Friend In Kindergarten Who Poked Eye

How can a parent make a toddler listen without beating? My sister woke up at 1 a.m. She wanted to walk on the bed and play around in dark, then she kicked my mom in the eye. Infuriated, my mom smacked my sister on the thigh.

Although your question is written as "make a child listen" -- it sounds like you might want to know how to "make a child obey".   You already know that beating a child is not the answer.Raising a child is hard, important work.  It can be frustrating when a child doesn't pay attention to what you tell them.  And it is important for children to get used to listening to the authority figures in their lives.First of all, change your house to keep them out of places you don't want them to go.  We put all my daughters toys in front of the TV and video equipment so she'd be distracted before getting into trouble.   A toddler is often more attuned to the visual signals in their environment.  They are much lower to the ground than you.  You need to get into their space and make sure they see you if you have something important to tell them.  When you do speak, keep it positive (not in the sense of complimenting them).  Say what you WANT them to do.  Tell them "Come here" in an excited voice show them how glad you are when they come.  Practice this a lot so they get used to it.  It can save their lives if they are approaching something dangerous.  Even then you may need to physically stop them in an emergency.  Toddlers are not ready to be responsible for their own safety.  Toddlers can only process a couple words at a time, especially in times of stress.  Simply saying "NO" is not clear enough.  They might not understand what it is your telling them NOT to do.  If you say "No jumping" they may only process the part of your message at the end and think you said "jumping".  Then they get in trouble and still they're not sure why.  Instead tell them "Let's walk" or "Sit down."  If they're too loud say "Let's whisper" or put a quiet finger to your lips to demonstrate.Toddlers love to touch things.  Teach them what "gentle hands" are and stop them (grab their hands) if they don't use gentle hands.  If you don't want them playing in the dirt, give them something else to touch.  Finally, don't think of reward and punishment.  Think about teaching them life lessons.  If they can't do something, tell them "why" in simple words like -- "That's dangerous" or "You'll get burned".   You want them to be able to keep themselves safe in the long run, even when you're not there to tell them what to do.

Kindergarten boys touching boys?

A lot of different things could be going on here, but most kids are curious about each other's bodies. Some are more bold about it, also

The other boy could have been molested, or he could just be a bit obsessed with genitals. All kids are different.

If you're concerned, talk with your son and let him now you're always there for him and if he has to talk about something, it's ok. Also, let your son know that he is better off to find other friends.

It's hard for kids to understand anything about personal boundaries and setting limits with others. I'm not sure how i'd explain this to a child, other than saying to avoid playing with him and to seek out other playmates.

I think it's ok for you to ask the teacher to keep an eye on your child and let them know you're not real fond of him and the other boy interacting. A more drastic step would be to ask your son to be moved into another class room.

This girl at my school is starting to scare me...?

Talk to your mom, your dad or an authority you feel you can trust or someone you feel closed to. A lot of people are closed minded so they just laugh. You are being sensible and didn't want to anger her, thats why you were nice to her. You've had depression and with depression can come with parananio - sorry - can't spell so it's normal to feel anxiety. Get some theraphy within your school/college or see your doc and get him to refer you to therapy. I promise it will help you manage your health and cope with difficult times better.

As others say, don't watch her, look at her or something that mite attract her attention towards you. If she bothers you and you wanna sprint, make excuses, sorry, I gotta go. If she ask questions, say something like sorry, none of your business.

Describe the perfect goodbye .......?

And then she told me. The thing that we'd known was probably coming for months had finally happened.

"I'm moving," she said, her lower lip sticking out just a bit further than it normally did.

"Why?" I pretended not to sound too interested.

"My dad's got a new job. In Florida."

"That's cool."

"Yeah." She sniffed and kicked at some leaves. "Mom's all excited. She's already packing. I mean, we just found out yesterday, and the woman's already got half the house in a box." She shook her head and sniffed again.

"When are you leaving?" I tried not to let on like her words were ripping a huge hole in my stomach.

"Probably Wednesday... Tomorrow, if my mom can help it."

I sighed and forced myself to look at her. "So this is goodbye, then." Not a question, just a statement.

She met my eyes for a moment then looked back at the ground, drawing a rainbow in the dirt with her shoe. "Yeah."

"I hate you," I said as I threw my arms around her, squeezing her so tight she laughed, "I can't breathe!" and pretended to gasp for air. I loosened my grip. But I didn't let go. I didn't want to. This was Samantha. My best friend since kindergarten. Practically my sister.

"I can't believe you're leaving me," I cried into her shoulder.

"Stop it, Tess, you're getting snot all over my shirt."

@ZenTurkey: It's turtles. Turtles all the way down! xD

PLEAZE ANSWER!!Why is he talking 2 me?!!!10 pnts 4 best!?

This guy is flirting with you. It may be because he likes you or it may be a case of wanting what he can't have. You liked him and now you are with someone else and he wants the attention back on him. I say ignore him and hopefully he will get the hint and leave you to be happy with your new boyfriend.