Ghost On Baby Monitor I

Hearing a strange voice on the baby monitor?

i just got goose bumps as soon as i saw your question. i had something like this happen but it was way more intense. about 6 months ago my son was sleeping in his room and all of a sudden we heard an old woman's voice on the monitor that said "awwww look at the baby! wake up little baby!" and then we heard toys that were on his floor going off. i booked it in there and he was sleeping like nothing happened. so i just left him alone and then about 10 minutes later i heard "come on boots lets get the hell out of here" so i ran in there again and nothing was happening. then we heard more toys going off and it sounded like a hand running along the side of the crib and heard her say "i outta change you its hot in here" so i KNOW it was a spirit because he was dressed in thin long sleeve even though his room was a little warm but i dressed him that way because he was by the window and he always felt cold unless i dressed him that way. after that he slept in my room with me. he eventually went back in his room. what i did was i went into his room and said out loud "whoever is in here YOU ARE NOT WELCOME TO STAY PLEASE LEAVE" in a VERY firm voice. and i never heard anything again.

Have you ever heard a ghost talking through your baby monitor ?

Yes, and it's terrifying.

What does the ghost say in the baby monitor on insidious?

He says I want him... I want him... I WANT HIM NOW!!!!!! and then he kicks or hits something.

Sony baby monitor voice act?

A baby monitor works as soon as there is a sound from the baby.Crying,grunting,snoring any noise the baby makes. You would only hear sounds from the baby's room.

Ghost communication through walkie talkies or baby Monitors?

I was involved with the paranormal all mylife. I am 40 now. I was a ghost hunter for many years, and a paranormal investigator many years after that. We often pbtained EVP's, ghost sounds, voices, etc... and even photos and video. But it took all that time to realize that ghosts are merely demonic spirits toying withus. Not a concept people want to have closure with, because it is quite scary, and to deny it is much easier than accepting it.
The Bible says the devil is the prince of the power of the air (waves). And he is most strong in music, and in all electronics and air waves, so yes, you will often capture evidence of supernatural activity in devices like these. But agian,t hey are not ghosts. Scripture tells us the devil can even come as an angelof light. So, we must be careful in what we see on TV, or read in a book,or hear from a so-called ghost expert. When we think we know what were talking about and were wrong, thatis when we ar emost vulnerable and become a good target for demonic activity and harmful reprecussions. Please take a look at my website- link below- and read the info I have on there. this is what I do, and if you need help, I can certainly help. Just contact me.

Do you ever hear other people talking on the baby monitor ?

Oh my gosh - yes!
There have been many times where I heard my neighbors cordless phone conversations or when my monitor picked up a neighbors baby monitor so I heard just everyday family conversations in their household.
It made me VERY aware of what I was saying in MY house whenever MY baby monitor was on! Who knows what people have heard from MY house!!

What's the scariest thing you've seen/heard on a baby monitor?

A few years ago I accompanied my brother, his wife and their baby daughter to a beach house owned by a friend of ours.The house is palatial: Four floors, seven bedrooms, a swimming pool, two kitchens and even an elevator. We were staying for a week.One night I agreed to watch my niece to give my brother and his wife a night off, a mid-vacation date night so they could head to a nice restaurant in the touristy spots, walk the beach, etc.I put my niece to bed in one of the bedrooms and joined my friend and his wife by the pool where we were hanging out, talking and drinking a few beers.I’m an overly cautious babysitter and kept one eye on the baby monitor, which has a camera as well as a microphone. It’s sensitive enough that you can even hear the baby turn over in her sleep or babble quietly in the crib.As I was talking to my friend and his wife, I saw movement on the baby monitor: My friend’s mom was checking on my niece, I figured, and I saw her rest her hands on the railing of the crib and lean over to look at the baby. I could hear the baby babbling. It occurred to me it was odd that Eileen, my friend’s mom, would wake the baby, but I thought nothing of it.Then my friend’s mom walked out of the sliding glass doors leading to the pool area. I was confused. How did she get from a second-floor bedroom to the poolside deck in two or three seconds?I asked her.”Eileen, were you just checking on Lucy?”“No,” she said. “Why?”Eileen is an awesome mom and grandmother. She’d never lie to me and she’s not the type to pull pranks, especially about something like this.I bolted from my chair into the house, up the stairs and into Lucy’s room. No one was there. Lucy was sound asleep.One of the windows was open and the curtain was blowing from a breeze coming off the beach. I walked over to the window and closed it, checked on my niece again, then closed the door.My eyes were pretty much glued to the baby monitor until my brother and sister-in-law returned from their date night.I still don’t know what I saw that night.Edit: Here’s a photo of a similar house. Not the spooky kind at all. Anyone who has been to the Outer Banks will recognize the design — that’s how they build ‘em down there, big enough for two or three families to rent out, with many entrances so people can come and go without disturbing others. Houses like this are part of beachfront developments, usually with gravel roads and no street lights, so it’s darker than most people are accustomed to at night:

What are some short ghost stories?

My great-grandmother lived alone up in the mountains at her cabin. Her husband had died, so she was there all alone. She only had one companion, and that was her loving dog. T hey both loved each other very much and the dog loved her and comforted her. Every night when she went to bed, the dog would lick her hand to let her know that he was there to protect her.One night, she had gone to bed and the dog had licked her hand like he had done routinely every night since her husband died. But this night was different. She had woken up in the middle of the night because she heard her dog whimpering. She wanted to comfort him and let her know she was there for him, so she stuck her hand out by the bed and she felt the dog gently lick her hand like always. She figured he was just cold so she went back to sleep.The dog's whimpering had woken her up a second time in the night so she stuck her hand out, the dog licked it and she went back to sleep. This happened a third time, and she stuck her hand out and the dog stopped whimpering and came and licked her hand. She stayed awake a few moments afterward and the dog had stopped whimpering. She went back to sleep again.In the morning, she woke up and stuck her hand out by the bed, but nothing licked her hand. She thought that the dog had already awaken and was just in the front room. She rolled over and got out of bed and heard a drip......drip.....drip.....drip, so she walked into the kitchen and turned the handles on the sink faucet, but it wasn't dripping.She continued into her bathroom to take a shower. As she walked in, the drips got louder! She turned and looked above the bathtub and SCREAMED! There, hanging from the light by his tail, was her loving companion, with his blood dripping into the bathtub. She screamed and began to cry. Wiping her eyes and sobbing, she turned around and looked at the mirror. In the mirror she saw the dog hanging and written on the mirror with a finger, in her dog's blood with drips and streaks hanging down from each letter, were the words... HUMAN'S CAN LICK TOO!*Not real yet scary!*

Can a ghost take control of your body?

Every human has a spirit, one of whose functions is to protect that person from any other entity attempting to control of it.There are two categories of spirits who might be considered to be a ghost, neither of which would intend to cause harm or attempt to control a person.A spirit who has completed the first four of the seven stages of transition back to the spirit world might request permission to be close enough to a loved one to make their energy obvious to them. Whether their request will be granted depends upon their status and their purpose for wanting to be close. They would not be granted permission for a random visit or to mess with someone.A spirit who has completed stage 5 on the plane of manifestation might appear briefly as an apparition if their request to do so is approved. This is rarely done more than once; subsequent sightings are imaginary. A spirit needs a certain amount of status in order to manifest in the physical world, and they need to have a specific purpose for doing so.Those spirits who wish to watch over their loved ones may do so between the stages of transition and/or after they are completed. They do not need to have a certain status or receive permission, but they cannot make their presence known as in the above examples.My sources are two spirits who spoke to me through another person (directly, not channeled). To learn about my experience and more of what was revealed to me, click on my profile, then the link to The Invisible Choir.

Bad reception with Fisher Price Baby Monitors. Anyone else?

We've had these monitors since our twins were newborn. We've always heard funny background noises, and know its not coming from thier room. When I have thier monitor on in thier room, and the receiver turned on elsewhere in the house, I can hear music playing, a tv going and other people talking. Now, unless the kids are having a crib party that I'm not aware of, this is pretty strange. When we lived at our other house, I could hear another mother talking and playing with her baby in the middle of the night. Anyone else have bad reception with these monitors?