Frustrated Change How You Handle It

How do you handle an irate customer?

1. You let the customer know that you understand his complaint.

2. Advise how (if possible) you will help the customer.

3. Explain procedures letting the customer know exactly what it will take to accomplish this.

4. Apologize for any inconvenience.

How do I tackle job Frustration?

"There is no point in stressing over something you can't at all change Lavina". These lines are something which I always recall whenever I face any situation which is frustrating, be it job frustration. Job frustration is pervasive and job satisfaction is anomaly. We face many situations in our work life, some are easy to digest, while some are not. We keep our self thinking about them day and night, ruin our time which could be utilized for something better, may be to better our self in any way. One should keep in mind that whatever we are going through is one of the part of life, it cannot be assumed that it will go on forever and ever. Things will change when you will change.  We may face job frustration because of only two reasons-> Either there is something which we lack (could be technical skills, soft skills, people management skills, skills to handle office politics, negotiation skills) >Or, the environment is altogether not worth living. Analyse and identify in which situation you are. I know this exercise could be a lil fussy but it should be honestly done. If you fall into first situation, do not worry at all, since you will get to learn ALL OF THEM, with time, with experience. Just go with the flow and enjoy what you have. You know things will get streamlined with time. Spend each day each moment improving yourself rather than creeping over something which you cannot change. And if you fall into second situation, again there is no point of worrying since you have all the skills, you are confident, you are experienced. Present your terms, do negotiations and if they do not agree, look for better avenues.  Enjoy all your roles which life has given you, be it your role in your job, your role as a good son/daughter/friend/father/mother and your overall responsibility towards yourself, which is to keep yourself happy!! Don't overburden yourself, let the things flow naturally. All the very best!!

I get angry and frustrated so easily and constantly worry about things. How do I change?

I would recommend the same thing that helped me. Read Dianetics: The Owners Manual to the Human Mind.
This book contains all the answers to the questions you posted above.
I was angry, upset, most of the time. It was hard for me to feel relaxed around many people. I could not speak in public. I was too shy. I could go on and on.
All this 'magically' disappeared when I started doing the procedure indicated in the book. Also, just by reading it I started to feel better.
Also, you might look at your health. What do you eat, what is the quality of this food, is it organic or junk food? Do you sleep enough? Do you do regular exercise? Do you surround yourself with positive people?
Do you take vitamins? B Complex vitamins (50 or 100mg once a day) have a relaxing effect. There is also a Magnesium drink that helps to relax the body and sleep better. This is an essential mineral, necessary to many body functions. You can get this in most health food stores and it is called Natural Calm. I think it is from Peter Gilhams formula.
Also, check naturist websites, but there are specific proteins that help you relax. If you don't find them them just increase your proteins.
Think positive, extrovert. Go outside, take walks or do some light exercise and look outside. Look at your soundings, look for new things in it, even if it is the same old place.
Get yourself involved in activities, specially if these are creative. Study or play some music, paint, draw, etc.
The more busy you get the better you'll feel. Look at other people and notice that the busiest people are also the happiest. Get yourself moving. The power is in you. Start by buying Dianetics and join in the adventure of "you." The more you know yourself the better you will feel.
Take care.

I am 26 years old IT employee, frustrated, should I leave my job for govt jobs?

Hi,I am sharing you my experience since I have worked 05yeras in private industry and now,I am doing government job from past 03yrs.1.First all of ,break this concept that government job is easy to do and relaxed.2.Second very clear thing is that there is no end of frustration if you not wish to do so & level of satisfaction either in any job.3.If you get frustrated, don't run from the situation and think & analysis to solve it in all possible manners. May be in your case,switch over the other company or going some other place or meeting with some new people can be resolution.4.Government jobs have lot of drawbacks as well like loss of learning makes you dull and deaf-dumb person. Only benefit can extract is job security (even I am not agree with this 100%).5.If you passionate for some other work or startup, do it rather than go for “Bhedd Chaal”.

I'm sooo frustrated with my adamant father! He never thinks he is wrong.?

My dad is very adamant. EVERY thing he does is always right. If someone else is right...he won't agree and will just say things like .." oh yah your always right. i'm always wrong. how could a guy like me know anything at all." he will say this in the type of tone where he is just trying to make you feel like crap. My dad also has a anger problem and he gets stressed for the stupidest reasons! Its almost as if anything that comes out of my mouth is an insult against him. When not all of it is. I can't even talk to him without us getting into an argument over something completely retarted. he was complaining about how i don't do any chores and then instead of bringing his anger on me, he brought it on my mom and called her a "B****" b/c she never agrees with him. I got sooooooo mad at that....and i yelled at him and said "stop it!!!" he got even more mad at my tone. I cant even talk to him anymore. Its horrible. He doesn't understand me at all. My mom is such a quite women and she doesn't say anything back to my dad when he says rude stuff like that to her. She just takes it. Me feeling the pity on my mom always says something and I get yelled at not only from my dad but also from her. Its horrible. I never want to live a life where my husband taunts me and all i do is stand their and take it. I'm stronger than that. I just don't know what to do. Any words of advice. I feel like anything would help.

Why does my mood change so rapidly?

It is not bipolar disorder, you just not satisfied with your life right now, we all have mood changes, you are waiting for something or maybe there is something tormenting you, not satisfied at school, every time you think about it, it makes you sad mad frustrated, because you don't know what you want, you are lost.

We all went throw this.
It will go away when you get involved with ppl, be surrounded.
get more involved with things that you like, try to dont listen to sad music and ask yourself too many questions.

I hope I helped you.