Gift Ideas For A 6th Grade Girl And 17yo Girl

Is it appropriate for a 16-year-old boy to date a 13-year-old girl?

Ok, this is a dicey issue and I speak from personal experience. Unless your Jerry Lee Lewis and it didn't even work out for him back in the 50’s it's a bad idea.When I was in the Navy I entered at 19 yrs old. I was enlisted and I hit it off with an officers daughter inside my own squadron. She was my Dept heads youngest girl and she was 17. At that time it was 1979 and the legal age of consent in Florida was 18 to consent to sex.We dated and eventually, still before her 18th birthday, we did it actually in my barracks room of all places. How we got caught was she got caught in my room during a room inspection. Well, her Lt CDR father blew a gizzard over the fact his baby girl did it with an enlisted guy. Personally I think she was trying to punish him for being over protective.Well, the XO filed charges on me at her father's request of statutory rape. Now I was 19, she's still 17, even at trial and the whole thing goes to NIS. Thanks to my “civilian” attorney who was well worth his fee mind you, he discovered a loophole in the law. Since we had consentual sex “while on base” even though the Florida law says the age of legal consent was 18, the “federal age of consent (unless otherwise opposed by state law) was 16 yes of age over riding Florida law. Much to the dismay of her snotty pilot father, who wanted to hang my ass from a yardarm to use an old adage, my ass was saved and there was only 2 yrs difference in our ages.I told you this story to give you a moment of pause. A 16 yr old highschool student dating a 13 yr old child even in today's era would be considered seedy and perverted except in Maine, Tennessee, Kentucky and most parts of West Virginia. Those areas are morally repugnant anyway. At least when it comes to what age to marry off it's daughters.I urge you to find a girl closer to your age. What your doing is borderline illegal. I think at 16 you can be charged as an adult while at 13 she is still a juvenile. In short……dont F'n do it man.

Is it okay for a 17 year old girl to date a 20 year old boy?

Thanks for the A2A.Whether it’s “ok” is not really an answer a bunch of internet strangers can answer. There are factors, previous relationships, the previous relationship between the 17 year old and 20 year old that we simply don’t know, and can’t really answer. We can only insert our opinions into this scenario.My opinion, after seeing this scenario play out many times when I was in high school. Is that the older of the two, is too immature to find a way to date people his own age, (usually the older in this scenario was a cis male), and goes after high school students because he now has a charm with them he didn’t have when he was in high school. Just for the main fact that he is older, and cool because he has a car and works at Wal-Mart. He has a job and can pay for dates. So much better than Jimmy who can only take her to the park.The older one in this situation is also usually extremely insecure, possessive and jealous. He will take advantage of his position of power by telling her she can’t see her friends anymore, and wrap her around his finger until when they inevitably break up, she has to try to gather the pieces of her life.I have judged harshly the older person in these scenarios, because they know better, and know the position of power they’re in, and it has never ended well. Save for the one time my friend, 16 at the time was dating a 21 year old living in another state. And, his friends over in that state talked some sense into him and broke up with her. She agrees now it was creepy he was attracted to her, and she would never date a 16 year old when she was 21, and not an 18 year old now that she is 23.

How much should I give my 15-year-old kid as an allowance every month?

The objective with giving an allowance is to teach budgeting and saving. So I would suggest looking at what you spend on your child, and then saying to him or her: ok, you're now in charge of buying xyz yourself, and if you want to, you can save out of that budget.If it's clothes, for example you'd still provide a basic set of school clothes, but dressier or date clothes, or clothes with your child's favorite band, etc etc all comes from an allowance. You probably know about how much that is, so that should be a good starting point.If your child is into music, you could give them a music budget; or an entertainment budget.. whatever you would normally pick up the tab for, hand that over to your child.I agree with the basic idea of "work for it," but I think your child should be doing that anyway, as a contributing member of the household. Polite and respectful people learn to help out, and as kids grow, giving them their own territory to care for is one of those lessons, as is understanding their responsibility for community space. Their friends DO judge them on how well their territory is kept (or unkempt) and how well they pitch in in group endeavors... the challenge here is for them to feel judged as a peer (not a servant) at home, too. Hopefully you've been able to build towards that. I suggest framing just about everything with "well, you're moving out very soon, actually and you'll need to do this entirely on your own so let's make sure you've got it down before you leave." Kids should learn basics of cooking, and of laundry, as well as how to sweep, mop, wipe things up, go through a room and straighten it up quickly... and budget for things like clothes, books, and entertainment.So after you figure out what your teen will take over, and how much is reasonable for them to manage, sit down with your teen, and go over the budget concept. Give them a few trial examples. Point out things they might want to save for. Reinforce the miserable evils of debt. Open up YOUR household budget so they can see how that works. (And if you don't have one, no time like the present to learn.)

Can a 12 year old and a 16 year old date?

You missed mentioning who you are! Are you that 12 y old or the 16 y old one? If you are that 16 y old one... Dude go for someone of your age. Why on the earth do you want to date a kiddo?? What will that 12y old even understand? Shut this idea already.If you are that 12 y old... see nearly everyone is infatuated to someone older than them in teenage. That is witnessed in the past, present and will occur in the future with the teenagers. Moreover dating is not just like going out, eating ice cream together, chatting over some shitty topic for hours or showing off before your friends that you are being with someone of opposite gender. You are not even in mid teens. Don't confuse yourself with having a friend in opposite gender to 'dating'. Moreover, do you even know how mature a 16 y old is when compared to you? You will be a kiddo to that person! Why? Try answering these...Why will that person date you? What will that person answer when someone asks about dating a 12 y old like you? Go and study.  Now if somehow those feelings last till you turn 18. Comment below, we will give you advise and for now stop this shit already.

How do I get a shy guy yo notice me?

So, this guy has caught my eye. He is very mysterious and shy, I don't even know his name! The thing is, I can't get him out of my head. I'm not sure how to get him to notice me or how to approach him. I would really, really like it if someone could give me advice. Thanks so much!

My 15-year-old daughter is dating an 18-year-old boy. What should I do?

I am male.I understand the dilemma.I also understand that when I was 17/18 I was still in last year of high-school and it was a small school. I was attracted to some of the 9/10 grade girls. Proximity is a big factor. If I had seen them in the mall, I might have not had any attraction, but because I saw them every day and interacted, and spoke with them, I could not help but be attracted.Even looking back (as a father of a girl) it does not feel improper - aside from being illegal. I do not feel that my being attracted to and kissing a younger girl in my school was anything wrong. I was not a predator. I was a high-school kid.When I was 16 I was dating an 18 year old “woman” (she was 12th grade while I was 9th grade) That also did not seem improper at the time and it does not now. We were in the same school, had the same activities, same interests, same friends.If the 18 year old was just prowling about looking for a gullible pickup, that is creepy. If they know each other, and the only thing creepy about him is that he has facial hair, I personally see no problems other than the legal aspects. They will eventually break up, as most young relationships do.