Funny Code Of Ethics For Any Organization

How would an organizational code of ethics help to ensure ethical business behavior?

By clearly defining what ethical behavior is expected of your employees and clearly communicating those standards to them, you can hold your employees accountable for their behavior. Without a written policy, they can always say "but I didn't know that was unethical". Train your staff on the code of ethics and those who are ethical by nature will know exactly what they need to do, and those who are tempted to be unethical will know what will happen to them if they don't follow the code. Managers must enforce the code and any employees who violate it must be terminated.

Do you think organizations should have policies governing workplace romances? what would such policies stipula

Usually this is covered in the employee code of conduct, nepotism, and workplace harrasment policies.

Here is what is should be covered in General:

1. Don't bring your drama to work.
2. Remember you still have to work with that person if you break up.

Engineering ethics?

Look here..

If you can't open the book to read one case study and one definition, how are you ever going to be an engineer?

Engineers never stop studying. They are the people others turn to for answers.

Maybe you should consider being something else.

Under what conditions should or can a PT or PTA date a patient (go out with socially or romantically)?

Under the conditions that the patient ceases to be your patient anymore. Either refer them to someone else or show some control over your libido.

Contact your professional governing organization for the complete details on these kinds of situation as covered in your code of ethics. Also speak to your employer or consult your company handbook for their policy regarding such situations. You don't want to lose your job over a date.