For The People Who Say There Isn

Why do some people say god isn't real?

"Unfortunately he is real..."

Yes, that would be unfortunate if he were...the thing is, there's no evidence of any kind to show any claimed god-thing (yours included) *is* real. And a great deal of evidence showing none of the human-claimed god-things are real. So that pretty much only leads to one conclusion: god isn't real.

Oh, and rational people don't *care* what it says in the bible -- it's a rather silly bunch of ignorant ancient myths without a shred of supporting evidence.


Why do people say there isn't a distinction between "macroevolution" and "microevolution"?

I keep on hearing that scientists have observed macroevolution happen. They observe two populations of a species get separated in the wild, the environment changes, then microevolution makes them change enough that they eventually can't breed anymore, and in some cases they noticed that there was a different number of chromosomes. Although it usually takes millions of years for something like this to happen, talk origins says that humans have even observed this happening.

A horse and a donkey can do it with each other, but are not the same species because a mule is sterile. So in the case of the observed populations from talk origins no longer being able to breed and some even having a different number of chromosomes, then why isn't that macroevolution?

Also, another thing I don't understand is why people say that humans didn't evolve from apes, but rather common ancestors? I read that the apes/old world monkeys split from the new world monkeys about 40 million years ago, the apes from old world monkeys 25 million years ago, great apes from lesser apes 15 million years ago, and human ancestors from chimpanzee ancestors 6 million years ago. So how did we not evolve from apes if we are classified as apes, and chimps are too? I also heard that although chimps have evolved more than humans genetically since the split, all of the modern apes have evolved about the same amount. That split of ancestors of old world monkeys/apes from new world monkeys 40 million years ago, are those ancestors classified as monkeys, apes, or something else. Did humans and the other apes evolve from extinct monkeys, or did monkeys split from apes, or was it some other classification? I'm confused?

Guys some people say there is God n some say there isn't,how do I decide which one is right?

Some people are spiritually blind and spiritually deaf, and they insist there is no God because they cannot detect physical evidence of the Bible God who is said to be Spirit. They seem strangely avoidant of considering how it was God, in Christ, who took on human form and flesh, to live among people for over 30 years, before being physically crucified, to save us from our spiritual deadness.

An old story tells of multitudes of people gathering at the end of time before God’s throne. The voice of a young girl rose from the crowd. ‘How can God judge us? How can he know about suffering?’ She ripped open a sleeve to reveal a tattooed number from a Nazi concentration camp. Similar things were shouted out by a black lad with a rope burn on his neck, from a woman who had carried the stigma of illegitimacy all her life, and many others. They all agreed that God lived in an ivory tower and had no right to judge them. They declared that, before God could judge them, he must be sentenced to live on earth as a human being. Further, the legitimacy of his birth must be doubted; he must have a task so crazy, his family would think him mad; he must be betrayed by friends and suffer a horrible, lonely, excruciatingly painful death. The great throng murmured its approval at each additional point of the sentence. But then they saw Jesus in the middle of God’s throne, looking like a lamb slain across the neck… they hushed and froze with the realisation that God had already served that sentence.

The proof is in the physical reality of Jesus of Nazareth and what He did. Consider Christ. He said that if anyone had seen Him, they had seen God the Father, for Jesus came from God to bring us to God.

For the people that say there are no races, do you have no problem getting rid of affirmative action then?

Stop trying to confuse liberals. They're intellectually unarmed.

Heh heh, they'd rather try to start s hit with me than answer the question. They can't see that they give nonwhites ACTUAL privilege while whining about a privilege that only rich whites have. They enjoy watching poor whites pay for the privileges of rich whites, because it IS all about race to them.

Why do people say Obama is Black when he isn't?

Obama is half-white and half-black.

Yet somehow everyone just accepts he is black, just because black people said he is.

That's NOT how it works!!

If being half black automatically makes him black, then by the same logic being half white makes him white too!!

So no, he is NOT the first black president, because his genetics aren't even majority black!

Why do people say there is no Heaven?

because the things that the bible says heaven is all about are man made things.
there is no night in heaven or darkness..
how would you like an on going day?
so yea.. you see all your old dead relatives... ya'll catch up.. talk.. or what ever spirits do.. this is eternity.. there's going to be a point where you run out of things to do or talk about it.. it's pointless..
it just sounds really nice sometimes to people who are alive.. which is why alive people made it up.

the streets are paved with gold in heaven supposedly.. what is the significance of gold other than on earth to trade? obviously a man made this concept up.
you won't have to trade in heaven.. no things will be significant.. why even put the gold roads in the bible other than to make it sound nice to the alive man.. it shouldn't sound nice to the alive man.. it should just be.

there will be no sadness or sin.. how do you know if you are happy if you are never sad? how do you know if you are good if you never sin? there is nothing to compare it to
the concept is flawed and i would have to say undesirable

everything in the bible is all that humans want or wish.. its a nice place that they made up.. when in reality heaven should be so different from earth and un conceivable to our minds.. not something so simple like gold streets and seeing buddies.

when you die (i believe) you just do not exist anymore.. i know it's a hard concept to accept .. which is probably why people made up heaven in the first place.. sometimes when i think about just not "existing " any more i pass out from fear.
people cling to the concept of heaven because they are scared or not existing and do not want to accept their immortality

How come people say there isn't any historical data of Jesus Christ?

There are tons of historical data. Whether they choose to accept it or not most of the books of the New Testament ARE eyewitness testimony. Likewise, while much of the Roman records from that era no longer exist (for example in existing records from that time there is only ONE mention of Pontius Pilate) there are references from a little later from people who DID have access to those early records while they still existed. These were from people who OPPOSED Christianity but they never denied that Christ was real person.

Two of these: Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman historian, senator, consul and governor of the province of Asia. Concerning Jesus and His followers, Tacitus wrote, "Nero…punished with every refinement the notoriously depraved Christians (as they were popularly called). Their originator, Christ, had been executed in Tiberius' reign by the governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate. But in spite of this temporary setback, the deadly superstition had broken out afresh, not only in Judea (where this mischief had started) but even in Rome" (The Annals of Imperial Rome, XV, 44).

Julian the Apostate (called such because he rejected Christianity after being raised in it), a fourth-century emperor, wrote, "Jesus, whom you celebrate, was one of Caesar's subjects. If you dispute it, I will prove it by and by; but it may be as well done now. For yourselves allow, that he was enrolled with his father and mother in Cyrenius…But Jesus having persuaded a few among you, and those the worst of men, has now been celebrated about 300 years; having done nothing worthy of remembrance; unless anyone thinks it is a mighty matter to heal lame and blind people, and exorcise demoniacs in the villages of Bethsaida and Bethany" (Cyril Contra Julian, VI, 191, 213).

These are just two quotes from pagan Roman scholars who loathed Christianity. Since these men had access to government records, and hated what Christians believed and stood for, they could have easily "disproved" and discredited the existence of Christ if they so wished. But, because they could not do such a thing, their writings only add to the monumental proof of the life of Christ.

Is it correct to say that there are four people, or are there some people?

It would depend. If , for example, you were looking at a group of twenty people, then to say “there are four people” would be foolish, perhaps dishonest.You might say that there are some people, honestly and correctly, because ‘some’ has no precise numerical value.If you were looking at a group of four people, then either phrase would work, the one being more precise than the other.

Why do some people say there is no heaven and hell, and dead means dead, when the Bible clearly states that heaven and hell exist?

Yes…because that book called the bible "clearly states" something, it must absolutely be true…Yes…of course! There must be a heaven and hell!Well, I'm an American. An American with a darker hue than most…and once upon a time in this country of mine it was "clearly stated" that people of my hue were worth only 3/5ths of a lighter-hued human being.And of course that is still true today, right?It must be! Because it was written, and practiced for centuries…(edit)Forgive my condescension, but that book called the bible is at best a grand historical document, and at worst a vengeful tool for manipulating fools.And really? I mean, come on…How old are you? Do you still believe in magic?And if you really think (believe) that some god who loves you, and created you in his (its) image, would even have an option for what you, as a human, conceptualize as hell—eternal torture—for no reason other than being born WITHOUT CHOICE in a world your loving god created…your all-powerful god, who knows what you will do before you do it…Then you deserve whatever "hell" you have surely made for yourself on this earth.Please bear in mind that heaven and hell are HUMAN ideas.Nobody alive knows what happens to a person when they die, other than the decomposition process. Nobody really knows if there is consciousness after death. But there is a lot of wishful thinking on the subject.So why is hell (the concept of hell) even an option?Why is the concept of an afterlife so black and white? (Haha)Because human beings are simple, stupid creatures, and it's easier to accept black and white explanations, rather than pondering the grey possibilities of an infinite expanse that transcends human understanding.So go ahead and believe in nirvana and hades.I'm quite comfortable in knowing that I really don't KNOW anything, and would rather believe in the INFINITE possibilities of our physical universe than some simplified version of what is considered "truth" because some book said it was so.(Also, who knows…maybe our universe is indeed finite, and dead really does mean dead. But if you are only living your life for some eternal reward, then what is the point of your life?)

If people say that there isn't a god or devil we are just made out or nerves?

So I KIND OF understand what you're saying. Your post is a bit hard to follow.

It depends on what you believe. Energy can't be destroyed. Whatever happens, I'm assuming it's going to be a lot like before you were born---you won't remember anything.

But keep in mind that nobody really knows FOR SURE what happens after a person dies. We understand the process and sort of what physically happens to a person when they die, but the "afterlife" (if there is one) is highly debated.

I have fun toying with theories about what will happen when I die. Biocentrism is starting to interest me. It explains that biology is the driving force behind the universe, and that life created the universe instead of the other way around. It recognizes that other fields of science are fundamentally important though, and does not necessitate a deity. It's not really a sound theory though.

I also enjoy the prospect of multiple universes, that my "energy" after I die will just go to another me or something being born in another universe. That's a fun thing to think about, too.

Or maybe we do just die and then that's it. Which makes this life even all that more important to enjoy and learn from.

Also here's a really interesting article by the Huffington Post about consciousness and the "soul" you might find interesting:

"According to Dr. Hameroff, in a near-death experience, when the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, and the microtubules lose their quantum state, the quantum information in the microtubules isn't destroyed. It's distributed to the universe at large, and if the patient is revived, the quantum information can go back to the microtubules. In this event, the patient says they had something like a near-death experience, i.e. they saw white light or a tunnel or floated out of their body. In the event that the patient is not revived, "it's possible that the quantum information can can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul," he said."