Gave To Take A Lunch Brk While Doing Community Service

What should I drink early in the morning to put on weight faster?

How To Gain Weight Fast – Top 7 Tips To Increase Weight At HomeIf your BMI is less than 18.5 then you are underweight. In this case you need to know how to gain weight fast.You can get help of natural home remedies to increase weight quickly. Choose right kind of food herbs and combinations that increase flesh, muscles and adipose tissues in body safely.For your easiness, here are top 7 tips to gaining weight surprisingly.Top 7 Tips For How To Gain Weight Fast1. Honey :Honey not only decrease weight but also increase weight. So, for this tip you need these things :HoneyMilkHow to use :Add 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 cup of milk. Mix it well.Drink it daily in morning on an empty stomach. This is one of the fastest way to gain weight.2. Big Raisins :Big raisin is a very good medicine for metabolism. Get these things :Big RaisinsFresh WaterHow to Use :Eat big raisins at night and drink water after it. Go to sleep immediately after it.It corrects metabolism and increase weight quickly.3. Banana :According to Ayurveda banana has properties to increase adipose tissues (Meda). Therefore it increase flesh and fat in body and increase weight.You need following things :BananasMilkHow to Use :Eat 2-3 bananas and drink a glass of milk immediately after it. Do it daily. It is wonderful remedy to gain weight fast.4. Coconut :You may won’t believe but according to Ayurveda, Coconut help to gain weight.Eating approximately 80 to 100 gm coconut daily increase weight of body. Drinking coconut milk also do the same.But one should not drink it continuously for long time.5. Ground Nut :Ground Nuts are one of the most nourishing food on earth. They are rich in protein and energy.Eating ground nuts improves digestion, gives strength to nervous system. It’s protein digests quickly in body and increase weight fast.6. Clarified Butter (Ghee) :My mother always told about how clarified ghee helps to gain weight. I remember this and I am sharing it with you.Add some sugar to clarified butter (Ghee). Eat this mixture. You can eat it during meals.It is a well known remedy to gain weight very quickly.7. Carrot :Carrot juice is renowned for it’s properties to increase weight.Drinking carrot juice increase weight because it is high in natural sugar. So drink 1 glass of carrot juice daily.But keep an eye on your blood sugar levels simultaneously.So, these are some home remedies for “How to gain weight fast“. Hope it may help you gain weight.

Which is correct, "have you finished breakfast” or “had your breakfast”?

In different contexts even the second version could be accommodated within the grammatical parameters and usage.But as is given " Have you finished (your )breakfast? seems to be more apt. Here activity of breaking the fast is connected to the present. May be at 0800hrs ' A' is having his toast ,jam and butter and pouring out a cup of coffee, 'B' might ask "A" , " How much more time would you take to put the breakfast under your belt ?" "A ' might reply , " Just give me ten more minutes"  B comes at at aut 0810 and asks A , " "HAVE YOU FINISHED ( YOUR ) BREAKFAST? " Ja, , Let's get moving" replies A.----------------------------The second variant, "HAD YOUR BREAKFAST"? It could be used for naming an action in a series of actions in the past. I had my breakfast before leaving the hotel.As a face to face question the better version would be " Did you have your breakfast"

Does deportation of illegal aliens help or hurt the economy?

It would help us dramatically.

Just like the previous poster said there is no need to deport a single person and of course the self-deportation method is FREE. Take away all the rewards/incentives and they will leave - just as thousands are leaving (on their own - at their own cost) right now because of the reccession.

Very few pay federal taxes and the pitifull amount of other taxes they pay won't even cover a small portion of the stress they place on our infrastructure systems.

It would help us for the following reasons:
Lower taxes - we subsidize them by paying for their medical, schooling, welfare, housing, WIC, anchor babies, and of course all of the crimes they commit. They bring diseases, they still use all of the other services that we do too like our roads, sewer facitlities, water systems, etc.
They send billions to other countries economies - if Americans were doing those jobs the money would stay here helping US!
They drive the cost of labor down which hurts our working poor more then any other group. Funny how the dems support illegals which flys in the face of their supposed support of our poorest.
The added pressure of an additional 12-20 million people put on our limited water supplies, electrical supplies and other commodities would mean that the prices we pay for those items would go down. We have no choice but to buy these items and even a small increase in demand drives the price WAY UP.

It would hurt in the following ways:
The wealthy would have to pay a little more to hire Americans to clean their homes, mow their lawns, serve their food, etc.
Some food products would cost a small amount more.
Some construction would cost a little bit more.

These are things that we can "CHOOSE" to buy or not. the taxes we pay to support illegals and the energy we must have to heat our homes are all neccessities.

Of the 305++ million Americans I can safely predict that at least 250 million would have a better quality of life if we removed illegals. The only ones who would be hurt are the wealthy, immigration lawyers, the politicians and the illegals.

Can You Help Me Dress Like A Kindergartener?

wear like a turtleneck sweater, overalls, kiddie sneakers like sketchers or something or cute little converse in a fun color, homemade bracelets made from plastic beads and flimsy string. or wear a little frock and pigtails. wait, always go for the really high pigtails and dorky scrunchie thats soooooo kindergarten