Gaining Weight Going Vegan Help

Why am I gaining weight on a vegan diet?

There is no one simple answer to this question but some things that you might consider are the following:1. Processed food of any description can be fattening (vegan included) as there are often hidden fats and sugar in them.2.  Someone gaining weight (vegan or not) may well be insulin resistant which results in the hormone insulin being stored as fat. If this is the case, it is necessary to avoid foods that have a high glycemic index.  These include starchy foods such as bread, potatoes and cakes; white products such as white flour, white rice, sugar and also vegetables with a high starchy or high sugar content. 3.  Wheat is a well known irritant to the gut and can result in internal inflammation.  It is difficult to digest and can leave the body feeling sluggish. It also contains gluten (along with rye and barley).  This is a protein which is well documented to cause many insidious problems to humans. Research tells us that it affects the brain particularly, causing plaque build-up) which can cause all manner of problems.  It is also linked to obesity.  My own experience is that after several attempts to reduce gluten in my diet, I finally ditched it altogether and lost 34 pounds!

Gaining weight since becoming a vegan!?

I've decided to go vegan to become healthy and lose weight. I was vegetarian before and this is my first week being vegan. And I gained almost five pounds. For breakfast I normally eat banana ice cream( blended frozen bananas) or some type of smoothie with fruits and water blended. I Also eat farina made with almond milk sometimes. I'd basically haven't been able to eat lunch, so I'd eat a banana or something easy on they go. For dinner is have burritos with beans and rice and veggies, or vegetable pasta, or baked yams. On top of that I've been biking to college everyday which is uphill. I'll what's going on!

Why am I gaining weight on a vegan diet?

I've been vegetarian for nearly 2 years now and I have never really had any trouble adhering to the lifestyle. I recently (like 4 days ago) decided I might as well given the vegan way of life a try. Problem is, I'm gaining weight like crazy. Yes, it's only been 4 days but I know exactly why. It's because I'm constantly STARVING so I'm eating ALL THE TIME. I'm not eating a lot of junk and have eaten mostly fruit, vegetables, pasta, and an occasional faux soy meatless product.

I try to eat a good source of protein/fiber with each meal (i.e. whole grain pasta, oatmeal, black beans, peanut butter etc.) but I still seem to be constantly starving. Not sure if it's actual hunger or just cravings because like I said, I really haven't had any type of dessert/sweet/junk food at all mainly because I haven't had the time to make/buy anything vegan friendly. Any advise--I don't want to jump ship so early in the game but I can't be grazing all day long :(

How do I gain weight as a vegan?

There are many options for vegans if they want to consume fat =)

Nuts, nuts, and more nuts. They are very fattening... Cashews, peanuts, walnuts, etc. Find some you like. Avocados are full of good fat. Anything completely natural contains good fat. Olives, too.

Rice, baked beans, and seeds too.
Use healthy oil (think olive oil, vegetable oil...) in your cooking, it contains a lot of fat of course.

I eat eggs from my cousin's farm because I know the chickens are very well treated, and I like supporting my cousin. Eggs can be fattening.

Sugar usually turns into fat (I think, I could be wrong) when you eat a little too much. I love dark chocolate.

Drink soymilk, and eat healthy bread (like whole grain, whole wheat, etc).

I get plaintain/banana chips in a little bag and they're very fattening... some of them have up to 70% of your daily fat intake for just one bag. They also come in see-through circular plastic containers.

I Hope I Helped!

Good luck!!


Banana slices with almond butter or peanut butter between whole grain bread. Add some brown sugar for extra fat...

French toast (dip bread in soy milk, vanilla, cinnamon, eggs if you want, you can get some from a farm near you if you live in certain areas...) and fry in vegan margarine/butter.

Try making a spinach dip with Better Than Cream Cheese if you can get it near you (it's vegan). Dip pitas in it!

Gaining weight since becoming vegetarian?

I've been a vegetarian for about three months now for health reasons. I'm 5'1 and usually 110...I have gained about 15 pounds since going vegetarian. ( when your short 15 pounds adds a lot). I eat oatmeal in the morning and drink V8 along with vegetables like carrots during lunch. I usually have some form of "meat substitute" for dinner with more vegetables. I am lactose and tolerant so I don't each too much cheese if I do I have the "go veggie" cheeses. I also don't drink pop.

I've tried counting calories and its not that outrageous. Could it be from the extra protein? What am I doing wrong? Please help!? I was doing this to feel healthy but I just feel fat lately.

I'm gaining weight on a high carb vegan diet?

I've been vegan for almost 3 months now, and I've started gaining inches around my thighs and for the first time ever, I have belly fat...! I've been given contradictory advice and I want to know how I can lose this weight healthily and not have to starve myself.

Some people say that this is my body rebounding from a year of calorie restriction and finally trying to recover from being in starvation mode. That maybe my body needs this extra fat to heal or something, and that it will eventually fall off. I am moderately active too, I walk about 5 miles per week and I jog about 30 min 3x/week

But other sources I've read online say that I'm just eating too many carbs because carbs will make you fat... even just plant based carbs though? I admit, I have been eating breads and nuts but a handful of dates every day.. but I've seen others eat so much more than this and still stay skinny, so... will I ever get to that point? Or will I forever have to limit fats and carbs? How will I ensure I can get enough calories in though?

How can I gain weight as a vegan?

So, the hard-core option would be to take some flax oil (keep this in the refridgerator - the healthiest oils go bad quickly unfortunately) and add in random places in you diet.  For example, pour a little flax oil over your subway sandwich in place of salad dressing.  Warning - do not try this at home if you are not skinny.Less hard-core:  Increase your intake of nuts.  You can add these to your salads, for example.  These are really healthy, especially pecans and walnuts.  Try adding smoothies to the mix.  The ice cream + various fruits + green leafy vegetables (plus soft dark cinnamon or chocolate - avoid the more brittle orange-tinted cinnamon).  Drinking your calories can increase the number you can take in per time spent.One other option that may or may not work.  Try exercising a little more.  There is a chance this can signal to your body to hold on to a few more calories, but no guarantees.Edit:  Since we are talking about vegan nutrition, I should point out that you should also take vitamin B-12.  We historically have gotten our B-12 from the same place we got our chollera - from unchlorinated water.  Pass on both and buy the vegan B12 pills or liquid.

Will I gain weight if I stop being Vegan?

I've been vegetarian for three months and vegan for one. I'm a serious xc runner and I feel like I am ruining myself with this kind of diet, not to mention the foods I eat aren't very nutritional. I live off of grapes and freaking bagels. I don't drink/eat dairy at all, so in essence I eat bagels, fruits/veg, oat meal and pasta. I'm 98 pounds now, would I gain weight if I were to start eating lean meats again? (Turkey, chicken breasts, egg whites)

Help! Being vegan is making me lose too much weight!?

hello, i'm 17 years old. I've switched from vegetarian to vegan for three months and have lost A LOT of weight.. this isn't exactly a good thing for me because now i'm 5'8" and 104lbs (very under weight). Im starting to get scared. I was 112lbs before i went vegan and i want to gain some back. I'm not a junk food vegan so I know i am getting the nutrients i need, i'm eating balanced foods with meat substitutes and dairy subs. Yesterday I had oatmeal for breakfast, a broca "chicken" pattie burger for lunch with spinnach, and a bowl of rice with beans for dinner and ate a bananna with as a snack late in the evening. This is a usual routine. I even eat vegan chocolate brownies. Is this normal? does anyone have any suggestions? if possible please give me the brands of vegan safe weight gain bars/foods. i'm seriously scared that im going to have a heart attack or something from being so thin. maybe i should go back to being vegetarian to gain weight from eggs/milk fat products or something?