Getting Rid Of My Son Because He Farted

How to get rid of smell of fart?

spray something in the room, anything (bug spray, body spray, cleaning spray, etc..., whatever has a smell to it) Make sure to spray a lot and it should cover up the fart smell

Getting rid of guilt for prank gone wrong?

You shouldn't have done what you did to this boy. You may have wanted to have some fun at his expense, but you didn't think that he may react angrily because of his Aspergers.

You should admit to what you and your friend did, otherwise you will be full of guilt. Maybe you could write a letter of apology to him and his family too.

I hope that you have learnt your lesson not to play pranks on disabled people.

How do I get my husband to stop farting constantly?

I FELL YA PAIN GIRL! I'm with you. My husband could put a rhino to shame with his gaseous habits. I grew up believing farting was gross and stinky and rude. Until I was 30 my mother had me convinced she’d never farted a day in her life- she’d taught me it was un-ladylike. (I spent many years holding those in to the point I would make my belly hurt on an almost daily basis). i would yell at my hubs, and take it as a personal insult anytime he would fart around me. It was to the point that I was getting ill when he would rip one. And it seemed the more the discourse between us over farting, the worse the problem got.I tried it all, smacking him everytime he did it, giving him wilting stares, yelling, crying, sitting down and having an honest talk about it and where my feelings stem….everything.Then one day I learned. I learned that there is PHYSICALLY no way to make one STOP farting. Our bodies are well built machines complete with inexhaustible exhaust systems. Our bodies HAVE to expel gas build up and that happens in the form of a fart or a burp. Both smell, just as exhaust on a factory or a car do. It's normal. After having said calm conversation with him, the takeaway was; its one of those weird societal hypocrisies where boys are excused from farting while girls are not. That for boys are much more comfortable with letting it rip any old time the body tells them that needs to happen where as girls are taught to hold it in. I effectively had been making myself miserable for years holding in what my body wanted….and NEEDED to do. And then I'd made myself a target by making it such a big deal with my husband. I made two changes… 1) I gave myself permission to stop holding it in….it was a very freeing feeling. 2) I stopped throwing a fit every time hubs did it in front of me. Guess what? I no longer have terrible belly bloat at the end of each day and my hubby doesn't fart nearly as much.I now live with three little boys and two stinky dogs and I’m teaching my sons to be respectful with the burps and farts….which by the way boys think are THE FUNNIEST things to happen EVER. But they know if they need to do it at dinner they need to go to another room. They also know that while you may play fart games around your brothers and friends, they are not appropriate around girls or for the dogs, there's no hope there.i wish you luck in your adventures in gas with your husband.LET EM RIP!

My 17 year old son farts a lot!?

My son Jonathan keeps farting all the time. For example at Walmart he basically caused an evacuation. This was in May. Then when he was out with my sister and I at a fancy restaurant he ripped a fart loud enough to break someones ear drum what do I do. He s 420 lbs what do I do and I live in Ohio.

Why does my son have really stinky farts, seriously?

My son is almost 3 months and since birth he has had really smelly farts and he farts all the time. Sometimes when people smell it they don't believe that it is him and they think it is me just trying to blame it on the baby. What causes such foul smelling farts in a baby? He is only breastfed and I don't eat anything abnormal to cause this. Does your baby's fart stink too?

And please no jokes today, I am not in the mood

Farting in your child's face. Funny or mean?

Regarding the latter part of your question, it's definitely a lot more funny than mean. While it's certainly not something most parents do, farts are completely harmless and you aren't doing it to deliberately bother them, so there are far worse things you could be doing to them. Plus, even though it's "immature" to admit, farts are just funny.

In the end, it really depends on what your kids think of it. If they think it's funny, or at least don't mind it (which seems to be the case; you said they laugh at it sometimes), then load up on the beans and keep farting in their faces. After all, if they don't care, you can get your laughs and it either doesn't bother them at worst or amuses them at best. If they act grossed out or annoyed when you do it, however, they might resent it. Regarding your son, he may have been more mad about you distracting him from his game than the fart itself (you could test which it is by asking him or by farting on him again in another situation to see if he reacts any differently). I doubt he would go so far as to actually hate you for it alone, but he would probably think it's an annoying habit at most.