Gamesharing For Dead Island Riptide I Don

Weapon slots- dead island 2?

You have to level up to unlock more slots. You don't get actual guns until about 20-25% completion. (I play as Purna so I don't know if that makes a difference.) Also it doesn't matter what you get at the main beginning because you lose it all.

What’s the chronology & order of the X-Men movies? How many timelines exist & how are they connected?

There are two timelines. Both timelines begin with the film X-Men: First Class, in 1962. Well, that's not quite true. Any scene set before 1973 is part of both timelines. So, the scenes at the beginning of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, such as Logan as a kid in the 1840s and the scenes of Logan as a POW in WWII in The Wolverine exist in both timelines.The split happens in the 1973 scenes of X-Men: Days of Future Past. When Wolverine comes back to 1973, from 2023, he changes the past in ways that result in most of the existing X-Men films not occurring as depicted. We see the ramifications of this in the final scenes, where he reawakens in 2023 to find Jean and Scott alive, at the mansion, this invalidating the best forgotten third X-Men film, X-Men: Last Stand.So, the new timeline starts with X-Men: First Class in 1962, followed by the 1973 scenes of X-Men: Days of Future Past, followed by X-Men: Apocalypse in 1983. There is then a long gap of unexplained events until we reach the final scene of X-Men: Days of Future Past in 2023. This is then followed by Logan, set in 2029.With the exception of scenes set in the past, the films X-Men, X-Men 2, X-Men: Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and The Wolverine no longer happened, or if they did happen, they happened in quite different ways, that we have not yet been told about.