Genetic Adrenal Gland Disease

What is the difference between Addison’s disease and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia?

well, Addison’s disease or adrenal insufficiency, occurs when the outer layer of the adrenal glands is damaged. its caused by the immune system attacking the glands mistaking them to be harmful bacteria or viruses. the adrenal glands form part of the endocrine system which produces hormones that affect every organ and tissues in our bodies. while congenital adrenal hyperplasia is an inherited condition caused by changes in genes that codes for one of several enzymes responsible for making steriod hormones in the adrenal glands. the enzyme defect in the adrenal gland may also affect the production of the hormon called aldosterone which retains salt in the body. am sorry if i used complicated medical terms, but i hope you got the differnce. thanks

What is addison disease?

Both the current answers, are superficially right Howard C. Berkowitz Bart Loews but also both have the same mistake.Addison’s disease is just one aetiology (cause) of hypoadrenalism (under-active adrenal gland). Addison’s is an autoimmune condition in which the body’s immune system turns against itself. It is now the commonest cause of hypoadrenalism although I think historically TB was and we still occasionally see TB as a cause today. Other rarer causes include genetic syndromes, infarction, trauma, other infections, iatrogenic (= caused by a medical intervention), cancer. However all the other causes are pretty rare.Addison’s if left untreated can be life-threatening especially when the patient has an additional illness on top, most commonly an infection. Fortunately it is easy to treat with IV steroids.The most famous historical sufferer of Addison’s disease was JFK.

Is Addison's disease a dominant or recessive disease?

Addison’s disease A.K.A adrenal insufficency is acutally a name given for multiple reasons for adrenal failure. In the western world the most common cause is autoimmune addison’ disease caused by the body immune system attacking the adrenal glands.The disease can neither be classified as dominant nor recessive becuase it is not caused by an heritable gene mutation.

Is diabetes a hereditary disease?

Diabetes is a complex disease with no single cause. The complex interaction between genes, lifestyle, and environment make some people more vulnerable to diabetes.Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. This type of diabetes is diagnosed in childhood and the condition lasts a lifetime. In most cases of this type, people need to inherit risk factors from both parents. Consequently, cold weather and viruses are environmental factors that can trigger it. People develop type-1 diabetes in winter more frequently than summer. It is also more common in places with cool climates. Researchers also think some viruses might activate type-1 diabetes in people who are otherwise vulnerable. Measles, mumps, etc. have been linked to type-1 diabetes.Type 2 diabetes is the more common form of the disorder, accounting for 90 percent of cases worldwide. It has a stronger link to family history and lineage than type 1, although it too depends on environmental factors. Lifestyle also influences the development of type-2 diabetes.If you have a family history of type-2 diabetes, it may be difficult to figure out whether your diabetes is due to lifestyle factors or genetic susceptibility. In most cases, it is likely due to both. However type-2 diabetes is reversible. For more information regarding diabetes and how to prevent it or find treatment log on to

Women with non classical adrenal hyperplasia?

I was diagnosed with the condition of non classical adrenal hyperplasia by my endocrinologist. He said whenever I decided I wanted to conceive I would need help from doctors and special treatments so that my child would be born healthy, especially because there is a risk of the child being virilized, (ex: female having a male-female genitalia or features etc). I have a hormonal imbalance (got period at 9 years old, irregular periods and a bit of hair here and there) and was told by both my endocrinologist and gynecologist to keep on taking my birth control pills until I am ready to conceive. Myself and my partner need to be tested to see if this condition will carry on in our future child.

Are there any women out there who have this condition? Have you had medical help to conceive? Or did you get pregnant without any help and still had a healthy child? Did you have a healthy baby boy or girl? Any real life experiences and stories would be great. I am a young 24 year old woman who would like to conceive in the future and would like to get some insight on this because it worries me in having a child born with this condition or a female born with masculine features. I am trying my best to take care of my body for when the moment of pregnancy comes. Any hopeful and helpful information would be great! Thank you in advanced! :)

What is a adrenal hyperplasia ? & how dangerous is it?

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of inherited disorders involving abnormal production of the steroid hormones — cortisol, aldosterone and androgen — by the adrenal glands.

These disorders are due to a defect in one or more of the enzymes needed to make these hormones. CAH is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. This means that a child must inherit one defective gene from each parent in order to develop the disease.

There are many types of CAH. Signs and symptoms depend on the particular enzyme involved and how severely it is impaired. One type causes a life-threatening cortisol deficiency shortly after birth. Another type causes menstrual irregularities and excess facial hair in adult women.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia may also cause:

Ambiguous genitalia
High blood pressure in infants and children
Early or delayed puberty
Excessive male hormones in females
Infertility in females

A doctor can confirm a diagnosis of CAH by blood tests, which measure levels of cortisol, aldosterone and androgen. CAH is best managed by a specialist familiar with the disease, such as an endocrinologist. Treatment is directed at returning hormone levels to normal with long-term hormone therapy. If you have a family history of CAH, you may benefit from genetic counseling

Is kidney disease usually hereditary?

Kidney disease is known to be of various types depending on their real cause. Not all kidneys diseases are hereditary, some are acquired. Inherited kidney diseases include cystic kidney diseases that are transmitted from parents to the offspring.These may include-Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseaseAlport's syndrome and variantsAutosomal recessive polycystic kidney diseaseMedullary sponge kidneyBartter's syndromeNephronophthisisHeredity kidney diseases can become the reason of complete renal failure. Their severity depends on the faulty gene of the body and also the immune system of the person. Allopathy finds no major cure of such renal impairments and introduces some management therapies for the same.There are also other kinds of renal impairments that have acquired origin. They are acute kidney failure and chronic kidney disease. Acute kidney failure is described as a sudden shut down of kidneys due to loss of blood flow to the kidneys or any accidental injury of the organs. Chronic kidney disease is a slow and steady loss of kidneys that is majorly caused through prevailing medical conditions like Diabetes and hypertension. These impairments can be reversed through a relevant and a reliable medical aid. The treatment for all kidney diseases aims at reducing the symptoms of the disease and diminishing the chances of relapsing.The symptoms that are subsided by kidney disease treatment are-Changes in urinationSwelling of the feet, anklesFatigue or weaknessShortness of breathAmmonia breathBack or flank painItchingLoss of appetiteNausea and vomitingAyurveda is a holistic science of life that deals with all kinds of kidney diseases, be it, inherited or acquired, through natural procedures. It is the safest form of treatment method that can help in restoring the kidney function and also maintaining its normal health. The chronic kidney disease treatment in Karma Ayurveda slows down the progress rate of kidney damage and also cures the cause of the disease. On the other hand, kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is the safest medical aid that can overcome the need for dialysis and a kidney transplant.

Question about autoimmune diseases?

Neither disease destroys the entire gland. They will not disappear. The thyroid might possibly become too diseased to ever work again, although in most cases of Hashimoto's that does not happen. The adrenal glands will continue making some amount of at least some hormones (if not cortisol) forever.

Some autoimmune diseases have a genetic component. In your case, with two autoimmune endocrine diseases, this is particularly likely. You probably have this:

There is a theory that some autoimmune diseases are caused when the immune system makes antibodies to attack something else- something that's not part of you- but misidentifies part of you as being that same thing.
The most famous autoimmune disease with this kind of known trigger is celiac sprue, in which the antibodies are only active if the person eats food containing the protein gluten. If a person with celiac eats gluten, they will have antibodies attacking their small intestines and sometimes other parts of the body. If they avoid gluten, the antibody levels go down to normal and the autoimmune attack stops.
Very few other autoimmune diseases have triggers that you can remove like that, unless you count asthma and allergies (allergies are autoimmune disease in that the allergy symptoms come from the body reacting to a perceived attack). A number have infections known to sometimes trigger them.