, you've got a really fast metabolism, but be grateful for it! lots of people would kill to have a metabolism like that. anyway, here are my suggestions for healthy weight gain:
try eating denser foods (if you're only eating fruits and veggies, there isn't a lot of substance to them. fruits and veggies are good, but probably not the best for weight gain). some denser, healthy foods that might help you gain weight are nuts (any type - if you don't really like them, or would find it more appealing, you could make yourself a trail mix instead), granola (if you don't like it, try putting it with yogurt and banana in a parfait), protein bars and shakes (these contain a lot of nutrients and energy; some of them, like balance bars, contain a pretty good balance of nutrients) and peanut butter. also, bagels are surprisingly dense and will probably help you to gain some weight. try eating one with peanut butter and jelly for breakfast sometimes and maybe that will help you.
make sure you get all your nutrients and balance the types of foods you eat. i know you said you don't eat only junk, which is a good thing, but there are some things like cheesecake that are really only considered bad for you because they have high amounts of fat and would make most people gain a lot of weight, but that's what you want, and it isn't bad to treat yourself every now and then. theoretically, if you only had one of those little cheesecake slices for a week, you'd gain a pound, just adding those slices that week (one pound of body fat = 3500 calories for most people)
other than that, just try to eat a lot, i guess. hope i helped!

If you have an ultra-fast metabolism, what kinds of food do you need to eat to gain weight?

It depends whether you mean lean mass, or fat mass.To gain fat mass, eat as many carbs as you can as often as possible. Wake up at night to have a snack and some juice. This will keep your insulin elevated throughout the day and night. Then, it’s doesnt matter what you eat! You’ll get fatter than you’ve ever been before! But if you want to speed things up, get lots of fructose. That cuts into your insulin sensitivity AND contributes directly to fat storage when combined with high insulin.If you want to gain lean mass, you need to increase your insulin sensitivity by eating as seldom as possible for some time. Ideally 3–6 weeks. Since average HGH has an inverse relationship with average insulin levels, lowering your insulin by eating less often (eat whatever you want, and however much you want; just space your meals out as wide as possible.) Days, weeks even between largely protein and fat meals. This will steadily burn fat but no muscle, enhance the efficiency of the fat metabolism pathway (so then you can always use fat for energy, and never have to burn protein even if there isn’t enough sugar), and steadily elevate your HGH levels on the order of 10 fold after 30 days of water and on-board food burned only. Since you’re just avoiding spiking insulin, you can eat anything that doesn’t do that. Most plants, meat, fruit. If you want protein cleanup you have to not take in protein or carbs for about 1 or 2 weeks. Other than that, feel free to eat during a fast. Just any large amounts of protein will have an insulin effect and set you back slightly on your eventual lean mass gain. Pure water fasting gets the best results.Then, if you carbohydrate re-feed, store up glycogen and completely deplete it several times (to move water and everything that comes with it in and out of the muscle), in this hormone environment: high HGH and high insulin sensitivity and high insulin, as long as your getting PLENTY of (preferably animal) protein, you will gain a lot of muscle really quickly. Like fat distribution, I believe this to be largely genetically determined, but if you want to make sure certain muscles do grow just make sure the blood gets flowing to them. No need to damage them.So that’s how you gain different kinds of weight. It’s actually about when you eat, not what. Except that if you are building muscle or burning fat, get fat and protein (or nothing for a while, up to you). Storing fat? Carbs, fat and fructose. (Notice how it’s always ok to eat fat?)

How do people with super fast metabolisms gain weight? I am 17, and weigh less than the average weight.

Well, you just need to eat more. There is no other way. That's what I did. I was always very tall and skinny. The weight gaining process is so slow (if you eat a lot and work out few times a week too).Your best friend is - carbohydrates. My diet is 50% carbs 30% protein and 20% fat. Eating lots of protein will have little effect on overall mass, you need carbs.So that's it. You can learn about diet and what kind of food to eat on the internet.It would also help to know what body type you have (I'm an ectomorph).There you go, go eat some healthy foods, balance and measure it to the amount you need and you will see first results in a few months. Working out for muscle mass would speed up the process and will make you feel and look good.P.S tracking you caloric intake after you will make your diet will help you with measuring your daily food intake. There are lots of apps for that.

Is having a very fast metabolism bad?????

No actually its good... you can eat more without getting fat. just make sure you eat good balanced meals. i'm assuming you are young so just be careful because as you get older your metabolism will start to slow down.