For How Long Will Conservatives Have To Wait For Obama To Make A Mistake He Can

Why do conservatives lie about what Obama really said about "57 states"?

What conservatives say he said: "I've campaigned in ALL 57 states"

What Obama really said: "I've now been in 57 states (he meant 47), I think one left to go; uh one left to go, uh Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify" - Obama

Why do conservatives call Obama the Messiah?

I don't know, but it seems to be a conservative-exclusive title. I've never seen a liberal call him that here, but it's hard to find a question where at least one conservative hasn't done it.

Perhaps it has something to do with the far right's general religious extremism and the need for them to associate their opponents with the sin of idolatry.

Why do Conservatives say Obama lied about his health care promise that 'If you like your plan, keep it. If you like your doctor, keep it.'?

They say it because it was provided as an anti-”Obamacare” talking point.But in one sense it WAS true: junk insurance plans that cost a pittance, featured high deductibles and copays, and paid virtually nothing were no longer permitted. As a result, many Americans who’d opposed Obama from the beginning suddenly decided that those plans were highly desirable, and that Obama had no right to keep them from having such plans if that’s what they wanted.This conviction was helped along by several misconceptions that have been circulating for a while. First, the notion that health insurance isn’t strictly necessary, since getting sick is a “choice,” and they were “choosing” to get exercise and “eat right.” So why should they be “forced” to have insurance if they didn’t intend to have medical problems?Second, the notion that if, despite their efforts, they got sick, they could just pay for it out of pocket. (Never mind the fact that many doctors can’t and won’t take cash for an office visit——the vast majority of Americans could NOT afford even an uncomplicated laparascopic surgery, let alone a more complicated illness or procedure.)And, third—-and this is the most ridiculous one of all—-that the emergency room makes a dandy substitute for every form of health care, and it’s free of charge to boot!I always tell these people, “Obama told the truth. If you like your doctor, you can keep him/her….but it might cost you extra. That’s because the ACA was designed primarily to ensure affordable health care for more Americans, not to provide bargains for people who already have insurance.”

Was electing barack obama a mistake?

No. The mistake was for those who voted for Georgie. The economic meltdown happen on his watch and president Obama inherited the problem. Your dad must be a repuglican. @~