Friend Threatens To Cut If I Keep Liking A Guy

Ex boyfriend threatening me.?

Remove yourself from any places you might run into him & let your family know what's going on. If he starts to threaten you & you are in fear, go to the police & also get an order of protection from the court so if he tries to see you, he can be arrested. Let the police know about the gun & threat (take the tape with the threat on the phone with you for the police & court to hear ) . On that alone he could get arrested for I'd make a bet he has a record already. You may not want to get your family involved but it is for their own safety so they can be warned ahead of time. You wouldn't want them to let him in the house for then he might decide to harm them .as well as you, If he is dangerous you do need the police to be aware of the danger and they can follow through & advise you what to do now.

Guys can you have female friends without liking or sleeping with them?

last week i slept with a friend of mine. it is our secret. only 2 guys know about it and i trust them with my life. however a lot of other friends ask me if i slept with her. i always deny it. i asked a buddy of mine why people keep asking me if i hooked up with her. he said because they know me and know that i dont hang out with attractive straight females im not screwing. So apparently i cant be friends with these girls. so guys can you hang out with a straight girl without liking her or sleeping with her? This is a question for guys. Girls if your good looking all of your guys friends have thought about banging you.

How can I tell my girlfriend to stop talking to a guy that likes her?

you as the boyfriend have many options to ensure that your girlfriend respects you, the relationship with you and ultimately herself. First, try to figure out why she is allowing another guy to pursue her while she is “committed’ to you and start from there. Feelings of jealousy and insecurity, among others, are normal and natural to the extent that they are in healty doses, after all we are not emotionless robots. Second thing is that the issue lies with her and her need for validation and attention in other words her insecurities and not your insecurities or concerns that your vested time is not a waste. The best approach is to come off calm, do not be confrontational and have self control. Try making her loosen up by making her laugh and comfortable with you, once that happens bring it up in a relaxed, casual tone and ask about their “friendship” and some high level questions about how they met, what are they talking about and that you would like to meet him ( if the opportunity arises) This will tell her that you’re interested in who she is talking to and that you care, which most girls want from their boyfriends. If she has nothing to hide she will introduce you to the guy, and or perhaps get the hint and stop allowing another man to pursue her while she is with you.Most women will try to test you with such behavior, to see if you’re weak or strong(Alpha). If you ignore it all together than that too can send her a negative message as in you don’t care. If you overreact then you’re showing immense weakness which she can use against you, but if you approach it casually, nicely but at the same time dominantly, she will either respect you and cut the other guy off, or she will continue in which case you dump her. This behavior is a reflection of her values and character and it is a good way for you to test her as well, and if she fails she gets the boot!the best negotiating position is the ability to walk away, and she best know that. Finally, treat your girl right, with respect and love.Peace!

My best friend cuts for attention?

So my best friend is super popular. Has a boyfriend that puts up with her liking other guys and constantly dumping him, and he adores her anyway. She has a billion friends and they all love and support her. She's gorgeous but she thinks she's fat even tho she is way thinner than me and I don't consider myself fat at all. The other day she dumped her bf and all his friends ganged up on her. I can understand she probablly felt like ****, and honestly he's done a lotta bad stuff so his friends had no right. Well somehow she thinks bc these 2 guys who she never talked to anyway didnt like her that equals everyone hating her.
Now, I know people have self esteem issues. I do. And I've been there for her whenever she needs it but earlier this year everyone DID hate me. Really. She and 2 other people were the only ones in school i talked to bc I got into a big thing with this very popular girl. Well she wasn't there for me and didn't stand up for me. So now she's making a big deal out of something small that happened on a larger scale to me but didn't matter. She's done this before, too.
Well she goes home and cuts herself. Next day, she comes in and shows everyone how she "forgot" to put all her bracelets on. At lunch she shows me the cuts. I felt awful, she's my best friend I don't want her to cut. But by the end of the day half her class knows. She was saying something about someone she told and when I asked who she didn't even remember she'd told so many people. She told her ex who's still chasing after her that she was going to do it again tonight. She put pictures of her wrist on tumblr!
As someone who has cut before, I know what its like to fee desperate. I know its addicting. I know it all, I really do. But I only told one person, someone I trusted with all my secrets. And she figured it out. Thats two people compared to the 30-something that knows about her. Anyone else think its for attention?
I want to help her. She's my best friend. But I can't stand that she wants people to pay attention to her this bad. She already has 10x more friends than I do. What should I do?

My girlfriend threatens suicide if I break up what should I do?

This is a very serious problem. I have gotten into a really big mess dating a minor several years younger than me. We met two years ago through a friend that's in between our ages. Several weeks after we met, she started having deep feelings for me, but I figured it was a crush. Then she wanted me to go out with her with friends, so I did. When we were alone, she confessed how much she loves me. I felt really bad and said yea I do too, big mistake. For all this time I've been trying to figure out a way to break up with her. I've already said sorry but it's not working out you're too young for me, but then she cries hysterically and says she'll kill herself. I even tried setting her up with other guys and it doesn't work. There's no way to shake her off. I know she's serious about suicide because she will use a razor blade on her arm making it red. She also burns herself with objects and punches walls. I'm afraid of calling or telling anyone even friends fearing I'll go to jail. Sure some people know but it's not like they can be of help. I would still get in trouble. Plus, my sister would freak out and call me a pedo for the rest of my life. She even thinks 2 years apart is too much of an age gap I figured maybe wait til she's an adult, I even agreed with her in the future we'll get married. But her bday is several months from now, but I just can't go on like this anymore. What should I do in a situation such as this?

Is it normal to feel threatened by your boyfriend's girl best friend?

You have every right to feel threatened and uncomfortable. no woman want's to feel like chick number 2 to her man. His best friend could be joking when she says what shes says, maybe she thinks its funny cus she knows it gets to you. Regardless of the reason if it makes you uncomfortable you should talk to your boyfriend about it. or maybe talk to her. wherever you feel safer. Make it a light conversation and dont accuse anyone of anything. Just ask either one if they have ever touched the beyond friend zone or even considered it. And if you talk to her, just let her know that you understand their relationship, but that certain things are unacceptable. lay it out! If your BF cares about you he wont want you to feel like this.
PS dont base your life on movies or books, you will end up disappointed, or worse feeling unworthy of happiness. enjoy every relationship and moment you can. What is meant to be will be.

My guy friend's girlfriend asked me to stop meeting up with him, because I'm an "attractive" girl. What is the right thing for me to do?

There are a few problems that I'll outline, and the overarching solution at the end.I appreciate that you've emphasized how respectful she is because it shows sensitivity to all sides of the issue, but in most circumstances this is anything but a respectful request.Especially if the girlfriend is a new girlfriend and more inexperienced with dating, she may feel intimidated by the strength of you and your guy friend's connection, feeling that she doesn't have that connection and you may be stealing away from her time to make a stronger connection with her boyfriend. She may be naturally but irrationally jealous. (Alternatively, if she has more dating experience but was cheated on in the past, the damage is hard to heal.)From a guy's perspective, this sounds like the beginning of controlling behavior: she's telling you that you can't see your long-time friend, and signaling that he doesn't get to see you anymore. That's completely unacceptable and I would never tolerate it personally, especially if I wasn't consulted in the matter.At the same time, there is a certain point in a mature relationship where the boyfriend should consider the effects of spending a lot of one-on-one time with another girl. Note that there isn't anything wrong with this—but if the boyfriend wants to be considerate to his girlfriend he may recognize that it would be best to make it three or four people when you guys hang out, or whatever solution they come up with.There's really just one problem though: where is the boyfriend in all of this?It sounds like he's missing from the conversation. If it's all about him, he should be talking about what he wants. I'm surprised if he wasn't talked to first. Bring him into the loop and the three of you can talk openly and together. Definitely don't let it turn into a hidden issue between you and the girlfriend. If it works out, the three of you can see that there's mutual trust, and the jealousy will start to go away. If it doesn't work out and the girlfriend makes an issue out of it, you may have just saved your guy friend from a destructive relationship.I've read it more than 1,000 times and it took me at least that many to learn how important communication is. Open communication, at all times, with no hidden feelings under the surface. Most of the time, it's discovered that there's nothing to worry about.