Front Teeth Feel Sore After Hitting Then

Why does biting into something cold with your front teeth (particularly ice cream) hurt?

Biting into something cold with your front teeth can hurt because your teeth have nerves in them. Seems weird, right? But teeth are actually “alive” and have blood vessels. And here’s the thing: healthy teeth don’t usually feel any pain.Our teeth are made up of layers and the enamel (the outer protective layer) is what keeps your teeth safe from painful nerve sensations. Only when the enamel has been compromised (or your gums are receding) will you experience tooth sensitivity.The integrity of tooth enamel can become compromised by a variety of things, like eating acidic foods/beverages or brushing your teeth with a hard bristle brush.Of course, if your teeth are exposed to extreme temperature then you might be experiencing the “brain-freeze” phenomenon as others have pointed out.But if it’s a different sort of painful twinge you’re experiencing (particularly when you bite into your ice cream) then it’s important to find out if it’s because the sugar or because of the cold.Pain because of sugar. If the sugar gives you a jolt of pain, then you might have a cavity.Pain because of temperature. If it’s the cold that’s causing discomfort, then you could have exposed dentin (where the nerves live) or an exposed root which would also give access to sensitive nerves.Seeing a dentist to make sure that you don’t have any decay is a good idea. Additionally, a dentist could get you a prescription fluoride toothpaste, which essentially strengthens your teeth’s enamel by plugging microscopic holes in the enamel. Thus, the sensitivity you feel is lessened.

The tip of my bottom front teeth hurt when touched. It’s not a cavity and not a toothache, so what is it?

If the tips of your teeth hurt when touched it’s defined as a toothache, however it is important to find out the reason to ensure you catch any potential problem early.Two common reasons why the tips of your teeth may hurt are Decay and Abrasion.Decay - Enamel is the hard, white outer layer of the tooth that covers and protects the dentin which is layer of tooth structure under the enamel. This layer is highly sensitive, so if there is any damage to the enamel and the dentin is exposed, the tooth might become sensitive to cold, heat, chewing, brushing, or pressure. The most common cause of enamel erosion is decay which causes the tooth structure to be destroyed by toxins produced by bacteria. It is important to work with your Dentist on an optimal oral hygiene routine and potential options to prevent further decay.Abrasion - Loss of tooth structure caused by a hard toothbrush, poor brushing technique, or Bruxism - The habit of consciously or subconsciously squeezing the teeth together with extraordinary muscle force. If clenching or grinding is the issue, this can be addressed by getting a fitted night guard appliance from your Dentist. The night guard is worn overnight and will protect your teeth from further damage.Our practice encounters plenty of cases where people come in with extensive cavities in their teeth, and in most cases, the situation is resolved via one of the numerous methods dental technology allows today. You can view all our Showcase Cases that includes teeth rebuilding patients on our Facebook Page Case Of The Month. For more information about technology that's available and what we offer please visit our website at New York Cosmetic Dentists.

Are my top front teeth supposed to rub against the front bottom teeth?

Depends, At rest your front and back teeth should not touch. But when biting straight down, Yes, front should touch, especially if biting something like a sandwich. When out to the side, like food on right side, right side back teeth will touch through rotating motion, and the front teeth, most likely the cuspids, will guide the teeth through this rotating action, until the back teeth actually touch lightly, to chew.

My teeth hurt after tongue piercing, help!?

get the plastic tongue ring instead of the metal ones for starters, and you might have banged your teeth with it at night without knowing. pick up some sensitivity toothpaste to help with the cold sensitivity like synsodine or crest sensitive

I hurt my gums while brushing my teeth?

Yesterday, while brushing my tooth brush hit my front tooth & gum area (lower jaw). It bleeded a little and then stopped, I didnt have much pain yesterday, but since morning I'm having a constant pain in my gum & tooth.

Also, I got a psychological feeling that my tooth would is slightly loosened. I dont know if its actually loosened or just my feeling.

What do I do ?

My teeth feel tight after 3 days of braces? is that normal? HELP ME!?

this is totally normal and is a sign the braces are doing what they supposed to be doing, moving your teeth. Your teeth are now being slowly pushed and the pain is from the pressure that is on them. The nerves and gums will be tender and sore for a while. After a couple of weeks the feeling should get less and less. Try and eat easy to chew foods, soft foods which do not put too much chewing pressure on your teeth. Yogurt and soups and mashed spuds etc. Your teeth will get kind of used to the brace and the tight feeling fades. I am so glad I had my brace and your teeth will look great after wearing it so it will all be worth while in the end. Every now and then they may tighten your brace and your teeth will feel tight again, but it is normal and will soon fade again.

Hope that helps and take care

My front tooth hurts after having it hurt really hard. Is this bad?

Any time you hit your tooth real hard it causes nerve trauma. It can even cause the nerve to die. This can cause it to become infected and turn darker in color over time. Some people have no pain after the first week, but the tooth just eventually turn dark. Anyways, you should take some ibuprofen for the next few days to reduce inflammation. You should NOT wiggle the tooth and be very careful with it. You should see a dentist to check it b/c they might want to give you some antibiotics just in case.

I hit my nose against metal, now my teeth hurt?

What happened was that someone pushed my nose against a metal bar, and I don't recall my teeth hitting anything. My nose hurt terribly, but now my teeth hurt badly, too. I know why it hurts, but usually this pain goes away quickly. This pain is lasting. Why?