Gelly Like Thing With Eggs Attach To Plants

What is a thing that many plants do to reproduce but animals do not do?

The alternative to sexual reproduction is, wait for it, asexual reproduction. There are a couple of different forms. A plant may produce buds from the trunk or a branch , which are outgrowths that contain new cells, and can eventually break off and form a new plant.Some plants have both sperm producing AND egg producing organs, the pistil and the stamen*. In that way it self fertilizes. Self-fertilization is not the optimal way to create variation in a population, however. That's where the bees and the hummingbirds become useful. Certain plants secrete a sweet material that attracts flying insects. The insects rub up against the pistil or the stamen,* I can't remember which, and transfers the pollen to the receptive organs of another member of the species. The friar/botanist Gregor Mendel spent many a year toiling in his Monastery Garden counting the results and variations of reproduction in pea plants to show us the orderliness and predictability of the inheritance of traits. Mendel's work was rediscovered several decades after Darwin published his work on the Origins of Species.The modern Theory of evolution is a synthesis of the work of Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, and the DNA Revolution begun by Watson and Crick when they built the first DNA molecule model. Throw in a whole bunch of fossils and you have the makings of a pretty big deal.*Check my memory or mis- remembrance of the parts of a plant.

Do frogs lay their eggs in clusters or strings?

Frog Egg-laying
Single Eggs
Some frogs, including many
treefrogs, lay single eggs
that sink to the bottom of the
breeding pond or are
attached to submerged
Egg Clusters
Some frogs, including many
"true frogs," lay egg
clusters, usually attached to
emergent (partly exposed)
aquatic vegetation.
Surface Film of Eggs
Some frogs, including native
Eastern Narrow-mouthed
Toads and invasive Cuban
Treefrogs, lay eggs in a
surface film that floats on the
surface of the breeding pond
(sometimes attached to
Strings of Eggs
Some frogs, including native
and invasive "True Toads,"
lay eggs in long strings
wrapped around emergent

Can plants get ick?

No they can't. Ich is a fish parasite, it doesn't attach plants or invertebrates like snails.

What can happen, though, is that ich may be present in the water in the form of a tomite (like a larval stage), but these would be too small to see.

What you might have are the eggs of snails (especially if these are contained in a jelly-like substance in a cluster), or the eggs of fish or other aquaric organism.

Since plants can be adversely affected by the medications you would use to kill ich, it would be a good idea to put the plants into a separate container of water and put them where they'll have good lighting for about a week until you can determine what the white spots are.

Also, have you ruled out these being a normal part of your plant's coloration? You don't say what kind of plants these are.

Small things in my fish tank?

You have snails in your tank and they come hidden in the roots of plants that you`ve bought or even in the water when you buy new fish!

Always, when buying new fish, keep them in the bag for half an hour, propped up in your tank water. Pour a little bit of your own water into the bag (to get accustomed to your tankwater) then after 3/4hr transfer the fish only, with a small net, into your tank and throw the shop water away! That way they get used to the water temperature and you dont transfer any unknown snails or dirty water into your own tank.

Small snails aren`t detrimental to a tank. They can breed quite a bit, you only need one snail to make eggs too! Just get them out when you see them or you can buy a Yo Yo Loach as they will eat them for you and even get any that are hidden under the gravel.

I doubt very much that the snail killed the fish! You always tend to lose some fish when they are new to your tank. When you buy them you dont know if they have any unknown illness or how old they are! It is just potluck i`m afraid.

If fish lived and didn`t die for unknown reasons-Fish Shops would be out of business!!!

What is the difference between the plasma membrane and the cell membrane?

Cell Membrane:-The cell membrane is a type of plasma membrane that encloses the entire contents of a cell, including the cytoplasm and all the organelles.The cell membrane is not always the outermost layer of the cell since plant cells also have a cell wall that further encloses the cell membrane.Animal cells however have no cell wall and the cell membrane is the barrier between the inner contents of the cell and the external environment.The cell membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer that also contains integral proteins. Integral proteins often span the membrane and provide pathways for molecules to move through the membrane.Plasma Membrane:-The plasma membrane is a membrane that surrounds individual organelles or the contents of a cell. The cell membrane is a type of plasma membrane that encloses the cell.There are plasma membranes found surrounding both the cytoplasm and contents of a cell and surrounding individual organelles such as chloroplasts and mitochondria.This means that plasma membranes have several different functions depending on where they are located.The structure of the membrane can vary depending on what it surrounds, whether that is the entire cell or an organelle in the cell.

How to get rid of snail infestation in fish tank?

A friend of mine who is a veteran fishkeeper and plant enthusiast once told me that f I wanted live plants I actually also want snails because there is no way around them.

I do have some good news for you though: snails are actually good for your tank, and will help to keep the water clean.

The bad news is that most aquatic snails that I know Of are able to reproduce asexually, and breed and are born under the gravel, where you won't see them until they have matured and grown a bit. For this reason manually removing snails can achieve aesthetic victory, but it's a downhill battle: you simply can't eradicate them this way, and believe me it's dreadfully boring.

My solution has been in loaches. In our large tank (6'x2'x2') we keep 3 Clown Loaches. In my smaller 2' tank (recently upgraded to 3.5') I've kept Yoyo Loaches (Botia almorphae) which are amazing at keeping snail numbers down. They eat them as they see them, so while the snails are still there they aren't bothering you by being visible, and you get happy, fat loaches for your trouble.

Bear in mind that Clown Loaches will grow up to 1' long, and so can't be kept in small tanks for long. This is why I went with the Yoyos, a much smaller variety of loach (max size of up to 6"). One downside to my Yoyos has been that they are as Efficient at dispatching fry as they are at dispatching snails, do they aren't a good solution if you are trying to breed your fish.

If your tank is too small even for Yoyos, there are other small species of loach, like the dwarf chain loach or khuli loach (sometimes called the coolie loach - eel like in appearance) which you might look up, but I have no personal experience with them and snails.

EDIT: whups, Yoyos grow to six *inches*, not six *feet*. lol.

What is the white part of an egg called and what is it made of?

Egg white is the name for the clear liquid. It is also called the albumen or the glair/glaire contained within an egg. In chickens it is formed from the layers of secretions of the anterior section of the hen's oviduct during the passage of the egg. It forms around fertilized or unfertilized egg yolks. The primary natural purpose of egg white is to protect the yolk and provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo when fertilized. Egg white consists primarily of about 90% water into which is dissolved about 10% proteins including albumins, mucoproteins, and globulins. Unlike the yolk, which is high in lipids, egg white contains almost no fat, and carbohydrate content is less than 1%. Egg whites contain just over 50% of the protein in the egg. Egg white has many uses in food e.g. meringue, mousse and also many other uses. E.g. in the preparation of vaccines such as those for influenza.Thanks!

What are those small white objects that ants carry around? Is it food or waste material?

It actually depends on what kind of white thing you refer to. Let's say you accidentally or purposely knocked in an ant pile and you notice that there are tons of white things in the gap and all of the ants are racing to pick them up. If you are referring to those white rice looking things, they are eggs. Now if you're referring to random groups of ants carrying white objects around it could very well actually be rice if they're in your house or it could even bread crumbs or small chunks like soThis one is carrying rice


MY AXOLOTL JUST GAVE BIRTH TO LIKE 48 EGGS!!!! HELP PLEASE I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO RAISE THEM AND IF THEY WILL SURVIVE AND WHAT TO FEED THEM AND...GOSH I NEEDA CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!sorry i'm abit nervous and shocked that it happened so soon!!!!!! please tell me how to look after them.

What are the clear balls of jel found in lakes?

My brother and I were fishing at Lake Canton. He tossed a net trying to catch shad, instead a clear ball of jell, about 3" in diameter appeared in the net. Later while we were trolling we found another ball of jell in the water weed growth. The blobs were clear, they didn't break open when dropped they were firm enough to hold shape but still very soft. It seem the blobs were solid gel like and not full a soft shell with fluid inside. Has anyone seen this before? I found something called Lake Balls but those are green algae found in japan lakes... not the same as what we found in Lake Canton. Thanks for your interest. Lis