From Columbine High School Back In April 20 1999 Did Eric And Dylan Feelings About Shooting Change

Why did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold attack Columbine High School on April 20?

Bullying? Really? These guys were not bullied. They were bullies. Harris (I think it was Harris) even had a web site where he bullied one of his classmates,

Millions of kids are bullied. They do not do this.

They were into the nazi's and hated humanity. They chose April 20th as a tribute to hitler. They were psychopaths with no real parental guidance apparently.

Saying this was about bullying is to ignore the killers own writings and actions.

What did it feel like to be inside the Columbine High School during the massacre?

I have a friend who was there. She was a junior at the time. She's been interviewed by various media before and might be willing to write an answer herself, but I'm not going to ask her. We are only in occasional contact via Facebook now. I met her in "teacher school" at what is now Metropolitan State University of Denver. She and I finished our program and became licensed at the same time. We even went to job fairs together. For whatever reason, I got hired for the first school year following, but it took her several more years. We both ended up working in Jeffco Public Schools, which is the district that includes Columbine. Neither of us ever worked at CHS and I've never set foot inside it myself, though I drove by it many times. However, she always said that she would happily go teach there. In fact, she frequently cited that day as the leading factor that led her to become a teacher. She stayed in touch with the principal, who stayed in the position for more than a decade afterward. She was terrified, of course, hiding under a table in the cafeteria (I am fuzzy on these details, but I'm going by what I best recall). There was a gunshot on one side of her that was close enough that she has almost total hearing loss in that ear.She never told me much more about the day. I know she continues to this day to meet with fellow survivors, and they maintain a mutual support network. I got a sense of a remarkably rehibilatory sense of solidarity that they share, perhaps like a company of soldiers might, for lack of a better comparison.I moved to the Denver area four years after Columbine, but I was there for the Aurora theater massacre. You could almost feel a sense of "not here again" hanging in the air. But now such tragedy has become so commonplace that I fear are desensitized; even as unexpected an event as what just occurred in Paris does not engender nearly the degree of shock it would have once upon a time.

Why is The Columbine High School massacre more famous than the Virginia Tech shooting?

School shootings were not well reported back in the day, in 1999 people didnt see those things in the news so it was something completely out of the ordinary.(even though the amount of school shootings has not increased like crazy since then like the media says) Thirteen high school students were murdered in columbine, and 33 in Virginia tech. at the turn of the century, two bullied and ostracized high schoolers shot many is prone to get more attention than one Asian guy killed a bunch of college students. The reasons for columbine have been debated and discussed for such a long time that by now everyone is bound to have their own opinion as to why it happened.

Why did the Columbine killers spare so many people in their school rampage?

Dave Cullen studied the shootings for ten years and wrote a comprehensive book on the Columbine shootings that was published in 2010. He does a good job in answering this question.The specific incident you are most likely referring to would be the events in the library where most of the killings occurred. A number of students were trapped in the room, hiding under desks, as the shooters walked around and chose their victims at random and mocked them while sparing others. Afterwards they walked around the school to observe the carnage and returned to the library to shoot themselves.So Why didn't they kill everyone in the library? Eric Harris was a text-book psychopath who wanted to demonstrate his power and authority over the victims to fulfill his innate feeling of superiority. This explains why he chose to kill some and spare others. In his personal journals he fancied himself a god (this mentality was also adopted by his cohort, a depressive who was truly more interested in suicide) and the shooting became more about power and superiority than killing. Harris originally set out to kill as many people as possible, but their homemade bombs failed and the number game didn't really matter after that. Why did they stop killing altogether after the library? Dave Cullen believes the initial adrenaline of their attack had worn off and they became more interested in seeing the destruction they caused. This seems to be typical of psychopaths who are only temporarily fulfilled by their evil deeds and become bored rather easily.

Obsession with Columbine massacre and April 20?

as you know, dylan klebold and eric harris went through with their massacre on april 20, 1999. I am 18 and a good person, would never kill another, but have an obsession with the boys (mostly Dylan) and the entire massacre. I read a book about it last summer about Dave Cullen and at the time I was disturbed in a certain way, and I really related to Dylan. Nowadays, I am disturbed in diff. ways and pretty logical but I still feel that emotional connection to Dylan (I am a girl). I want him to be mine and to be real, i miss him although I never knew him.

Well 4/20 is coming up (the massacre's anniversary) and I am making plans to kill myself in memorial of Dylan and Eric and for my own purposes. I am a logical person. The purpose of living is to ENJOY life and my mental illness and natural personality get in my way. There is no way I can make it to how I want to live my life (living in a cabin in the middle of the woods with my lover, living off the land/growing my own food, rehabilitating wildlife animals, and listening to music.) Modern american society was not designed for me and I accept it and see I was dealt a bad hand, oh well. Game over.

But I have a therapist/counselor and idk....i have this whispering voice in my head I still have a chance to enjoy things and find a way to live freely how I want to. I cant tell my therapist because she will judge me and hate me and I will have to get her out of my life.

I just need advice please. Please be logical, from a scientific/natural mind (I am atheist) and as philosophical as possible. I sometimes have a difficult time explaining myself in words but I consider myself to be all 3 of these things

What has been said to cause the massacre at Columbine High School and how can similar events be prevented?

These two boys named Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris shot other teens in their senior year if high school. People bullied them, if that's what you mean by “what has been said.” Similar events can be prevented by making mental health checkups every year as important as body health checkups. I think if seeing a psychologist became a common thing, a lot of these things would be prevented. No need for gun control. We only need to help the disturbed minds. Let the healthy minds have guns. Obviously it wouldn't prevent it from happening again completely but I believe it would definitely make the killings a lot less common.