For A Young Women Which Actions Is Worse To Do

What is the worst thing that could happen to a woman?

Every person is different. I do suspect that if you asked 10000 men and 10000 women this question, you'd get some similarities (death of a spouse/child/friend/pet/self; inability to conceive; loss of income; loss in general) across the groups (as well a lot of differences.)I'm actually similar in that regard. For me, personally, the thing that haunts me is loss of intellect. The absolute worst thing that I can imagine happening to me is dementia/altzheimers. I have as many safeguards in place as I possibly can to preserve my memory (that's entirely the point of Evernote) and my diet basically consists of foods that are proven to enhance brain function (and little else - I literally couldn't care less about the rest of my body.)The thing is, it's also an entirely unrealistic fear that I have. In the entire known history of my family, only one relative succumbed to dementia, and that was because she never read, never left her home and never even watched television. She simply didn't use her brain at all so it stopped working.My family is full of sharp-minded, long-lived people. It doesn't even matter at what level the intelligence. To me, the brain is the most important thing a person has, and the only thing that we can truly use from birth until death.Beauty fades, Strength weakens, and anything external (people, pets, material goods) is ephemeral - but our minds can continue to be sharp and alive right up until the end.I'm frightened constantly that I'll do something to screw that up.

Why do people think it's worse for a man to rape a woman than vice versa?

Ok, let me clear something up. Men CAN be raped. So don't be ignorant and say they can't. Force isn't the only way to rape someone. You can blackmail someone into having sex with you, and that's still rape. It's probably what happens with a lot of men.
Also, a woman may sexual arouse a man, but he might not want to have sex with her because of loyalty to his wife or girlfriend. If she rapes him, he will get an erection. It's not something he could control. So don't say men can't be raped because they won't be erect.

If you saw an older women 21 kissing a younger boy 13 on the lips would you speak up & take action to stop it?

Maybe he has gary coleman disease you jerk.

What is the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution of the movie THE COLOR PURPLE?

Have teachers stopped teaching English all together?

It appears they have and now thy are letting students turn in Movie reviews as term papers.

Exposition. The main character is the product of slavery and worse yet a young woman with no rights and no way of protecting herself from the tyranny of men.

Rising Action. The woman and her sister are sold off into servitude and separated while very young so as to isolate the main character and force to be cook, maid , and sex object to a man who didn't even want her nor did he appreciate her.

Climax The protagonist becomes friends with this man's romantic interest and together the two women overcome their personal problems as the protagonist is reaquainted with her long lost sister and her long lost children by reading letters her husband/ tyrant, has been keeping from her all these years and together they put down this man's tyranny as well as the hard heartedness of the other woman's father.

Falling action. The man is left on his own to think about all he has taken for granted in his wife and all he has done wrong to her and how he has lost everything he thought he posessed and in an act of atonement he sends money to the woman's sister and children to bring them to America from Africa where they were living as missionaries.

Resolution. The woman sitting on her front porch receives visitors, her sister, her daughter and her son, and is over come with joy as her husband watches from a distance and in the wee of the hours the two sisters play a child hood game they had not played since they were separated signifying that all was back as it once was or at least might have been it life hadn't been so cruel.