For The Past 2 Weeks I Can

No progress in the past 2 weeks.. why? :(?

If only all of the weight came off like the first few pounds! First off, don't fret; you've simply reached a plateau, which every person working to lose weight will experience at some point. This is where a lot of people lose motivation and quit, so pat yourself on the back for keeping with it even when you don't "see" the results you want each week. Secondly, you need to consider your fat to muscle ratio because muscle weighs more than fat. When you first start exercising and dieting, fat comes off easily. However, over time your muscles will grow and begin to weigh more. This is a good thing, because it means you're healthier AND it increases your basal metabolism, but it can change the number on the scale. The key is to keep going- the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn even when you are just sitting around. Eventually you will start to see even more fat loss, which will more than make up for the muscle-weight gain. In the mean time, have you tried switching up your workouts? The body gets used to the same routine and doesn't require as much energy to perform as it used to; switching up your routine each week will help keep your body guessing, allowing you to burn the most calories possible. Hang in there!! :0)

For the past 2 weeks I have been itching all over with no signs of rash or irritation.?

I had that at one point..decided to figure it out for myself. Took me a month. I stopped eating the regular foods I use to eat and changed my diet. I purchased different kinds of shampoos, soap, changed my shaving cream that I use to shave my legs with, and I was not stressed out at all. But I had a rash on my leg in one little spot, finally I changed shampoo and soaps again. If it kept on going I was headed for the doctor for something STRONGER than Benadryl. This was a year ago and now I use Dial soup in an orange package only it has Vitiamins A & E and it has no ANTI-bacterial. After that it stopped so I took it as it was the soaps with ANTI-bacterial. I also changed m shampoo too, I use Neutrogena also in an orange bottle called triple moisture. Seems the orange items worked. Try this and change anything you can think of, if nothings seems to work go to the doctor. Good Luck. Hope this helps.

I have been texting with a girl for the past two weeks, now it is getting boring. What is some advice?

Sack up, call her and make a move. This is the best time to build up anticipation for when she actually comes down.Flirt a little, test the waters. If she responds in a favorable way, slowly escalate. It's never too late. If it seems like it is, then play the naive shy card. “I didn't know how to bring it up”. That works a lot of the time.The biggest consideration will always be if you really want to start something with this girl…

I took too much maca for the past two weeks and have tapered off after experiencing an intense crash and headache. How can I smoothly taper off the potential addiction without getting adrenal fatigue until I can get to my doctor next week?

Please review the WebMD link below, in all subsets: recognize that there is no data showing Maca effective for any of the uses for which it is being used. As a supplement rather than a medication it is unregulated in the USA.Please see your physician for your complaints of "withdrawal" from Maca, and describe your duration, dosage, frequency of use.Best.

What happens if you wear contacts past 2 weeks?

I can't remember the last time I even took my contacts out in two weeks and I have been in contacts for many many years. Nothing has happened yet, you'll get to know your eyes and when they are tired, all I ever experienced was the itching, a little burning and watering. Contacts have improved a lot over the years and by design can last longer, by the time I have all that build up and stretching it's time to get rid of them any way. To answer your question nothing harmful.

Ive had a really sore throat for the past 2-3 weeks, what can it be?

Now I will caution this answer with a question of my own... It might sound nasty but I ask because my daughter came home with this.. did you engage in oral sex at anytime before your sore throat started? Something the doctor didn't check for in a girl so young...Chlamydia.. a sexually transmitted disease she received from oral sex with her promiscuous boyfriend. That may not be the answer.You might try chloroceptic throat spray when it's really bad. Antibiotics are an answer only when the infection is persistant. Some of the newer and stronger AnitB's you only take one a day for 7 to 10 days. If this helps I hope it does if not You still need to see your doctor and insist on getting some drugs(Anti'B's). Hope you feel better. What ever you get do not get Amoxicillan the problem with this AB is it is to old and does very little to help and you do not want this to come back with a vengance.

Bad isomnia for the past 2 weeks pregnant?

Don't feel bad, it's normal. What I did? First be active in the daytime, get up early (even if you don't feel like it) put on some energizing music, clean the house, keep busy. Start winding down somewhere around 6, get everything that needs to be done finished, take a warm bath, curl up in bed with a lamp on and a good book or a journal or both and don't worry about sleeping. I got more done when I was pregnant than I ever did before or do now, eventually you will get sleepy and drift off. I must have spend $100's at lush during my last pregnancy because I took a bath every night but it really helped just getting into a routine and sticking with it and eventually I was falling asleep around the same time every night and sleeping well.

Bad dreams every day for the past 2 weeks?

Ever since my grandfather passed away, I haven't been able to sleep properly. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night kicking and screaming(my mom says), or when I wake up in the morning I feel tired and just terrible

I'm still sad over my grandfather's this normal? Should I get some help?

Can I get diabetes by eating sweets for the past two weeks?

It depends on whether you already have a propensity to being diabetic or if you are pre-diabetic. You can throw yourself over the border into a diet induced diabetic condition. Sometimes, it is reversible with a healthy diet and exercise; sometimes it is not. You might want to check your blood sugar in the morning prior to eating anything (fasting blood sugar) over the next week to get a baseline of what is your blood sugar level. It should be below 96. The blood sugar test kits can be purchased at any pharmacy. Also, keep in mind that some of the symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst, excessive urination and sometimes nausea.

If I smoked weed 2 weeks ago, how do I pass a drug test?

The only way to guarantee to pass a drug test for marijuana in two weeks is to not have consumed cannabis for months beforehand. My guess though, is that this is no longer an option ;)Metabolites of THC (what they look for in drug tests) can be present in your urine for weeks, and sometimes months after you consume cannabis. As Teh Redbaron said before me, THC and it's metabolites are stored in fat cells all over your body, this means that engaging in physical activity of any kind (aka: burning fat cells) can release trace (or more) amounts of THC which can be detected in your urine. This also means that if you smoke frequently for an extended period of time THC can build up in your fat cells meaning that it will take longer to fully detox in time for a drug test.If I had smoked cannabis tonight, and realized that I had to take drug test in 2 weeks, I would do the following: Immediately take a shot of apple cider vinegar, chug a glass of water and start exercising until I break an intense sweat. This is important because sweating generally means that you are burning fat and releasing that stored THC. Following that, I would have another shot of apple cider vinegar, relax and go to bed.After that, my schedule every day up until the drug test would be:Morning: Wake up, take a shot of apple cider vinegar, chug a glass of water, exercise until I broke a sweat, drink more water mixed with pure cranberry juice.Afternoon: exercise (if possible), drink water mixed with pure cranberry juice.Evening: Take a shot of apple cider vinegar, chug a glass of water (no cranberry), exercise until I broke a sweat, drink more water (no cranberry), relax and go to bed.On the morning of the test, I would exercise twice as hard, drink a reasonable amount of water (no cranberry) and head to the test. It's important on the day of the test to not over-hydrate because this will be detectable and they will likely ask you to come back and take it again.Keep in mind, I've never had to take a drug test and I don't make my employees submit to drug tests so my hypothetical schedule is to be taken with a grain of salt. I wish you the best with your test and hope you get/keep the job!