Girlfriend Almost Fainted In School The Other Day

My girlfriend is pregnant and I'm tired.?

Although my husband never went through this when I was pregnant, my best friend's husband did. It wasn't so much that he felt tired, but certain smells really started to bother his stomach when his wife was pregnant, and oddly enough they weren't the same smells that were making HER sick! ;)
So I DO think there is something to it, I just don't know exactly what it is, just that it is psychological.
I have a very close male friend whose wife was pregnant about the same time I was and he was always having weird craving and feeling queasy.
When I was pregnant with my first child I was forever vomitting and my husband (who is now my EX-husband) would tell me how it was all in my head!!!
So the way I see it, I think it's sweet the way you are going through a kind of "sympathy pregnancy" so that you KIND OF understand how your girlfriend is feeling.

Best of luck!

I'm a girl and I fainted while masturbating in the shower?!?

Look, I know that it's normal for a guy to do this (pass out), but I'm a girl!
So during the shower I was masturbating and fingering my vagina, and then like a minute later I started to become dizzy and fainted.
Then after that, I kept on feeling weak and feeling sick (like I'm not hungry and feeling like vomiting all the time). It's been 3 days now and I'm seriously worried!!
Like did I get an infection in my vag or something?? Like did I get soap in my vag, and is that gonna give me an infection?!
Am I pregnant??!!
PLEASE HELP!! AS I SERIOUSLY CAN'T TELL MY PARENTS ABOUT THIS!! (they are like the strictest parents ever, they never even gave my the 'talk', and I have no siblings I can talk to or anything! They like never let me go to parties or anything and I'm like really scared of them!)
Please reply ASAP!!

Should I worry about my girlfriend doing LSD?

She uses it only 4-5 times a year (not around me) but it upsets me. I'm not very familiar with the drug and don't know if I should really be concerned. Thanks.

I fainted on my crush?

Hi everyone :) I have been getting over a bad case of the flu and I had to go back to school today for the first time. I s
till look awful (I lost 15 lbs and I look tired) and still feel weak. I had to go back because I missed way too much. I felt sick all morning and by the middle of the morning I felt worse. At this time I went to my class where my crush is and I sit next to him. After a while of sitting there I felt dizzy and light headed. He asked me if I was okay and I just said I needed a tissue ( I didn't want to tell him that I felt like I was going to die ha ha), so he politely got up to get a tissue for me. I just figured I should tell the teacher so I could go to the nurses office. When I got up my friend said I was stumbling around and running into things. It started getting dark around the edges and fuzzy. I ran right into him and mumbled some gibberish and crumbled into him. He tried waking me up and asking me if I could hear him. The teacher called the office and I was just laying/leaning into him. When I woke up he was sort of scared looking. I then went home. I feel embarrassed now. What should I do? I know it's silly, but I don't want him afraid of me. Please no rude comments. Thank you so much.

My father has been smoking for almost 35 years,,,,, he shouted at me and told me not to smoke?

what does this tell you about him????

for example, if i had a kid and i was smoking,,, i will tell him not to smoke but i will not shout at him

how come my father smoke and shouts at me about not smoking???

PS i dont smoke

Do highschool teachers give a flying fcuk about their students?

It really depends on the teacher.
And of course how you treat them.

I know there are some teachers at my school who only come to school because it is there job. I know others however who put hours into figuring out fun lesson plans for us and, if they notice something is up, will ask you if you're okay.

My history teacher is one of the second kind.

My friend's dad's boss happens to be his good friend and golfing partner and told her that he spends most of his summers planning things for us.
He's really entertaining, jumping on desks to demonstrate hierarchy, stealing our pencils out of our hands to simulate what serfdom was like, overturning desks then hiding behind them in a trench coat with a metre stick (yard stick) "machine gun" to show us what WWII was like, and generally being incredibly energetic.

It may help that I've had him for three years in a row but he really does care about us and we often get distracted as a class by non-school related conversations.

I'm lucky in that most of my other teachers are pretty caring too.

It sounds like you have absolutely no luck with teachers. That is really too bad, as there are many great ones out there. Try talking to the counsellors at your school, as your one teacher suggested, as hopefully they at least will care. Maybe even bring up the fact that your teachers are very unconcerned overall with their students physical and mental health.

Best of luck.

Girlfriend passing/blacking out?

So I was over my girlfriends house and she passed out for the second time in one week. She had been complaining of not feeling well, but it didn't seem that bad until she passed out. The first time, about 4 days ago, I don't know how it happened I just heard a thud, and then I ran and saw she was laying down on the floor. She has no memory of how she ended up on the floor, she remembers trying to get a towel and then me standing over her. I got her up and layed her in bed. She said she only feels sick when standing. She has been lying in bed for a few days but gotten up to use the bathroom and showered once and hadn't fainted again. The fast forward to tonight. She still wasn't feeling well, but better overall. I heard her in the bathroom and it sounded like she dropped something, so I went in to check on her. She was standing at the sink and seemed ok. The she started stumbling so I grabbed onto her. I was going to try to get her into bed because she still seemed conscious, but then she made a noise like a snore or something and went limp in my arms. I held her for a minute and tried to wake her or bring her to consciousness, but her eyes were almost rolling into the back of her head. That only seemed to happen briefly but then for about 5-10 seconds her eyes were open but you could tell she was not there. She was staring straight off into nothing. I then laid her gently down on the floor and she seemed to almost instantly be right back with me as if nothing happened. She says she does not remember anything except going for the door. I am not sure what could be causing this. She hasn't been feeling good so she has not been eating alot, would lack of food have something to do with this? Or is it just the sickness? Or could it be something else like poor blood pressure?

She feels completely fine when laying down. I know this is not a doctors office and I will take her there if this happens again but any helpful information would be appreciated.

What does it feel like to faint? I just watched my wife sit on the bathroom floor with a vacant stare and unresponsive. What is going on when you faint? Can you hear people, and are you conscious of what is going on around you?

I can, sadly, now answer this question.I was getting my blood drawn. Now, thing to know about me: I am deathly afraid of needles and blood. So you can imagine how horrific this experience sounds to me. But I had to do it.When the doctor took out the needle, I made the mistake of looking straight at it going into my arm. I realized a couple of seconds after that what I was doing was not a good idea, since I am trypanophobic, and turned away immediately. But then I saw a couple black spots in my vision while I was looking at the wall opposite me as a distraction. I thought I was just getting dizzy from being so scared, but then the black dots kept spreading and spreading until they took up my entire field of vision. The last thing I remember hearing was the doctor saying, “She looks pale.”And then I was sleeping. Pitch black darkness surrounded me, all was silent. I was sitting in my bed, sleeping. But why was I sleeping? Hadn’t I been getting my blood drawn a few minutes ago? And how can I think while I’m sleeping?All of the sudden, my eyes flew open, and I found myself pitched forward in the chair I was sitting in with the doctor trying to hold me up. I sat up and looked, very confused, at the many faces of the doctors that now surrounded me.“What happened?” I asked.“You fainted,” my mom said.“That makes sense.” A pause, then nausea overwhelmed me. “I’m going to throw up.”So I threw up in the garbage can. But I hadn’t eaten anything that morning, so it was all spit. Pretty gross if you ask me.As I lay down on the table with ice packs, pillows, and water, I asked my mom again what exactly had happened. She said that I had gone pale and a real shade of green. And then my eyes rolled back in my head and I fell forward. I was only out for 10 seconds at max, but they had to take the needle out of my arm because I had fallen forward and you were supposed to keep your arm still while they are drawing your blood. Thankfully, they had enough blood and didn’t have to have be come back for another test.And while I was left on the table, the world still spinning, I thought, Man, my friends are going to get a kick out of this.To specifically answer your question, I was not aware of anything while I was out. Not sound, nor light or activity. It was just all darkness and confusion.