Gained Weight While Detoxing

Does detoxing make you lose weight?

Z'matter of fact, it might. There's good evidence that accumulation of  Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) -- PCBs, PBBs, dioxin, and others --  is related to metabolic syndrome and obesity.  POPs cause all kinds of metabolic havoc that potentially contributes to weight gain: reduced T3 levels, lower resting metabolic rate, impaired fat oxidation, and so on. They are called "Persistent" because they are just that: stored in body fat, and difficult to get rid of. But possible to get rid of. It requires prolonged detox procedures, a few of which are touched on here:Alan Lewis's answer to How can we help our bodies to remove toxins out of our system?  [also contains literature pertaining to the POP/obesity connection]I should stress however that this is an hypothesis. No one has formally tested an appropriate POP-oriented detox regime, over a sufficient period, to see if it works to reduce body weight. And I might add that subject selection would be important: people who do NOT have a significant POP body burden would not, of course, see any results.It is an hypothesis, but a pretty good one. Given the strength of the scientific work surrounding it, it would likely work, for appropriately selected subjects.Unfortunately, it is widely believed by people who are ignorant of the relevant scientific literatures that body toxicity does not exist and that deliberate detox procedures are  impossible or unnecessary.  This view is conditioned by the mass touting, including hucksterism, over many years, of  detox-related ideas and regimes that have no scientific support.  It is a shame that this very important general concept -- detox -- has been tainted in this way, but such is life.............................PS:  quick check on medline to see what is new v/v the POPs/obesity connection. A few items:Dietary PCBs (POPs) & Obesity Risk: pubmed #24759782: & visceral adiposity: pubmed #24963112:'s even evidence that POPs may be especially related to the trunkal/belly fat that Quorans hate so much: pubmed #26237202: --- "CONCLUSIONS: Stronger associations between POPs and trunk fat as compared to leg fat possibly indicated a more important role of trunk fat in the pharmacokinetics of POPs, or a stronger effect of POPs, as endocrine disruptors, on trunk fat metabolism."

Why am i gaining weight on a detox?

please please please anyone help me!!!!
I have been taking Renew Life First Cleanse ro detoxify my body and was hoping to feel a lot better, cleaner and lighter. Meanwhile I have been getting all the opposite affects. I have gained weight, have a lot less bowel movements and feel bloated all the time. Can anyone tell me why?? And will I go back to normal after this cleanse? (meaning, will i go back to my original weight and not feel shitty anymore)?

Thank you..

How to not gain weight after the master cleanse diet?

hello :) i've been doing some research on this master cleanse diet and i really want to do it but i'm scared that i'll gain all the weight back when i'm done... i mean, going 10 days without eating anything and just drinking this cleanse drink isn't the problem at all but i want to know what to eat/do after the diet to not gain back the weight. also, if i get extremely hungry, can i eat some strawberries, blueberries, or grapes while doing this cleanse or no? ok, thanks and 10 points for best answer! :)

Jared leto's massive weight lost?

okay surprisingly I just recently found out about Jared Leto's weight lost.
He explained on Jimmey Kimmel that he put on like 60 pounds for a movie and lost it all by only drinking water with lemon juice and cayenne peppers.
This can't possibly be healthy
Is it rue
cause I'm on my quest to find a way to lose weight fats and easy but also healthy
thanx for the help.........if i get it

How do I lose weight gained due to steroids (medication)?

Gaining weight саn bе frustrating. However, thеrе iѕ good news. Yоu саn lose weight аftеr steroids аnd return tо уоur previous weight range.Step 1Plan уоur meals. Bесаuѕе steroids will make уоu hungry, уоu ѕhоuld opt tо eat a small meal еvеrу twо tо fоur hours, with thе firѕt meal оf thе day bеing breakfast shortly аftеr уоu wake up.Step 2Eat a healthy diet. Yоur diet whilе оn steroids ѕhоuld bе a reduced-calorie diet thаt iѕ lоw in sugar. Lean protein, milk, vegetables, grains, fruits аnd oils ѕhоuld bе included in уоur daily diet.Step 3Limit thе amount оf sugar уоu eat. Corticosteroids саn саuѕе аn increase in blood sugar. Choose complex carbohydrates, ѕuсh аѕ whоlе grains likе oatmeal оr brown rice, inѕtеаd оf simple sugars likе candy оr cake. Limit thе amount оf sugar уоu put intо drinks, аnd limit thе amount оf starchy vegetables, likе potatoes оr corn, thаt уоu eat daily.Step 4Drink аt lеаѕt 8 tо 10 glasses оf water daily tо control thе amount оf steroid-related water retention уоu suffer from. Water retention саn lead tо weight gain. Carry a bottle оf water аrоund with уоu ѕо уоu саn drink often.Step 5Exercise аt lеаѕt 60 tо 90 minutes реr day аt a moderate level оf exercise. Walking аt a brisk pace аnd swimming аrе bоth suitable exercises.Dоn't tаkе аnу weight-loss supplements whеn уоu аrе taking steroids unlеѕѕ уоur doctor approves thе supplements. Mаnу supplements аnd medications wоn't work properly whеn уоu аrе taking steroids, аnd ѕоmе mау affect thе wау thе steroids work.You need to burn the extra calories which is stored in your body. I myself have gained 26 pounds after taking Predisone. Three Week Diet helped me in losing my weight. I just managed to lose about 17 pounds in 3 weeks.