Friends Think I Am Dead

They think I'm dead what should i do?

So there is this girl, Mary who had a pool party for which I went. We got into an argument and I went into the backyard to get away from her. She followed me outside and was arguing with me and then she pushed me so hard! She grabbed me and I was down on the ground and she climbed on top of me and she was choking me.

I pretended I was unconscious and she was freaked out.

She picked me up and started dragging me even though I was awake, I pretended to be unconscious.

I peeked and saw she was dragging me towards the pool! I took in a huge breathe and she held up my body beside the water and she threw me into the pool! I did the dead mans float and I held my breathe as long as I could then I turned around to breathe and she was gone.

I heard her coming back so I quickly started floating again and then someone grabbed my leg and pulled me out of the water. It was her boyfriend, I kept pretending to be unconscious. She said she threw me in the water to get off any evidence that was on me. She said I was in the water for about 10 minutes so I'm probably dead and she tried to check my pulse and I kept pretending I was unconscious and she assumed i was dead. They dragged me across the grass around to the front of the house and then they lifted me up and took me upstairs and put me in the closet in Mary's room!!
When they left i got out and dried myself off and i didn't leave behind any clues, i climbed out of the window and went home.
What should I do now?

I am convinced all my friends want me dead. How do I stop thinking like this?

I am convinced all of my friends have secretly been wanting me dead for as long as they've known me. I'm convinced they talk about me all the time behind my back and say things like I'm going to hurt them or that I'm emotionally unstable or an all around asshole. I have no evidence to prove this but I am convinced that when they're all together its a part of a greater plot to want me dead. Heres the evidence I have....

I'm not invited to EVERYTHING. Which is extremely unfair and hurtful. I'm excluded every now and then from stuff and it really pisses me off and drives me insane. Last semester I took a medical leave because I couldnt handle this and it still freaking bothers me. I hate being excluded.

I have some anger management issues. I hit myself in the head, bite my hand, yell and swear every now and then but so what? Thats normal. Everybody gets angry. My anger problems are no worse than anybody elses. I am a good friend and a good person. I am tired of people treating me like garbage all the time.

How do I stop thinking this way? Who's fault do you think this is? (HINT HINT IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!)

Thanks! :)

What is this song... tell all my friends im dead...?

Title: Forget My Name
Artist: New Found Glory
Album: Sticks and Stones


My friends think I've been lying about being anorexic because I'm not dead yet. What should I tell them?

You don’t have to be dead to be anorexic—you don’t even have to be thin. I was for all intents and purposes an exercise-based anorexic for the better part of a year as I dropped from 300 to 190 pounds. I counted calories and exercised strenuously two to four hours a day, often to the point where I had such terrible muscle cramps all I could do was lie on the floor and suffer. If I ate a little too much during the day, I wouldn’t be able to sleep for worrying about it and would get up in the middle of the night to run stairs.A good friend should recognize that even if you’re not dead (what an awful measuring stick to use), your life has likely narrowed down to this tiny dot that can’t hold much beyond exercise and managing every bite that goes into your mouth. And, for all your trouble, you probably still think you look disgusting. That is a miserable way to live, and no one who loves you should be ok with it.

My friend thinks she's worthless and better off dead?

You should tell her that there is someone who cares about her and that's you. You went on a public site asking a stranger for advice when you are the answer, you care about your friend, Tell her your feeling about this situation. Talk to her, express yourself, cry if you have too, show her that there is someone who cares about her and thats you.

Im pretending to be dead, help?

okay so, the other day me and my friend were having a huge fight at her house at night. we were fighting in her backyard and i had said something that really pissed her off. then she had the audacity to push me into her pool. she pushed me into the deepend and i obviously know how to swim but she didnt know if i knew or not, well thats what im assuming, anyways, when she pushed me in i pretended to drown and i layed flat ontop of the water like the "dead man position" she then after a while pulled me out and tried different methods to bring me back to life like CPR etc. but i was still pretending to be dead. so she put me in her room and locked the door. then I dried my self off and took off through the window and now im at home figuring out what to do now because she thinks im dead. please help, what should i do?!?

Is it illegal to pretend your friend is dead?

Only if you cremate, or bury them.

My good friend was pronounced dead today and my immediate reaction was a laugh. What does this suggest?

The first thing that happens when one receives news like this, is trying to comprehend.Death is the most hard to digest phenomenon. When we lose a pen, we expect to find it under the bed, or worst case scenario— buy a new one. When your dog runs away, you look forward for it to come back and you're unsettled until it's back in your arms.But death is not just losing somebody. When someone dies, he doesn't come back. You can't “find him”. You can't “have a new one”. This is the most absurd thing anyone has to deal with, isn't it?Of course, after a few times, it takes a bit shorter to understand, but it never gets easier.You know that laugh when you see your friend getting scolded by his parents? It's (usually, depends on your friendship) not because it's funny. It's just out of embarassment, or shock. Like when some asks an inappropriate question.I'm most certain you were not laughing out of any other emotion than shock; Please, don't feel or let anyone feel otherwise. Everyone reacts different to situations like this; there's no “right way” to emotionally deal with it. At this time, you need to grief.It's hard. It's horrible. It's new. It's confusing. It's miserable. It sucks.But you'll get through it. Now, let go of these wonders about your act, and let your feelings flow, whatever they are.My heart is completely with you right now. I'm sorry you need to go through this. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here, always.

Do you feel dead inside?

I have been struggling with depression since I was in third grade. I just got in a car accident in my friends car a girl broke her nose that I picked up from a nearby highschool. I hate myself for the decisions that I have made since I have moved back to the north west. I feel dead in side I am extremely unmotivated for anything I am homeless and have burned a lot of rebuilt bridges. So to answer your question yes when you are depressed you do feel dead inside, but not only that you feel as though you can never come back to life. It's a terrible thing to deal with. And when your depressed what don't need is therapy. What you need is love support and encouragement from all the people have your life. Make friends with everyone no matter how difficult it is to do that be loving person, and gradually you will become a happier person day by day.