Found Out Person Staying In My House Is A Thief. How Do I Get Her Out Without Her Stealing

Can you call the police on someone in your house stealing things from you?

Yes, of course you can.

How can we find which of my family members is stealing money from my home?

Let's say there are 8 people in your house apart from you which means that you have 8 people as suspects.So, at first understand what items are going missing. Is it some particular thing that's kept at one place or randomly you are losing things.After that, understand who has access to the place from where you are losing things frequently. So that you can shorten your list of suspects.I firmly believe that there will be a motive behind all crimes (let's consider psychological disorder as a motive)From your list, now understand who would be needing the things that are being stolen repeatedly (in your case, money)Confront the closest one in your family whom you believe can never steal from you (of course they are still one among the suspects) because you need someone to know that it's causing you trouble. Never ever give up that you are trying to find out who is doing it, instead gain their sympathy.Give it sometime & see if frequency has reduced. If not confront the next person & repeat the same. Since it is a family people will understand & finally stop stealing at least to save themselves from the embarrassment. Finding out the guilty person & making them to feel ashamed might be the right thing to do, but it'll definitely harm your family life. Keep things safe, change the places of storage frequently.You will for sure know who is behind it, confront them individually & understand if they are in some very big problem. Try to solve it of possible.If they are in need of a psychiatrist, help them with that to ensure things don't repeat.Hope this helps.

How to deal with a sister-in-law who keeps stealing from you?

Listen to your husband, it's HIS family!!! You wouldn't be turning your back, you would be taking crucial steps to protect your family and your sanity! What WOULD be cold and mean would be to continue interacting with these people whom you KNOW to be toxic!

Cut off all contact with both women and if they insist on intruding, call the police. Theft is theft, family or not. Your sister-in-law has a problem that must be stopped, and you are simply enabling it to continue.

At this point, knowing your sister-in-law's repeated behavior, your desire to "love and care for her" sounds self centered and narcissistic. This isn't about you. You can't fix this woman, and your attempts to do so are negatively affecting your family. Walk away now.

Take care and best of luck!

I stole my friend's ring and she found out what can I do?

I'm not really a kleptomaniac... I mean I don't steal from stores people I don't know.. Well I usually don't steal at all but this time everything went bad... I stole my friend's sister's ring without even thinking.... I wore it once and I wanted to give it back really but my friend saw me wearing it and she told me I took it me cause her sister lost it... I threw it away and then I bought onother one quite the same... I really don't know what to do but I don't want people to know... Please help!!!

Stealing from walmart helpp!?!?

if she got away with it already, it is unlikely that they will pursue her. Each walmart gets stuff stolen from their store every single day. The most efficient way to stop this is NOT to pursue every person who gets out the door. It's to forget about that and watch the cameras.

You know, the security guards were probably busy catching someone else while she was getting away with it. Tell her not to worry about it. Or they were just eating donuts or something. Odds of them pursuing someone who already got out of the store are about 1 in 10,000,000 or less.

ADD: You've got to be joking me. Lol. No one is going to track her down. The world is full of retards. And people who think WalMart or the Police are gonna go to her house are morons.

How to handle living with a roommate that steals? My boyfriend's friend's girlfriend is a thief!?

The problem is that I have no pull in the situation. It's not my place to go kicking them out of it. Technically, I've only been living there since July, and she's been there a week longer than me but his friend has been there since April. They kinda have this whole "bro's before ho's" attitude, so if it came down to it, it would be him before me. He already knows, I told him and he told me that she's been spoken to, in fact she apologized to me but I've been told that I need to just suck it up and leave it in the past. If soething more happens then they're deal with it but at this point it's in everyones best interest to remain cordial and just focus on day to day things.
I called her out on it yesterday because I told her that her apology of "I'm sorry I borrowed your stuff and forgot to give it back" was bullshit and all that it did was cause a fight between my boyfriend and I, and his roommate and I. I'm the victim yet everyone is upset with me. I know I need to just move out.

Is it a bad idea to keep the front door of my house unlocked?

The way I look at it is this:

If someone wants to break into your house, a shut door will not stop them as any window could be broken in an instant. On the other hand, an open door is an easy target for the lazy home invasion type of person. I would say that a drug crazed thief would do anything to steal for his/her drug habit. An organized thief would never be an opportunist like other thieves.

But the bottom line is, it is up to you to protect yourself and if you look like an easy target, then you may eventually be targeted. Why take that risk?

Personally, I would use a storm/screen door that locks so at least you can hear someone breaking in and have time to react before they are standing over you ready to bash your head in with a lamp or worse.

My sister in law and her kids steal from me and my kids. What should i do or say?

Really? It's called a restraining order.