Friend Has Social Anxiety . Help

No friends because of social anxiety.?

I have anxiety issues, I can not talk to people, I hardly talk to people in school because of the anxiety. My summer holiday is coming up in two weeks and I have no friends at all, I get bored at the weekends, six weeks off will be torture. This has also been making me very sad and my depression has gotten worse because my brother has friends and I was not able to make any because I have Aspergers which makes me a social retard and bullying and no friends made me depressed, have massive anxiety issues and could have made me a schizophrenic (I have paranoia, delusions and I have had hallucinations). I hate holidays because of this, I wish that there was no holidays. My little brother has friends and he is going to go out and be social while I will be sitting at home feeling suicidal and crying. What can I do to take my mind off that I have no friends and what to do over the holidays.

How do I help my friends take my social anxiety more seriously? I have a friend that will sometimes make fun of the fact that I don't have many friends and how it's hard for me to speak my mind.

Give examples of something they can relate to or could imagine the feeling of intense anxiety that you might feel.Such as: Imagine the anxiety you get being on a stage infront of a million people who are judging you negatively, solely based on how you speak, walk, talk, act, eat and look like physically. And imagine having that same feeling every single time you step out your front door to go about your daily living.But take it from me, if you do have social anxiety and you're young, please get help to overcome it.It will only get worse and you will see your youth go past so quickly, while the people making fun of you will be getting on with their lives and those friends will leave you behind with your problems as they progress in life.People with social anxiety say Alcohol helps, but its only gives a false sense of confidence that leaves you feeling hungover, depressed and potentially dependant on alcohol to have a somewhat normal social life. And even if you were confident in the moment when you drank… the next day, even though you were probably acting normal while you were drinking, you'll still question everything you did, how you looked and acted that night. So its only delaying the feelings you get from social anxiety by just leaving it all for the next day when your sober.This is what could happen if you don't get help. Please do get help.P.s you need new friends or none at all. Its better to be alone than for someone to do that to you. I'm at a point where I don't explain it to people anymore or actually even tell anyone either because they will use it as ammunition to hurt you instead of understanding… although some people will understand you. Just don't trust everyone with such a sensitive issue. You will be fairly disappointed if you keep trusting people to understand you.

My friend has anxiety... how can i help her?

Wow I seriously wish I had a friend like you. I have anxiety and none of my friends understand or want to help like you do. I think it's great! The first thing you wanna do is research as much as possible about anxiety so you can have somewhat of an understanding of what's she's going through and feeling. Trust me, you won't be able to fully understand because unless you don't have anxiety you aren't going to be able to know what she exactly feels like. Talk with her and tell her that you are there for you no matter what and you support her. I see a therapist and maybe she needs one to help :) It has improved my anxiety. So hope all goes well and if you ever need to email me or wanna talk
heres my email:


How can I help my friend who has extreme social anxiety go to a movie with me?

Does your friend actually want to go to a movie? When you asked, what was the response?If your friend actually wants to go to a movie, have them choose the movie - they need to have a sense of control over how and when they are social. Then, try suggesting a matinee during the week when there are fewer crowds.

Lonely, no REAL friends, and social anxiety?

Ok, I have all these issues. I am always lonely especially on weekends, my "friends" go out and spend time with their other friends or boyfriends and never ask me to do anything. They don't even talk to me anymore through the week. Thats why I don't think I should consider them real friends. Its like they forgot about me. Well, I want to make new friends but I have social anxiety so it's hard. My dad has always looked down on me for not being able to make friends. He used to say "Why are you going to? You don't have ANY friends Crystal!..What friends?!" in a degrading way and it made me feel very ashamed. And now that I don't have any friends it makes me feel 10x worse right now. I noticed that my problem is I make friends with people who don't have anyone to talk to, so I was always their shoulder to cry on, but when they got better I wasn't any good any more-I know to be careful now. How do I make REAL friends? Anyone with similar situations have any advice?

My best friend has social anxiety. How can I be there for her without being annoying?

I recently found out a friend of mine has social anxiety. I want to be there for her, but at the same time, not annoy her or make her feel less social. Is it common for her to retreat to the internet more than want to talk to me on the phone? Some pointers from those of you who have SA would be a ton of help. Please help :(