Form-fits-function In Carbon Compounds

Form-fits-function in carbon compounds?

Carbon compunds are unique because of carbons ability to form bonds. It has 4 unpaired valence electrons, allowing it to form a wide multitude of bonds with a massive variety of other substances. As you know these bonds form in the hope of achieving a full outer ring with 8 valence electrons, allowing for maximum stability. Basically, carbon is capable of forming ionic and covalent bonds, along with double and single bonds. This massive variability allows it to form a variety of bonds with many substances, and the strength and flexibility of the bonds allows it to be the perfect form fits function element.

Form fits function examples?

You could do the intestinal villi. The cells inside your intestine have fingerlike projections to increase the surface area, making them more efficient at absorbing nutrients from your gut. To make a model, get a little bit of the foam rubber bed padding stuff that looks kind of like egg crate and a piece of flat foam rubber and then pour water on them to demonstrate how the increased surface area aids in absorption.

Why does carbon form large number of compounds?

Carbon is the only element that can form so many different compounds because each carbon atom can form four chemical bonds to other atoms, and because the carbon atom is just the right, small size to fit in comfortably as parts of very large molecules.

In Biology, what does "Form fits function" mean?

“Form fits function” means that an organism is designed structured or shaped in a way that will help it perform a certain function or many functions easily with this structure. For example, the fins of a fish help it to propel itself through the water. The human heart serves its function as a muscular pump to get blood circulated throughout the entire body.

What does the phrase "form fits function" mean in biology?

Organs do not take on just any form on an organism's body. The fins of a fish, whale, porpoise, tadpole all look similar because they help propel the organism through the water. The feet of frogs, lizards, birds, and humans contain the same basic form to help support and move them on a terrestrial environment. The heart is a muscular pump, varying in the number of chambers, functioning in the movement of blood or fluid through the body. It make no difference what organism it is in, the form of the organ will resemble the others with the same basic function.

What are examples of exponential functions in real life?

Exponential Growth and DecayPutting money in a savings accountThe initial amount will earn interest according to a set rate, usually compounded after a set amount of time. For example, a $2000 deposit, earning .95% interest yearly, will become $2,199 over 10 years. It's small, but it's there.Student fucking loansThe typical student loan has an interest rate between 3 and 4%, so we’ll use 3.75% for a middle that's towards the high end, which is where most of the banks will sit you. This means a $20,000 loan paid off over 10 years will end up costing you $28,900. Woo.Radioactive DecayIn chemistry, radioactive elements break down exponentially, and the decay is shown in terms of half-lives, how long it takes for an element to decay 50%- and this is constant no matter how much of an element there is to begin with. For example, Carbon-14 has a half life of 5,730 years, meaning 100g of carbon will decay to 50g after 5730 years. And after 57,300 years, due to the property of exponential decay, there will still be .097g of carbon in the sample. It will never reach zero. Zeno’s Paradox.[1]Footnotes[1]

Is there a direct formula for calculating the number of isomers of an organic compound?

You have no formula to calculate number of constitutional isomers. You have to make all possibilities and count,But you have a formula to calculate no. of stereoisomers.The general formula for calculating stereoisomer is: 2n, where n is the number of chial centers.A couple of things to keep in mind:1. Stereoisomers are compounds with the same chemical formula but different spatial arrangement.2. And chiral centers are carbons that are bonded to 4 different groups.For example, if we use glucose as our starting compound, the number of chiral carbons that a glucose molecule possesses is 4.Out of the 6 carbons, the 4 carbons in the middle are chiral. That is to say, the four carbons in the middle are bonded to 4 different groups. If we think about it, the OH groups on each of the four carbons can be either on the left or the right side of the carbon (for Fischer projected images). Thus, since each of the 4 OH groups have two possible sides, the number of stereoisomers is 24, or 16.This is the simplest formula.But cannot be used in cases of molecular symmetry.All formulas are stated below:-a) When the molecule is unsymmetrical and contains ''n '' chiral carbon atoms, Total no. of stereoisomers = 2nb) When the molecule is unsymmetrical and has even number of stereogenic centres or chiral carbon atoms,Total no. of stereoisomers = No. of optical isomers + No. of meso forms = 2(n-1)+ 2(n/2-1)c) When the molecule is symmetrical and has odd no. of stereogenic centresTotal no. of stereoisomers = [ 2(n-1)-2(n/2-1/2)] + 2(n/2-1/2)]The formula for determining the number of stereoisomers is as follows:a) When the molecule is unsymmetrical and contains ''n '' chiral carbon atoms, Total no. of stereoisomers = 2nb) When the molecule is unsymmetrical and has even number of stereogenic centres or chiral carbon atoms,Total no. of stereoisomers = No. of optical isomers + No. of meso forms = 2(n-1)+ 2(n/2-1)c) When the molecule is symmetrical and has odd no. of stereogenic centresTotal no. of stereoisomers = [ 2(n-1)-2(n/2-1/2)] + 2(n/2-1/2)]

What if life were based on silicon instead of carbon?

It’s highly, highly unlikely and it would probably not be able to form stable large molecules. It certainly would not be able to get past single cells, because long-chain silicon-hydrogen structures are violently incompatible with oxygen.See Matt Harbowy's answer to What would be the physiological effects if we had Silicon atoms in the place of Carbon atoms in our body?“It's not even a question of ‘yeah, but what if?’ The idea that they are analogous is absurd. Silicon and hydrogen are completely incompatible with an oxidizing atmosphere, unless you like everything either being crystalline, or on fire.”See alsoDaniel James Berger's answer to Is it possible for silicon to replace carbon for organic compounds in an environment with less gravity?Daniel James Berger's answer to What are some elements life can be based on besides Carbon?Daniel James Berger's answer to When we look for life in outer space, why do we look for signs that make life possible on Earth? Isn't it possible that different life forms may have different requirements of temperature range, resources etc.?A more hopeful take:Zohar Steinberg's answer to What are some elements life can be based on besides Carbon?

What is Wurtz reaction?

REACTION:In Wurtz reaction, two alkyl halide molecules are coupled in presence of sodium metal in anhydrous ether or Tetrahydrofuran to form a new carbon carbon bond and thus by giving a symmetrical alkane.2R–X + 2Na → R–R + 2Na+X− Where X = halogenThe Wurtz reaction must be performed under anhydrous conditions because the alkyl free radical formed (see the mechanism) during the reaction is strongly basic and can abstract proton from water.In case of alkyl and aryl fluorides as well as aryl chlorides, tetrahydrofuran is used as solvent instead of ether.The Wurtz reaction is limited to synthesis of symmetrical alkanes with even number of carbon atoms only. The number of carbons in the alkane is double that of alkyl halide (n ---> 2n type reaction)If dissimilar alky halides are used, a mixture of alkanes is formed. It is usually difficult to separate the mixture and hence wurtz reaction not a suitable method to synthesize unsymmetrical alkanes.E.g. The Wurtz reaction between R-X and R'-X yields not only R-R' but also R-R and R'-R'. This mixture cannot be separated easily.Methane cannot be prepared by this method.A modification of this reaction involving alkyl and aryl halides is called Wurtz-Fittig reaction. If only aryl halides are subjected to coupling, the reaction is called as Fittig reaction.Meachanism:Initially an alkyl free radical is formed due to transfer of one electron from sodium atom.R–X + Na → R• + Na+X−In the next step, one more electron is transferred from second sodium atom to the free radical to give a carbonium ion.R• + Na → R−Na+Thus formed alkyl anion displaces halide ion from the second molecule of alkyl halide. It is an SN2 reaction.R−Na+ + R–X → R–R + Na+X−DISADVANTAGE:The Wurtz reaction is limited to the synthesis of symmetric alkanes. If two dissimilar alkyl halides are taken as reactants, then the product is a mixture of alkanes that is often difficult to separate as the difference in the boiling points of the products is very low in these casesMethane can not be obtained by this method.The reaction fails in case of tertiary halides